He, The One


Author note: Remember that the mc, Radahn, is not simply Sukuna, so don't expect him to be ruthless to everyone and uncaring for anything, in this story, the mc will have women, children, as well as other things he cares for so he's not gonna be a ruthless villain to everyone.


"Hello, brother," I said to Azazel with a smile.

"Hello, Radahn," Azazel replied.

"Brother?" Rias said questioningly from behind me, everyone here looked confused, even Vali.

Immediately upon hearing noticing Azazel's arrival the system made itself known.


 ~ System Quest ~

Task - Confirm your relationship with your brother, Azazel, be it positive or negative

Reward - Summonable weapon: Madara Uchiha'a Gunbai


"What brings you here?" I said with a smile acting as if it wasn't odd that I was out and about in the world while thinking about the Gunbai, I always liked that weapon.

"Him," Azazel said as he pointed at Kokabiel who looked like he was about to attack but then he noticed Azazel and Vali which caused him to stop.

"Ah, I see, he's quite the rowdy one," I said with a smile as I looked at Kokabiel who was preparing to flee, he knew very well he was fucked now that these two had arrived.

"Tell me about it, I've been dealing with him for years," Azazel said as he shook his head, the man looked genuinely fed up with Kokabiel.

From the way Azazel spoke I couldn't sense any malice or negative intentions toward me, he didn't appear to want to capture me or anything like that.

"Ah, I forgot to tell you Vali," Azazel said with a smile as he patted Vali's shoulder.

"This is Radahn, my younger brother," Azazel said dropping a bomb on everyone present, the children of God were extremely well known, every single one of them, yet here I was, a completely unknown sibling.

"And Radahn, this is my son, Vali." Azazel said as he and Vali landed in front of me.

"How are you doing nephew?" I said with a smile as I looked at Vali, I'm what people call a polite man, so I obviously would greet my family.

"...I'm fine," Vali said skeptically, he wasn't prepared for this revelation and to be honest doubted that he actually viewed me as an uncle but that was fine.

"Is that so? You look confused." I said as I looked at Vali.

"It's because of the body you're in possession of Radahn," Azazel said with a smile causing me to arch an eyebrow, this was going fairly well so far.

"Ah, I see, the rivalry between Ddraig and Albion affects even you, nephew," I said with a smile as I looked at Vali who scoffed.

"This generation Red Dragon Emperor can't considered my rival, his actions earlier were disgusting," Vali said with easily detectable contempt, he and Azazel had arrived earlier so they saw the fight, and yes I was aware of their presence.

"Mhm, I agree," I replied while nodding my head.

"D-Don't talk about Issei-kun like that!" Asia shouted from behind me while shaking, she was a coward but despite that, she still spoke up for Issei, how amusing.

"Let's just ignore her," I said and received a nod from the two beings in front of me and it appeared Asia had a bit more to say but Koneko stopped her before she could speak again.

Speaking of Koneko, since taking over Issei's body I felt a connection with her, I believe it's due to my race since I'm technically part Yokai just like she is but from what I felt from the connection it was more like I could control her to an extend.

"Shhh," Koneko shushed Asia causing her to fall silent with a pouting expression on her face.

"So what's the plan now?" I said while looking at Azazel, surely there was more to this than a simple greeting.

"I've got no clue man, what do you want me to say? Hey! Get back in your cage!" Azazel said jokingly before continuing.

"I don't know how you got free from fathers seal, I don't know what you're planning on doing now that you're free, and I don't know a lot of other things, but what I do know is that as of now I've decided to just stand by and mind my business," Azazel said with a serious look on his face before continuing.

"In other words, I'm saying that I have no intention of trying to seal you away again, and I seriously with all of my heart hope that you won't make me regret my choice," Azazel said with a completely serious look on his face.

[ System quest complete ]

[ Does the host accept the reward? ]

'Yes.' I replied instantly before continuing to think about Azazel's words.

