He, The One


'Aren't they a little too eager to have you as their leader?' Ddraig said to me as I lay on my side while resting my head on my hand as I watched the Yokai who believed I was Hakumen no Mono shuffle around my throne, yes, they already had a throne room for me where I could lounge.

Now they didn't create the castle, the houses surrounding it, or the huge throne I was laying on out of thin air, it wasn't new either. This place had already existed here for what I was told by Ddraig to be a very long time but since the death of Hakumen no Mono, it's been abandoned.

(The castle, buildings, and everything else look something like this)


'Well, they do believe I'm their creator so this isn't an unexpected response.' I replied to the Dragon as I thought about how subservient the Yokai were being, well not all of them.

As I mentioned this place was abandoned so at the moment all the common Yokai were doing their best to clean the entire castle while I lounged on my new throne which had already been cleaned perfectly.

Ah, I should also mention that although I knew Hakumen was dead, the Yokai didn't, which was obvious since they believed I was Hakumen, but now the question was how did Hakumen, the creator of the Yokai die? Ddraig killed him.

As the Yokai led me to the place where I would be living from now on I spoke with Ddraig who knew a lot about the Yokai and their creator, Hakumen, which obviously interested me so after asking Ddraig about it he told me about how he and Hakumen had fought each other which ultimately was won by Ddraig.

In Ddraig's words, Hakumen was a large fox around a quarter of my size but despite being smaller than me he was no weakling, a mere flick from his fingers could erase a mountain and that was by no means what one would call weak.

In truth, I was interested in Hakumen and the Yokai. Hakumen wasn't someone I knew to exist in High School DxD, I knew of him from the anime Ushio and Tora, but that Hakumen wasn't as strong as Ddraig described him to be and that only increased my interest in the dead fox.

Another thing that happened was the system, it gave me a quest but the reward was odd. The reward the system offered me wasn't a direct power-up, a weapon, or anything like that, it was an exchange of blood.


~ System Quest ~

Task - Completly unify and conquer the Yokai of Japan

Reward - Blood exchange: Sanguis Noctis Regis


'Where have I heard of this reward from?' I said to myself as I blew out some smoke I inhaled from the pipe I was using.

Image of the pipe


Unfortunately, although I knew I heard of the name of the blood I couldn't remember where it was from but despite that, I felt good about the reward. I didn't feel like it would provide me with a direct power-up but that was fine with me, I knew very well that it was always better to build up strength yourself because only then would it truly be yours.

'I need to train.' I said to myself as the thought process of thoughts entered my mind, I needed to figure out how to better use my chakra and I also needed to understand the other things that happened when I was reborn, I needed to get away from everything for a bit but I couldn't now, I had to handle the Yokai situation and only after that could I spend some time on myself.

'I need to master the Gunbai as well.' I thought to myself as I inhaled from my pipe.

The Gunbai I got from the system hadn't been used yet but I was eager to put it to use. In my opinion, the Gunbai was a unique and underused weapon, only Madara Uchiha had ever put it to use and shown the power that it could offer if properly utilized, the power I wished to grasp and take to new levels.

'Chakra, new abilities, and the Gunbai.' I said inwardly as I listed the things I needed to work on.

"We've returned, My Lord," Yasaka said as she kneeled in front of me with a small girl beside her.

"Hmm..." I hummed in response as I looked down from my throne which was elevated enough so that I could look down on all of those who entered the room.

In front of me were five beings, two women and three men but what surprised me was the two men beside Nurarihyon, why in the hell were the characters of Nurarihyon no Mago here? The main character, Rikua Nura, and his father, Rihan Nura were kneeling in front of me beside Nurarihyon.

Now other than Nurarihyon and his family Yasaka and her daughter Kunou were also here and just like her mother Yasaka, she was staring at my nine tails which swayed behind me but unlike her mother, Kunou was only looking at me innocently as a child should, her mother though, the same couldn't be said.

Images of Yasaka





Image of Kunou


Image of Rikuo Nura


Image of Rihan Nura


Image of Nurarihyon Nura


"Introduce yourself," I said aloud as my tails whipped around behind me causing them all to watch.

"My Lord, this is my daughter Kunou." Yasaka said with a smile as she motioned for Kunou to introduce herself.

"N-Nice to meet you My Lord." Kunou said clearly very nervous but despite that, she hadn't looked away from my tails even once, the child's eyes gleamed innocently as she watched my tails intently.

"Come here child," I said with a smile as I extended one of my tails and picked her up while ignoring Yasaka's surprise.

"Hehehe" Kunou giggled adorably as she played with my tails that were carrying her, as a nine-tailed fox herself tails were something she loved.

Now, you may ask why I, a being known for his cruel nature was so nice to this child and the answer for that was simple. One, what better way to get into an older woman's heart than to make her child happy? Two, Kunou was a lonely child without a father figure, so why not become her father figure? These two things would lead Yasaka into my arms, oh yeah, did I mention that I wanted Yasaka as my woman?

