Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 192 - Level 5 (below)

The snow fell all day and night.

The thick snow covered the earth, and the earth became a white world.

In the morning, the goose-like snowflakes still fell from the sky. The hills and roads in the distance were blocked by the snowflakes falling from the sky. Only the vague scenes on the hills, Romon, and Bell Lock could be seen vaguely. , Fafer, and old man Lu Lun, the four riders are walking hard and slowly, which is very dangerous at this time, and the horseshoe may often be broken and broken.

Everyone was wearing a thick cotton coat and a thick tarp, which was covered with snow.

“It’s so cold, this year’s snow is so heavy, I rarely see such a heavy snow!” Suzuki complained, she shivered a little cold, if it is not Luo Meng going to the forest house, she is absolutely unwilling to be in this climate Get down.

“Romon, I didn’t expect you to be promoted.” Fafer on the side ignored it. It was difficult to restrain the joy in his heart and said happily, “When will you go to the city to determine the rank?” Indeed, Lord Master, now you are a fifth-level druid, and you have become a fifth-level druid at the age of eighteen. It’s incredible! “Old Man Lulun was even happier than Fafer. He became a fifth-level druid at the moment of the magic disaster, and undoubtedly added a lot of vitality.

“Well, when I go back this time, I installed a natural altar in the underground space. With the natural altar, it is really a greenhouse!” Luo Meng said happily, this time, he naturally obtained the method of the natural altar: “Wait The altar of nature is complete, let’s go to the city for the insurance card grade. “Once upon a time, Jiefa’s altar of nature gave him great envy, but at this time, he also had it.

At this moment, a sharp cry suddenly came from the sky.

“It’s lightning! Romon heard the sound of lightning and looked up quickly.

I saw a black dot in the sky constantly circling, and with his eyesight at this moment, I immediately saw the lightning that went out last night. The lightning was finally not circling. This time, not only Romon, but even Fafer was frightened.

The mountain eagle, which was already quite large in size, was more than twice as large as it was. A wing alone is two and a half meters long, standing, and even taller than a person.

“Lightning, did you actually degenerate?” Romon said in surprise.

It turned out that what happened to Lightning was a degenerative phenomenon of magic pets. In fact, every level increase of Romon will lead to the progress of Lightning, but as Romon breaks through the fifth level, Lightning will also undergo an important promotion. Once transformed into a silver-winged eagle that can carry people.

Great, now this kind of silver-winged eagle can only kill the tiger, manned flight, even if you can only fly a hundred miles at a time, you must rest, it is equivalent to an air plane.

Old man Lu Lun walked over, looked at it, and said to Romon: “Master Lord, I really congratulate you.” Of course he knew that with this thing, even if the soldiers did everything they could, they could allow several people to escape.

Luo Meng nodded and smiled, and his smile seemed so brilliant. With this silver-winged eagle, it was equivalent to taking control of the scouting, flying, and fleeing cardinals.

Several people, quietly Mercedes-Benz in the white world, in a blink of an eye, the Forest House is already in sight, after all, the two territories, the difference is not big.

The captain of the guard house of the Forest House is Sukar. Sukar practiced well here. Although it was snowing, there were still people taking turns. After shouting, the door opened and everyone went in.

It has been two months since I came to Forest House seriously. The area of ​​Forest House is only one-third of that of the small mining village, but it is more lively than the small mining village.

After all, here is a place where adventurers gather.

After a year, the Forest House became more and more prosperous, and the ground was all covered with stones. Although it was snowing, it could walk without being dirty.

Go straight along the avenue, and you will reach the square. This is the lord villa, alchemy hall, and hotel.

At the back of the hotel, another building was built. Only two buildings could accommodate the current adventurers. In the middle of the space, a horse demon was built to provide people with horses.

Fafer jumped down first and said, “Let’s go to the hotel. Pakistan!” The four talents jumped off the horse, and even a little boy greeted them attentively. Of course they knew the lord and took the horses inside to drink water and eat grass .

Entering the hotel, the hall was full of people.

Most people are adventurers. They order some wine at the table, talk to each other, and make a loud noise.

Because of the blizzard weather, these adventurers can of course not go out to perform their tasks. In addition to sleeping in the room and recuperating, the only other thing is to drink in this hall.

Due to the cold weather, the fireplace on the east wall of the hall has been lit, and the firewood is piled up by the chopped wood. From time to time, the little boy takes care of it and the fire is very hot.

Not only did the flames heat up, it warmed the hall, but it also had light, illuminating the hall, which made it unnecessary to light candles, which were very expensive.

Many people came in from the snow, and the fire light expelled the moisture from the snow. Some people were half wet, and they just spread a blanket and sat by the fireplace to roast the fire.

Romon nodded and greeted “So Santia, you are doing a good business!” This is Fafell’s mother. As soon as Sangati turned around, he saw the lord and his son, and suddenly laughed. Yan.

Master, you come back, come and go, go upstairs, I will make you a delicious meal, some people happened to play a few game, but also collected some fresh apples, people who have eaten, feel wrong. “Romon nodded. There are too many people in the hall. It is more appropriate to go upstairs. Of course, this kind of thing does not need to worry about Romon. Everyone went upstairs in a room and everyone sat down here. There is also a small fireplace with chopped wood stacked around the stove, but it has not been lit.

Fafer stayed below and wanted to say something to his mother and brother.

At this time, Romon walked over to the fireplace, threw some wood in it, and raised his hand. A small flame lit up at his fingertips. At this time, the color of the flame was not the only one to get the fire field. Dark red, but deep red, which means that the temperature of the fire, at least reached about the jump of Celsius, and even faintly showed signs of elm red.

With just one flick, this flame burst into the wood and blasted! “With a blast, the fire rose in the furnace, and the flame could last for five minutes, enough to ignite the wood.

