He, The One


"Pathetic," I said as I pulled my consciousness into my domain, and the first thing I saw was Issei sinking into the depths of my domain.

"Y'know, Issei, every time you entered this place I could've done many horrible things to you. I could've done so much," I said as I walked toward my throne. In the real world, I was simply standing with my eyes closed.

"But I didn't. I didn't kill you because I was having fun. But what do you think would happen if you no longer entertained me?" I said, knowing that Issei most likely couldn't hear me. He was deep, very deep in the never-ending pit of curses that was my domain.

"I'll kill you, Issei," I said as I sat down on my throne, looking down into the blood Issei had sunk into. Despite my words, he offered no reaction.

"Honestly, it's difficult for me to describe how dissatisfied I am with you," I said before continuing.

"You aren't the first person I've used as an incarnation, but the difference between you and the other guy is stark," I said as I thought about Yuji. I had a lot of fun with him, but the same couldn't be said about Issei.

"I found him annoying, unbearably so, but he was also fun to toy with because he kept getting back up no matter how many times I knocked him down," I said.

"I did many things to him that you couldn't even imagine. I once erased an entire city while I was in control of his body. But even then, with all of that blood on his hands, he stood back up. But look at you," I said with a disgusted look on my face. My disappointment was immeasurable. This was meant to be so much more. Issei is the protagonist; why isn't he fighting back like Yuji did? Why isn't he like Yuji?

"You're done before I even have the chance to have more fun. You got beat up by that Fallen Angel; he humiliated you enough that you would remember it forever. But so what?" I said before continuing.

"Did the thought of revenge even cross your mind? I can't possibly fathom how you would just give up, how you could just give in so easily." I said as I tapped my throne. The main character of this verse is horrible.

"You're a disgrace, Issei, and because of that, I will kill you," I said.

"I thought about giving you another chance. I thought that perhaps I was being impatient and you simply needed time to grow and adjust. But things have changed now. I have people hunting me, and that means I don't have the luxury of staying inside your body and playing with you any longer," I said.

"Perhaps I would've given you that chance if you weren't how you were now, but sometimes things don't go as planned, and that was proved when I chose you. I thought you would offer me the entertainment I so desperately desire, but you didn't." I said as I slowly began to pull Issei's soul up from the depths of my domain.

"Blame yourself, blame your pathetic nature, blame your cowardliness, blame everything that you are, and last but not least, blame me, for I was the one who chose you," I said with a demonic voice as I returned to my true form before devouring Issei's soul, which hadn't responded to me even once so far.

(a/n: I know some of you were expecting Issei to have some grand death but no, there's no need for that in my mind, he's nothing without his plot armor, I have no respect for Issei so I won't even put in the effort to give him an alright death, Issei is shit and his death will be shit. Plus it's time for the mc to get his own body and actually do some stuff, writing about the canon stuff sucks while Radahn watches from inside Issei's body.)

'I don't know why I expected more from him,' I said inwardly as I heard the system sound in my mind.

[ Hidden system quest complete ]

[ Host, please select your reward ]

"Oh?" I said aloud; I didn't expect to hear about this.


~ Hidden System Quest ~

Hidden Task - Eliminate Issei Hyoudou or coexist with him and build your strength together as a team

Reward - Complete rebirth using Issei Hyoudou's body or complete rebirth using a random body.


"Are you serious?" I said aloud as I looked at the task. Why was coexisting as a team even on there?

I pushed that thought out of my mind after a few seconds before I began to think of the quest rewards. They were convenient; I was planning to take a risk to be reborn naturally like the tailed beast is after death, meaning I planned to kill myself, and that was the risk.

This was High School DxD, not Naruto. There was no confirmation that I would be reborn naturally like the tailed beasts in Naruto would. The same laws over there may not apply here, but due to the system, I wouldn't need to take that risk anymore.

"Hmm..." I hummed in thought as I questioned whether I should use Issei's body or another. But after a few moments, I decided to use Issei's. Despite his worthlessness in my mind, Ddraig was still worth something, so it was better to keep the body than to leave it.

'I doubt my rebirth will be simple, so I'll wait for now.' I said to myself, feeling that it was better to wait until I was alone before accepting the system reward.

