Headed by a Snake

Chapter 812 Safest Place In The Forest

Coraline pursed her lips... and looked to Beatrice.

⊰ not-burnable ⊱

It was surprising that her familiar determined that fire was *not* super-effective against the Tree God.

Years of pocket monster academy training... wasted!

However, that was... fine. Coraline didn't want to be immolated along with the Tree God, anyroad.

Then... the other?

Coraline stared at her second shadow, its outline clearly illuminated by the glowing images above them.

It turned to face her, shrugging its shoulders.

Since Ishmael knew his limits as a half-step Gold Rank, it sounded like her getting the sap was hopeless.

Still, she didn't want to accept a shrug as a real answer.

"Oy," She growled. "Give me something better than that."

[Wait for back-up,] Ishmael signaled with his hands.


Sealed in the Tree God's inner sanctuary as they were, there was no back-up.

Root shook his head, his long leaf-beard swaying with the motion, "I know of thy plight, Coraline Heartsong... for I know of these swords. And thus... my sap... is incapable of restoring your lover to as you wish."

Coraline took a step back in shock-- unspooling a roll of cloth. Bleiiiighhh.

"W-what do you mean?" She furrowed her brows, "That... that can't be right? But... the texts--"

"According to your people... my blood... can dispel a curse," Root creaked, "That much... is true. However... what the Elf God has granted... is a blessing."

"That's just semantics, Tree God!" Coraline tried to argue.

"Regardless... the core of the magic is... fundamentally different. My sap... would be useless."

Coraline collapsed to the floor, distraught... "But... then it's really impossible?"

She grabbed at the loose dirt, clenching her fists... bawling her eyes out, "N-no, way. I... I can't-- I can't accept that!"

Root offered a smile... showing more kindness than Coraline really deserved... "There... may be... another way."


⟬ Elsewhere... in Ravidius' Cabin. ⟭


Megara's big, adorable, Shadow Hound was prancing around next to the back door.

Blackie was being... really insistent-- which was the weirdest thing. She hadn't asked to be taken out to pee since she was a puppy.

Megara shrugged... to no one in particular. It was fine. She grabbed a doggy toy off of the floor and walked over.

"What's wrong, Blackie?" She placed her hands on her soft, slightly damp jowls, "Did Mister Qiv fall down the well again?"

"Bork. Bork bork."

"Oh... okay? I guess I'll follow you?"

"Bork bork."

"Yes, I finished all my homework," She revealed the squeaky toy from behind her back. "I'm on free time so let's play after you do your doggy business!"

Suddenly, the loud crash of wood came from the front entrance.

Just as fast, Blackie leapt in front of Megara, growling like she was really mad, "Grrrr! Bork!  Bork bork!"

Megara peered through the thick cloud of wood dust... "What's... going on?"

A heavy gust of wind nearly knocked her down, but she was able to hold onto Blackie's fur to keep steady.

With the dust cleared, Megara saw... an elf? He had crashed through the front wall and was surrounded by over a dozen... tree-folk, each of them looking suspiciously like the Tree God.

They didn't wear any people-clothes-- but that wasn't saying they were naked. They were wearing bark, as tree-folk do... and thankfully didn't have any fruit on them.

Dad worked really hard to keep the house clean... so if the Tree God spilled any Raven Fruit on the floor, he'd probably cry and sulk in his room.

"...Do you think they've come over for dinner, Blackie?"

The Shadow Hound tilted her head, one of her ears flopping over. "Bork?"

"You're right..." Megara sighed, "I'll have to get the good plates from the top cabinet."

"⌈Whirlwind Attack.⌋"


Megara turned her head. She thought she heard a Skill? There were some flashes of light and a series of scarily fast, whistling sounds. All at once, the tree-people collapsed... cracked and crumbling onto the floor.

The elf... had moved? Or did he not? It was hard to tell.

He looked really hurt, though.

...which was really to be expected, since he broke a hole in the front wall.

"U...urgh... ⌈The Dew Brought by Morning⌋..." He groaned, waving a hand and lighting himself up with the soft glow of healing magic.

Megara (and Blackie!) hurried over to the unfamiliar elf-person.

"Um. Hello. My name is Megara. Are... you a villain?"

"I am no villain," The elf shook his head. "I am known as... King."

He stood up straight, analyzing Megara with a frown, "I advise thee to take cover, young Megara. This is not a safe place for a child."

...Megara gathered her courage and balled up her fists.

"I'm... I'm not a child!" She shouted with at least half of her might, "I'm a young lady. M-mister Tycon said so. I beat him in a duel."

"Is that... so? Very well," King lightly lowered his head-- which meant he was sorry, "I was mistaken."

"Um... a-anyroad," Megara laughed a little-- not because it was funny, but because... she was relieved? "This is my house... and-- and Master's. This is the safest place in the entire forest!"

King looked up and all around him. It seemed like he'd finally realized that he'd literally broken into a house.

Like a villain.

"Ah, I see it now..." He said, "Indeed, I might be safe from--"


A big wooden hand broke through the window. It took hold of Mister King and dragged him back outside.

That meant there were two holes in the wall... though the window was technically a hole to begin with, so that didn't seem nearly as bad.

Dad was still going to be upset, though. Alana would probably scold him when he woke her up-- and he always moped around when he got scolded.

...Which meant that it would be best if Megara woke her up, first.

But before that--

"Let's go, Blackie!" She headed for the door. "We gotta make sure no one gets hurt!"


"R-right. We gotta make sure they don't hurt... too bad?"


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