He, The One


"Here should do," I said as I floated above a mountain far from any sign of humanity with the closest land being Kyoto.

Scanning my surroundings once more I decent from the sky and landed at the highest point of the mountain, this was the place I decided to undergo my rebirth, a place away from all civilization, I wouldn't be bothered here.

'I chose to be reborn using Issei Hyoudou's body.' I said to the system as I stood in a suitable spot.

[ Understood ]

[ Rebirth commencing...]

Immediately upon hearing the system's words, I lost consciousness at the peak of the mountain.

~ Radahn POV End ~

~ Yasaka POV Begin ~

"So the Angels seem to be preparing for war..." I said with a thoughtful expression on my face as I sat in my chair while the rest of my subordinates looked at me clearly waiting for my new words.

"I want to know if even the slightest sign of a fight breaks out, notify me immediately," I said seriously as I looked at each of my subordinates individually.

"Yes." My subordinates replied in unison.

"Good, then you're dismi-" I said before a wave of the purest nature energy I had ever encountered covered the entirety of Kyoto and beyond, it was surreal and I was certain those in the east faction sensed it as well.

"Let's go! We need to arrive before the east does!" I shouted at my subordinates before running out of the building and toward the source of energy, I didn't need to explain anything they knew exactly what I was speaking about.

We didn't have a bad relationship with the East but I had an inkling that arriving earlier than them would be better for us, and I was certain they were thinking the same thing as me.

With some of my subordinates behind me, I ran as fast as I could to reach the mountain where the energy source was originating from but unfortunately for me, I was met by the East when I reached the middle of the mountain.

"Hello, Nurarihyon," I said to the old bald man who was running beside me with his subordinates trailing behind him while speaking with mine.

"Hohoho, how odd to see you here Yasaka," Nurarihyon said with a smile as we got closer to the top of the mountain.

"Oh please, you knew you would meet me here as I did you, now, what do you think the nature energy is coming from?" I asked the short man who had a thoughtful expression on his face.

"I have no clue," Nurarihyon said solemnly.

"I thought so," I replied as I released a sigh, neither of us knew what was going on in our own territory.

'What strong energy...' I said inwardly as we closed in on the mountaintop.

With neither of us having anything else to say we continued to climb the mountain until finally we arrived at the top and once we did every single person froze as we looked at the gigantic being who was sleeping.

"W-What in the world..." Nurarihyon stuttered with wide eyes as he looked at the being that was giving off the nature energy.

"I-I-It's t-touki i-is t-terrifying." Nurarihyon said after stuttering more in one sentence than ever before and once I concentrated some I could feel it too and when I did I couldn't help but shake just as Nurarihyon was doing.

It wasn't just Nurarihyon and me who were frightened and shaking, it was our subordinates as well, each and every one of us knew at an instinctual level that the being in front of us was a higher existence, it was above us, and with each passing moment, that feeling solidified causing us to lower our heads unintentionally.

"H-H-Hakumen n-no Mono..." Nurarihyon muttered with bated breaths as an expression of realization appeared on his face, he looked like he had an epiphany.

'Hakumen no Mono?' I said to myself confused about who that was until the answer came to me.

Hakumen no Mono was the creator of all Yokai and the only one to ever rule over all Yokai. The description of the creator was vague, all we knew was It was a huge being, a nine-tailed fox to be exact, and upon realizing this I looked back and saw nine enormous tails swaying hypnotically dwarfing mine in size.

"Hmm...." Hakumen no Mono hummed as its eyes fluttered before snapping open and revealing to us four bright violet eyes that were far larger than any of us, just his eyes alone were around seven or eight feet tall and that spoke plenty about his size.

"H-Hakumen-Sama, i-it's a pleasure to meet you," Nurarihyon said as he kneeled in front of Hakumen no Mono.

Hakumen offered no response as he looked at us individually for a few seconds causing each of us to shake and lower ourselves to him, we knew we were completely in his hands at the moment but luckily for us the vast amount of energy he was exuding was absorbed back into his enormous body allowing us to move, breath, think, and everything else better.