"Ddraig," I said as I allowed the presence of my domain to be sensed by the dragon.

"Huh?" Ddraig said as he made his way from his little white room, where he was sealed in, toward my domain.

In Ddraig's view, he was resting in his white cage until a blood-red color stained the ground a few feet away from him as the wall cage to his right disappeared completely, causing his eyes to widen before getting up and leaving his cage.

"Sukuna?" Ddraig said suspiciously; he heard my voice, so he knew this had something to do with me.

'Tsk.' I said as I felt Ddraig enter my domain, but along with the dragon's presence was an understanding. Ddraig's was stronger than mine.

"Wha-" Ddraig said as he arrived near my throne before his eyes connected with mine. But I already knew what he looked like, so I wasn't surprised. The same couldn't be said for Ddraig; he had no clue what I looked like, and that was the reason why he was completely frozen.

"Surprised? Yeah, I'm neither god nor human." I said as my tails waved behind me hypnotically, causing the Dragon in front of me to watch them intently.

"You're a Divine Fox?" Ddraig said incredulously.

"How? I thought they were extinct," Ddraig said as he scanned me.

"Wait, you're God's son. How could you be a Divine Fox?" Ddraig said again; the dragon was extremely confused.

"Calm down," I said as I released a sigh. I knew my race would cause a few questions from those who knew my identity, but even the Dragon was flustered.

"We'll leave the questions for later. For now, you should know that Issei, your host, is dead," I said, causing the surprised dragon's eyes to widen even more.

"What? Then how am I still here?" Ddraig said. Every time his host died, he would immediately be ejected from the body and be placed within his next host.

'I knew he wouldn't care about Issei enough to get angry.' I said inwardly pleased with Ddraig's reaction to Issei's death, he didn't get angry or anything like that, he was simply confused as to why he was still in Issei's body.

"Because I'm here," I replied as I returned to my humanoid form and walked toward the dragon.

"I will occupy Issei's body, meaning that from now on, you, Ddraig, the Dragon Of Domination, are stuck with me," I said with a smile as I looked at the Dragon.

"Good for you, right? Now you don't have to deal with an incompetent," I said as I patted the frozen dragon's lower arm before saying one more thing.

"Oh, and don't say anything for a while. I'm gonna say something to Rias and her peerage," I replied before returning to Issei's, now my, body.

'I guess he's more surprised I'll be his host from now on than anything else.' I said to myself, the dragon only froze when I said he was stuck with me, not after I said Issei was dead.

"Hey, I got some news for you all," I said as I opened my eyes before looking at Rias.

"W-What's wrong?" Asia said nervously from beside me. She had been waiting for Issei to return, but nothing had happened so far.

"Issei died," I replied with a passive face, while the faces of everyone present converted to one of shock. I just casually dropped a nuke on them.

"That's all I've got to say. I look forward to our next meeting. See ya'," I said as I pulled my consciousness back into my domain. But this time, I made sure to pull back completely so that Issei's original appearance would return.

"NO!" Asia screamed as she caught my falling body before she attempted to heal Issei, but nothing happened. All she saw was a completely unresponsive Issei. He was completely limp, and his eyes were dead, they didn't hold the shine a living being does.

"NO!NO!NO!NO!" Asia continued screaming as she cried, still trying to heal the motionless Issei.

"Asia..." Rias said as she kneeled next to Asia before grabbing her and pulling her into her chest. Everyone present knew how much Asia cared for Issei.

Immediately upon being pulled into Rias's arms, Asia started crying even louder than before while everyone else gathered around Issei's body with a solemn look on their faces. They had thought everything ended well, but it didn't. One of their members died.

'Hurry up and bury him so I can get to work,' I said to myself as I sat on my throne in my humanoid form.

"Hmm..." I hummed as I noticed that Ddraig was still within my domain but resting. A few moments later, I returned my attention to the outside world. Upon doing so, I was met with the sight of Rias and her peerage leaving the battleground while Kiba was carrying Issei's body.

"Issei..." Asia said as tears continued to run down her face. Everyone was sad, but not nearly to the extent Asia was.