This revelation from Azazel wasn't all that surprising, out of all of my siblings if any of them would be fine with me being free it would be Azazel. Just as Azazel said, my other siblings weren't free thinkers, they were set in their ways and because of that, we would most likely end up going against each other.

"No wonder you became a Fallen Angel," I said with a smile, his actions were definitely going against God's orders although I didn't know specifically what they were, all I knew was he wanted me sealed away forever.

"Heh, after some time I began questioning Father a bit too much and then one day I became a Fallen Angel, pretty amusing if you ask me," Azazel said with a smile before shrugging but I knew the details as to how he became a Fallen Angel and knew he wasn't telling the whole story.

Just as Azazel said he did begin to question God a lot but that wasn't the reason he became a Fallen Angel, the reason he became a Fallen Angel was because he fell in love with a human and after some time had sex with her, only then did he become a Fallen Angel.

"I'm sure his face must've been priceless," I replied as I felt that I could get along with Azazel, well at least until I started doing questionable things but that's for a later me to think about.

"Hey, Ddraig!" A voice came from Vali that wasn't Vali's successfully interrupting us.

"What do you want Albion?" Ddraig replied with an attitude.

"Your host is an absolute piece of shit!!!" Albion said before bursting into a fit of laughter.

"Pfft! Hahahahahahaha! Ddraig! How unfortunate for you, you bastard!" Albion continued laughing, the dragon had obviously been looking for any reason to make fun of Ddraig and luckily for him, he had a great reason.

"Dragon Of Domination?! Red Dragon Emperor?! Yeah right! More like Bitchmade loser! He's fuckin' pathetic!!!" Albion said as his laughter grew louder.

"Shut up! My luck was just bad this time around!" Ddraig shouted at the other dragon causing it to laugh even harder than it was before.

'Issei must be feeling pretty down right now.' I said to myself knowing I would enjoy looking at his face when I returned to my domain.

"Hahahaha!!!" Albion continued laughing while Ddraig cursed at him but I and Azazel tuned the two dragons out.

"I have a question for you Azazel," I said to the Fallen Angel.

"Shoot," Azazel replied with a smile curious as to what I would ask.

"Although your opinion on me being free is fine right now, I highly doubt the rest of our siblings would agree, I remember clearly what he said the day he created me and although you are a free thinker, they are not," I said causing Azazel to release a deep sigh before responding.

"Yeah, they aren't free thinkers at all, in fact, I had a talk with them not long ago about that but it went on deaf ears, well all except Gabriel," Azazel said before continuing.

"Our Angel siblings are preparing to capture you before sealing you away again, all except Gabriel who chose to stay out of everything completely," Azazel said with a disappointed expression on his face.

'Gabriel decided to sit out huh?' I said inwardly, Gabriel was a kind woman I was certain of that so the fact that she didn't want to hunt her brother wasn't surprising to me but I wouldn't have been surprised if she did hunt me to follow God's words.

"Is that so? Well, I suppose that'll be fun." I said with a big smile, I knew I would enjoy fighting such a force, it would definitely be fun.

"Fun? Well if you think so then whatever, but being hunted by an entire faction of Angels doesn't sound fun to me, Radahn." Azazel said with a face far more serious than he was moments ago.

"Oh, look at you, acting all worried for me, how cute," I said as Azazel and I both snorted at once.

"Now, how would they feel if they knew you were warning me?" I said with a smile as I looked at Azazel who had a passive expression on their faces.

"They of course wouldn't like it, but I don't care, they don't like a lot of the things I do," Azazel replied as he looked at Vali who was now I'm the conversation between Ddraig and Albion.

"Won't they consider your actions as siding with me?" I questioned again, I knew very well that Azazel was making a dangerous decision by doing as he was now, warning the enemy of an entire faction could be the spark that caused the war.

"Yeah, they could but I have plans for that, and let me be clear about this," Azazel said before continuing.