"Prepare me some clothes," Hakumen said with a deep and demonic voice and immediately as his words fell Nurarihyon replied.

"Yes!" Nurarihyon replied promptly as he looked back at one of his subordinates and told her to weave the lord a Yukata immediately

'Damn...' I said inwardly, none of my subordinates present could weave a yukata so I couldn't do anything but even so what stood out more to me was Nurarihyon's words, he called Hakumen lord and that wasn't a simple thing for him to say, no, it was extremely serious, it also meant I needed to do the same thing or I would be in a terrible position.

Due to Nurarihyon's subordinate being able to create silk from nothing due to being a spider yokai Hakumen's kimono was prepared in less than a minute.

"Your clothes are finished, my lord," Nurarihyon said as he kneeled in front of Hakumen while holding out the Yukata his subordinate had created.

We obviously knew that Hakumen couldn't wear the Yukata with his current form but once a youkai reaches a certain level of power they are able to take a humanoid form so now we were all waiting for Hakumen to do just that and we weren't forced to wait long.

Soon enough Hakumen's enormous size began to shrink and change until only a man was left. The man was handsome, so extraordinarily handsome that he put even the most handsome gods to shame, he stood at around 6'7" (or) 200cm with snow-white hair which was a complete contrast to the pitch-black tattoos that were all over his body.

He had four bright violet slitted eyes that seemed to pierce everything he looked at but as soon as I noticed that he had four eyes even in his humanoid form the extra set of eyes closed and took on the look of a tattoo. The man known as Hakumen no Mono was as much of an eye candy as a man could ever be and those nine tails swaying behind him were enough to make my heart skip a few beats.

Behind the creator of the Yokai were nine snow-white tails with black tips, each tail was around 30 meters long, the length of a school bus, far bigger than mine which was barely above my head.

'Beautiful...' I said inwardly as I scanned the body of Hakumen determined to burn the image in my mind permanently.

"Hmm..." Hakumen hummed as he finished putting on the black and golden yukata Nurarihyon's subordinate had good taste.

~ Yasaka POV End ~

~ Radahn POV Begin ~

'Wonderful...' I said to myself as I woke up from my forced nap.

It was hard to express how great I felt now, Issei's body offered me a lovely sense of life when I took over but this was intoxicating, oh how great it felt to be alive.

"Hmm...." I hummed as I sensed some creatures near me, I was under the impression nobody would bother me out here but it seemed I was wrong.

"H-Hakumen-Sama, i-it's a pleasure to meet you," An old bald man stuttered as he kneeled in front of me, I quickly recognized him as Nurarihyon, the leader of the east faction Yokai's.

'Hakumen?' I questioned inwardly, I didn't remember him existing here, but I did notice pure energy that I was exuding and immediately upon noticing it absorbed it back into my body due to my innate energy control from my Six Eyes.

'Hah, they've mistaken you as the creator of Yokai's, interesting.' Ddraig said inwardly with a voice that told me he was amused by the situation.

'How long have I been asleep?' I asked the dragon.

'Three days, but what exactly did you do? Something's different about the body now.' Ddraig said to me.

'I simply claimed the body as my own.' I replied before bringing my attention to the Yokai in front of me.

"Prepare me some clothes," I said causing everyone to shake for a second before Nurarihyon replied.

"Yes!" Nurarihyon replied before telling his subordinate to prepare me a Yukata but what caught my attention was that he called me lord when directing his subordinate.

'Lord huh?' Ddraig said inwardly.

Now the question was should I clarify to these Yokai that I wasn't Hakumen no Mono? Or should I allow them to think what they want and benefit from it? The answer is obvious, I'll let them think what they want.

Nurarihyon called me lord and with his position as the leader of the east Yokai his word held some value, his word meant he had essentially given me command over his entire faction so the real question was did I want to have the east Yokai under me, or not? Of course I did, it would make many things convenient for me in the long run.

