Headed by a Snake

Chapter 811 Bleeding A God

Thankfully, The Tree God wasn't paying much attention to Coraline...

"The Elf God and I... stood... on opposite sides... of that terrible war...

"Even now... my groves and forests recover still... from injuries incurred... several... thousand years ago.

"Even now... we fight."

He clenched his bark-fist so hard, it began to creak.... but not bleed.

Dang it.

Coraline raised her hand, "Hi. My name is Coraline Heartsong and I absolutely do not represent the Elf God."

"That may be so... she whose heart sings true..." Root's eyes glowed orange-- like the sap that was probably flowing inside of his... bark... "But the fact remains... Elves are not allowed in my forest."

"But it's an emergency!!" Coraline whined-- "Well, look... I understand that it's probably not an emergency to someone who's lived over 350 million years-- but it is to me!"

A deep, wood-bending groan escaped the bearded Tree God's lips... "Caaaaalm yourself, elf child... I may be ancient... by even the oldest of your kin... but I can recognize a young sapling with a pure heart."

Coraline folded her hands in front of her lips.

...The Tree God was far more reasonable of a... an existence than she expected.

Maybe she wouldn't have to try to stab him.

"Tree God... I'm here... to find a way to save my boyfriend."

"Ah... so thy quest... is for love," Root nodded, "Such... is how things have been... since the Realm was formed-- when I too was once... young.

"In this manner... we are not so different... mortals and gods...

"We... fall in love...

"And in the end... death comes for us all..."

Coraline had to stop herself when she realized she was tapping her foot, "But...?"

"But... who are you, child..." The Tree God's amber eyes glowed with mana, "to challenge... the natural order?"

"My name..." Coraline straightened her posture, standing as tall as she could, "is Coraline Heartsong! And in order to save my boyfriend... I'll challenge the eleven heavens and the seven hells until I get what I want."

...She felt much more a fool for saying her thoughts aloud, rather than just thinking them in her head.

Though she was sorely tempted to scream 'nevermind' and try to jump the Tree God, she changed her mind... when he started to laugh.

"Oh... hoho... The arrogance... of the younger races..." He sighed, "Never... will I truly understand..."

He made a sweeping gesture, the various images on the walls glowing brighter with... tree-magic. The dingy cavern, formerly lit only by a single fire faerie turned warm, cozy, and... gold-ish.

"Sit, child," Root's wooden lips curled into a weirdly gentle smile. "Tell me... of your story."

...Coraline dug into her bag and took out her journal, "Can do."

She told the Tree God everything. Well-- everything she cared to document.

She told him of how she met Lone... at the dock and boarding the airship, the Golden Eagle.

She told him of his heroism... how he saved her and she, him.

She told him of how insufferable and foolish he was.

...She told him about how much she loved him.

It was... beyond missing him. It was more than fleeting emotions brought on by circumstance.

They were meant for each other... bound by fate.

He wasn't perfect-- not by any means. But... he was perfect for her. And she... she was probably the only person in the Realm that could stand him for longer than a week.

If she couldn't save him, he'd pass on sad and alone! He didn't deserve that kind of fate!

So Coraline told Root of the curse... of the Elven Sovereign and the spirit of the swords that stole her boyfriend's body.

The vestige of the Tree God closed his eyes... nodding, listening patiently.

It made her wish that her own Elven people were so accepting...

He stroked his beard with his bark-skin hand, "The gods... have been in strife... for as long as I can remember, child.

"The Elf God shares the haughtiness... the arrogance of most of your people... self-serving... but in a stranger manner...

"Honor... Glory... Unnatural values... gained by imposing his will over those he can best in combat."

"Then..." Coraline gulped, "You'll help me? I mean-- if you really think it's the Elf God that's inhabiting my boyfriend? --That was always a point of contention, believe it or not."

The Tree God's eyes shined with a suspicious light, "You... seek my divine blood to concoct a cure?"

"Now hold on," Coraline held out an open palm-- the one not holding an illegal stabbing implement. "I know I'm asking for a lot... But... I... is it--"

She sighed deeply, shutting her mouth before she could blabber any longer.

"I'm sorry, Tree God," She muttered, covertly adjusting her grip on her dagger's handle.

"Thy name is true, then... Coraline Heartsong," Root smiled, "But though I might wish to aid you... I will not give you my sap."

"I still have to try," She grimaced as she got into her warrior stance, bravely brandishing her god-stabber.

It was... a sad, little fruit knife, especially compared to Root, who was thrice her size. But... she didn't need to take him down. She just needed to... cut him a little?

How hard could bleeding a god be?

"Even though I only have one life to give," She whispered... "I would risk anything to get my boyfriend back."

The Tree God... offered his palm, "Your Elven metals cannot hope to pierce my flesh."

Coraline narrowed her eyes. She gripped the hilt of her knife as hard as she could and stabbed downward into Root's hand.

...Her hand slipped over the guard-- and she ended up cutting her palm pretty bad.

The blade put a tiny hole in the bark... but it wasn't even close to piercing through.

"Okay, that's not fair," Coraline frowned.

The Tree God didn't look mad at all, though-- which was nice.

With a heavy sigh, Coraline knelt down and started searching through her bag for a bandaging cloth...

Root folded his tree-hands behind his tree-back, "The same is true... of your other two companions..."

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