"I will not be taking either side, just like Gabriel I won't be helping to seal you or helping you fight against our siblings, my warning to you now is all I will do for you," Azazel said, he knew just as well as me that if he took any more actions to assist me there may very well be a war like Kokabiel wants.

"So I'll have to fight the Angels, but not the Fallen Angels, sounds reasonable," I replied nonchalantly before receiving a sigh from Azazel.

"I expected many responses from you but not this one..." Azazel said as he shook his head, he most likely thought I didn't understand the magnitude of his words.

"Yeah yeah, so-" I said before being interrupted by Vali.

"I'll go get him," Vali said before speeding after Kokabiel who was flying away with all his might, both Azazel and I detected him but didn't bother to stop him, it wouldn't be hard to get him later with the speed he was flying at.

"I need to get going, I have some things to handle with Kokabiel," Azazel said as the wings that he had put away came back out.

"See ya' around," I replied as I watched Azazel fly into the sky, our first meeting went pretty well if you ask me, we were neither enemies nor friends and I was fine with that.

"Yeah, see ya'," Azazel said before flying away.

Now one may wonder why Azazel and I were completely fine having such a private problem in public and the reason for that was simple, it wouldn't be a private matter soon so it didn't matter.

The faction-wide hunt that the Angels were preparing for me wouldn't be missed by other factions and pantheons, they would definitely notice and when they would they would look into everything and after some time the truth would be revealed, it always is, and because of that neither Azazel or me cared enough to hide our conversation from the people present, and they weren't some random people anyway, it was Rias Gremory and her peerage.

'Now that I think about it, if the Angels hunt me so will the church.' I said to myself knowing that this may spice things up a bit more.

"Well, I suppose it's time to let Issei take control again," I said with a smile as I looked at Rias and her peerage who all looked at me differently.

Rias looked expectant, Akeno and Koneko looked interested, Asia looked scared, Kiba looked wary, oh and Xenovia had an odd expression on her face, I had almost forgotten about her.

"W-Will you return Issei-kun?" Asia worked up the courage to ask me before closing her eyes like she expected me to hit her.

"Aren't you cute," I said as I appeared in front of her with a smile and patted her head like a pet, 

"A-I-O-E..." Asia stuttered with a red face before giving up any attempts at talking and looking at the ground, once again my looks allowed me to do things other men couldn't.

'Even your precious Asia is a stuttering mess around me, I don't think I've ever seen her like that with you, maybe she likes me more.' I said inwardly poking at Issei's mentality some more but received no response from him.

It should be mentioned that in the anime Asia was very enthusiastic during her pursuit of Issei's love and the reason for that was because she had rivals but here in this HSDXD she had no competition, Rias, Akeno, Koneko, none of them were all over Issei and because of that she didn't do any of the things she did with Issei in the canon, right now Asia liked Issei but she didn't know that, she had no experience with feelings so of course she would know.

"Remember what I said Rias," I said with a smile and received a nod from the Gremory who was trying to appear calm but I could her heart which was beating rapidly.

"Thank you..." Rias said.

"Yeah, thank you handsome~," Akeno said with a seductive smile.

"T-Thank you..." Asia said with her head still down, she was embarrassed.

"Thank you," Kiba said with a smile.

"Mhm, thank you," Koneko said as she stared at me extremely hard.

"You are God's child?" Xenovia said asking the question everyone else wanted to ask.

Like I said earlier everyone here heard the conversation I had with Azazel but for whatever reason they hadn't asked me about it until now.

"Unfortunately," I replied.

Immediately after I said that Xenovia scowled before she opened her mouth to respond and I doubt whatever she said would've been good so I didn't bother to listen and interrupted her completely.

"Go on Issei, you can take control again," I said as I waited for Issei to take control but... nothing happened.

"Issei?" I said aloud as I held in a sinister smile but after a few moments of waiting, I still received no answer from the main character.

"Heh." I laughed as a huge smile spread across my face, Issei wasn't taking control.

To be continued...

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