The Yokai were by no means the strongest factor or the biggest, they were often bullied by the Angels, Devils, and Fallen Angels, and due to the small amount of Yokai there were they really couldn't do anything but complain, Yokai were genuinely the supernatural fodder of the High School DxD world, right there with humans.

But if the weak Yokai came under me? That wouldn't remain a fact, I was certain of that so why in the world would I correct these Yokai and miss the chance to bring them under me? I wouldn't.

Moments later Nurarihyon's subordiate was finished preparing my clothes and luckily the spider yokai who had prepared it was clever enough to realize my human size would be large since my true form was.

"Your clothes are finished, my lord," Nurarihyon said as he kneeled in front of me while holding out the Yukata.

I didn't bother replying to the man and directly entered my humanoid form uncaring for the people watching me, especially the beautiful Yasaka who was blushing like a schoolgirl while staring at me like she was trying to burn the image of me into her mind.

"Hmm..." I hummed as I put on the black and golden silk yukata, it looked good on me.

'Having my own body is much better.' I said to myself as I felt everything about myself in depth, I was feeling things I hadn't felt at all when I took over Issei's body and I loved it, using an incarnation wasn't anything compared to this.

'Oh?' I said inwardly as I felt the nine tails connected to me, I seem to have gained some things I didn't have before due to my rebirth, in fact, I felt a few other things I didn't before but I would go over that later, for now, I would focus on my new identity as Hakumen no Mono.

"H-Hakumen-Sama." Yasaka said as she knelt in front of me beside Nurarihyon.

It wasn't only Yasaka and Nurarihyon who were kneeling it was the other Yokai who were present here as well.

'Perhaps if I make some curses they'll get on well with the Yokai.' I said to myself as I thought of Uraume.

"Hmm?" I hummed in question as I looked down at the beautiful blond milf, Yasaka.

"If I may, would you like to come to my faction? We will welcome you wholeheartedly." Yasaka said with some hope in her voice as Nurarihyon gritted his teeth, I knew he wanted to speak up and offer the same thing but he was wise enough to do no such thing, I hadn't given him permission to speak.

"Faction? Explain." I said pretending that I didn't understand her question but not in a way that told her I didn't know what a faction was.

"I am the one in charge of the west Yokai faction and Nurarihyon is in charge of the east," Yasaka said as she kept her head down.

"..." I didn't respond at all while I looked down at the leaders of the east and west Yokai faction, I wanted to give off the impression that I was displeased with this knowledge although I wasn't.

"There will be no such thing," I said in a commanding tone, these two were already kneeling in front of me, they weren't the leaders any longer and they knew that just as I did.

"B-" Nurarihyon said but he stopped immediately when he felt the pressure of my cursed energy crash down on top of him and everyone else present causing them to shake and sweat profusely.

Being able to exude pressure by using Cursed Energy was something I learned recently by seeing Kokabiel do it with his Fallen Angel energy, yes I know, I'm talented but I wasn't the best at it yet, the only reason it got this reaction out of these beings was because of the nature of my Cursed Energy.

"There will be no such thing," I commanded again.

"Y-Yes." Nurarihyon stuttered in response before falling silent.

"Lead me," I commanded once again, I said something vague but everyone here knew what I meant.

"Yes, my lord." Yasaka and Nurarihyon replied at once before they began to lead me toward the home base of Yokai.

'You're a good actor partner.' Ddraig said with a pleased tone, I suppose he was genuinely happy to see his host do something good for once after being with Issei for so long.

'Oh? Calling me partner already?' I said jokingly, I didn't mind it.

'You're my host so of course I'd call you partner.' Ddraig said before falling silent, he sounded kind of embarrassed.

'Heh.' I chuckled inwardly before redirecting my attention back to the group of Yokai who were leading me like I was the leader of a country.

'What an interesting life.' I said inwardly pleased with how things were going at the moment, this opportunity had fallen into my hands, if I wasn't lucky then who was?

To be continued...

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