"How old are you?" I asked Kunou who was now seated on my left leg while all the other Yokai were looking at me with shock on their faces, wasn't Hakumen no Mono supposed to be the cruelest Yokai of them all?

"This much," Kunou said with a childish smile as she put up six fingers before she continued playing with my tails.

'She's younger than she was in the canon story.' I said to myself but didn't keep it in mind for long, I had already come to the conclusion that this version of High School DxD wasn't canon, I mean look at the boy who was kneeling next to Nurarihyon, he was the main character of an entirely different anime which was a huge sign.

"How cute," I said with a smile as I patted the child's head, the innocence of children always made others want to spoil them, even more so with a child like Kunou.

'Eh? You have a nice side? What the hell.' Ddraig said inwardly as if he were incredibly surprised.

'Did you think I was some emotionless murderer or something? Of course, I have a nice side,' I replied, if I wasn't a good man then who was?

(a/n: how shameless...)

"And you?" I said as I looked away from Kunou and down at Nurarihyon and his family, but not before throwing a glance at Yasaka who had a stunning smile on her face, she was just my type of woman.

"Ah, this is my son, Rihan Nura, and this is my grandson, Rikuo Nura," Nurarihyon said as he motioned for them to speak to me as Kunou did.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, My Lord," Rihan said with a smile as he bowed gentlemanly.

"Umm, it's nice to meet you, My Lord," Rikuo said as he bowed his head as his father did, but unlike his father, he was clearly unprepared and not accustomed to bowing at all.

"..." Unlike how I did with Kunou I didn't respond to these men and only looked at them passively for a few seconds.

"My Lord, I apologize if we offended yo-" Nurarihyon jumped in front of his son and child who had begun to sweat and spoke before being interrupted by me.

"This boy, he is part human," I said with a completely passive face as Nararihyon gritted his teeth slightly, he knew this topic could come up, after all, his grandson was the product of a Yokai and a Human.

"My lord-" Nararihyon said before being interrupted by me again.

"Show me your Yokai side, boy," I said as I looked at Rikuo.

"I-I can't, I don't know how..." Rikuo stuttered with his head down and his fists clenched.

Once again I fell silent and only looked at Nurarihyon and his family passively, I honestly wasn't sure how I should proceed with them, I had just gotten rid of one protagonist but now another one spawned.

"You're dismissed. Nurarihyon, report back in the morning," I said causing Nurarihyon and his family to shake for a moment.

"Yes, my Lord," Nurarihyon said with a tone that let me know he was disappointed in the events that had just occurred.

The reason I said to report back to me tomorrow morning was that I had things I needed to get done in the Yokai society, one of them was bringing everything under my control and the first step to doing that was to let the Yokai know that their creator who had 'disappeared' had returned. Currently, only a handful of Yokai knew of me and they were the close subordinates of Yasaka and Nurarihyon while also being the people who were cleaning my castle.

Now as I said that was only the first step to conquering the Yokai and the reason that alone wouldn't let me complete the system quest was because not everyone would believe that Hakumen had come back and even if they did believe it not all of them would want to come under his control.

Tomorrow when I announced that Hakumen no Mono had returned many would come to see if it was real and not all of them would be friendly, many would try to test me, and many would see this as a chance to become the ruler of the Yokai, ambitious beings from all over would come to seek opportunity but that's what made it all the more fun.

"My lord," Yasaka said causing my eyes to connect with hers.

"I apologize for interrupting you while you're in thought but it's passed Kunou's bedtime," Yasaka said with a smile, she wasn't as nervous around me as Nurarihyon was despite being in the same status as he was.

"Mhm." I hummed in response as I lifted the child who was still playing with my tails and placed her in the arms of the smiling Yasaka.

"Aww..." Kunou pouted as she let go of my tail.

"Thank you, my Lord," Yasaka said with a slight bow.

I didn't respond to Yasaka and instead smiled at her which caused her eyes to widen, her face to redden, and her heart to skip a beat. Look people and look carefully, this is the effect of being handsome!

"G-Goodnight, my lord," Yasaka said with a beet-red face before walking toward the exit with Kunou in her arms.

"Hehe, mama, you're face is red." Kunou giggled as she covered his mouth with both hands cutely.

'You're pretty good partner.' Ddraig praised and if I could see him I'd know he was nodding his dragon head.

'I know.' I replied as I stood up and began to make my way toward my room while ignoring the servants who were bowing to me as I walked down the hallway, I had already been here for a bit so I knew where my room was.

'I suppose I could do 'that' since I'm free.' I said as I entered my huge room.

To be continued...


Serious author note: So I got another job which means more money for me and fewer chapters for you... it sucks, I know that, but the price of living has continuously increased recently so I've got no choice but to pick up a second job, thanks for understanding.

And PS: I know today's chapter was kinda ass but I've had a huge headache all day so cut me some slack.

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