"Rias!" The voice of a man sounded from the sky. It was Sirzechs.

"Brother!" Rias replied, happy to see Sirzechs, who had descended from the sky already. He was fast.

"Are you okay?!" Sirzechs said as he looked Rias up and down for even the slightest damage and spotted some things, but nothing to take note of. Issei had taken most of the damage.

"Where's that damn-" Sirzechs said with anger before Rias interrupted him.

"Azazel took care of him," Rias said, trying to ease her overprotective brother.

"Azazel?" Sirzechs said, surprised.

"Mhm, so..." Rias said before explaining everything that happened from the start to the finish as everyone walked inside with the body of Issei.

"I see... truly a pity," Sirzechs said as he looked at Issei's body, but I could tell he was thinking of many things. He didn't show it, but the revelation about God having another son must've shaken him.

"I apologize, Rias, but now that I'm certain you're safe, I need to return. This is very important," Sirzechs said as he patted Rias's head with a smile.

"Okay," Rias replied without a smile of her own. She wasn't happy, but neither was anyone here.

With that said, Sirzechs offered a few more words to everyone else before leaving Rias and her peerage alone in the ORC room. Now, without their superior in the room, they all fell into silence, especially the still crying Asia, who was holding onto Issei's body. But despite that, after a couple of minutes, Rias spoke up. She was the leader, so it was time for her to act like it.

"Let's go. We'll bury Issei, then take care of his family and everyone else who knows him," Rias said with a resolute expression on her face as she stood up.

What Rias meant by dealing with Issei's family and those who knew him was that she would erase any knowledge of Issei's existence from anyone who wasn't a part of the supernatural world. Although this was cruel, it was necessary.

"Yes, ma'am," Kiba replied and stood up before everyone else did the same thing.

Time passed quickly after they all left the ORC room, and the entire peerage could now be seen in a huge field full of all sorts of flowers and animals. It looked like something out of a fantasy movie. Rias wanted Issei to be buried in a beautiful place, not some random graveyard.

"Thank you, Issei..." Rias said as she looked at the tombstone that had the name Issei Hyoudou written on it. Issei's body had just been buried a few moments ago.

One by one, everyone began to say their goodbyes to Issei. All of them had certain feelings about him. Not all were good like Asia's, but they didn't speak about those feelings and only spoke about the good ones. They wanted to remember him well.

"Goodbye, Issei..." Asia said as she looked down at Issei's gravestone, still crying as she had been the entire time.

"Come on, Asia," Rias said as she held out her hand for Asia to grab onto, and Asia did just that.

"Don't cry anymore, okay? Issei wouldn't want you to be sad," Rias said as she wiped Asia's tears, trying to cheer the young maiden up some. She knew Asia wouldn't get over Issei's death so easily, but this was a way to start the process.

"Mhm..." Asia hummed in response as everyone began to leave Issei's grave.

'At least you got your eight pawns back,' I said inwardly as I sensed Rias and her peerage leaving after hours of standing at Issei's grave. I mean, despite not knowing the guy for long, they all had a lot to say, especially Asia.

Yeah, Rias had taken back the pawns that were inside Issei's body before burying him. So she should be happy if you ask me. I mean, she had eight more pawn pieces she could use on someone who wasn't a waste like Issei.

I continued waiting for around four hours until I took control of the body again before I broke out of the coffin I was in and made my way up to the surface. I didn't sense anyone out there, so I felt like it was time to leave.

"Fresh air is always nice," I said with a smile as I stood on the ground. After a few moments of scanning my surroundings, I released my wings. Yes, I had wings. Before I became my current race, I was a Cursed Seraph, so I had Angel qualities still just not the same as them. I had twelve wings, pure white wings that were black at their ends, pretty simple.

With my wings out, I extended them before flapping them once and soaring into the sky to search for the area where I would be reborn, the area where I would truly enter the world of High School DxD.

To be continued... 

Author note: someone was nice enough to leave a kinda accurate image of what Radahn's true form would look like so here it is.

Imagine something like this, but instead of two eyes he has four eyes positioned the same way as Sukuna's, and instead of the eyes being red, they are bright violet


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