Sure enough, after the film brake, the airflow generated by the flame ushered in with heat waves. The whole room warmed up immediately.

After enough experience, Romon realized that he was a little too cautious. In fact, each druid, in fact, due to the difference between the mind and the road, also caused the natural spells obtained to be similar, but there are still differences.

When he was in the third-level druid, he did not get the fire, but not all druids are like this.

Therefore, this fire power can still be used with confidence. Now, the fire field controlled by Romon produces spell-like power, that is to say, it is equal to some fixed fire power, and the most powerful one is of course the fireball. Surgery.

In fact, the fireball technique is the so-called first attack skill below level 5, and the ice vertebrae of level 4 cannot beat it. It is equivalent to a grenade.

At this time, the door knocked and the door opened, and a group of people came in, each carrying food.

“Pancakes, wine, roast meat, game, and soup!” Faffer yelled happily as he carried the pancakes.

“Good, I’m hungry.” Suzuki Li jumped up.

A pair of teenage boys in the back, holding game, and Sanhedi carrying soup, suddenly, the room smells delicious.

“Let’s eat?” “Romon said.

“No, no, the business below is still very busy.” The teenager said, this man was Faffer’s younger brother Waden, followed by the girl, the daughter Effie who was the daughter of the neighbor in the town.

“Oh, are you married? I haven’t celebrated yet, so let’s make it up now.” Luo Meng looked at the young couple, and a satisfied smile appeared, and he threw a money from his waist.

As soon as Varden took it, he looked at Fafer, who smiled and said, “Yes, brother, hold it, go on!”

Varden smiled, and went down quickly. On the stairs, he opened the bag, which contained heavy, shiny yellow gold coins. He burst into cheers, and quickly counted the twenty!

Ai Zhen’s eyes shined, which was equivalent to making a silver coin. Lord Lord really generously shot.

The dishes had been served on the table, and several people couldn’t wait to get up. After all, the snow ran for a long time, and they were already hungry. Romon saw a person and greeted: “Fudi, you come and eat!”

“No, sir, I have eaten it already.” Fudi said respectfully.

Luo Meng nodded, not much to speak, and the whole party swallowed, and even Bell Drill was no exception. These days, Bell Diamond finally got used to being relatively equal to Luo Meng.

After eating, the group sat on the sofa.

“Hey, the snow stopped, and the sun came out.” Ling Feng looked out the window. I don’t know when the snow stopped. At this time, it was about one o’clock in the afternoon. The sun was shining on the snow. Sort out the villa first. “Wait, I still have something to do, you will go later! “Romon said, seeing her sitting down again, said to Fudi,” I’m here today, I have something to tell you. “

“Sir, please tell me.” Well, the adventurers have nothing to do recently. I have several things to tell you. First, there are more reservoirs and wells in the village. Although it is not easy in winter, this project is not easy. , Do it too! Luo Meng said, “According to the standard of ten households. “

Fuqi is very strange. There are rivers outside. Why dig these projects inside, but he should respond: “Yes, lord, you can rest assured, I will handle it later.”

This is actually the water source that guards the territory after the beginning of the war. Of course, it is also a fire spell to guard against the enemy, so as not to cause a big problem at that time.

“Second, it is to dig a cellar for me. The standard is that you can put everything from the outside warehouse inside.” Romon said. The words on the surface are vulnerable to attack. If a demon can fly, throw a fireball in the sky damn.

This is also a big project. Fudi should say: “Yes!” That’s it. You have to do this first. Then of course, “Small mining village, you have to start construction at the same time. You are in charge. Take more responsibility. “

“Yes, lord, you can rest assured!” Luo Meng nodded his head. In fact, there are moats and sharp wooden pile trenches, which can be excavated, but this project is large, and now the money is not enough.

Get here first today, and discuss the altar of nature with you tomorrow. Romon waved his hand and said.

After Fudi left, Bell locked up and asked, “How is the natural altar?” Of course, the first core must have marble, and the brake should be carved into a rough face. Then I can finely process it and make it work. After it works, Our underground greenhouse is worthy of the name. Luo Meng said with a smile: “During this process, you can observe one or two. Although you are still at this level, it is still possible to observe.” “

“Sir, your greenhouse, I also want to visit. It is said that the area is very large?” Old man Lu Lun said.

“It’s really large. This was originally the basement of the temple. It can accommodate thousands of people. If all the mud beds are used, it can be divided into five floors in total. The combined area is very large, and it can be produced in three seasons a year.” Luo Meng said proudly : “In addition to the effect of the natural altar, it is still possible to satisfy half of the food needs in the territory based on this.”

The old man Lu Lun was shocked, but also happy, so, indeed, the food problem is not big, after all, there is still farmland within the city walls that can be planted.

“Marble is actually there, as long as you ask someone to carve the brakes. Roughly carved car brakes do not require much labor. I estimate three days is fine. For fine processing, only I can do it. It takes about a week to estimate Finish, before the new year, UU reads the book www.uukanshu.com. After I finish, go to the city again and declare the grade standard. “Romon said in summary.

After thinking for a while, I said to the bell lock again: “Bell lock, you can sort out the villa now and prepare a room for Mr. Lulun.”

“Yes, I see.” Ling Feng said cleverly.

“The following adventurers, you may consider recruiting some.” When Ling Feng and Fafer were gone, the old man said.

“I’m afraid I’m too exposed.” Romon said, worried, and the bishop’s warning was still in sight.

“At this moment, the upper classes are now mobilizing. As long as your movements are not very large, it is not reminiscent of the magic disaster, you can still prepare. Of course, according to the city law, if the adventurer is a citizen, he will be affected Recruitment, so you can pick some free citizens who are not cities. Old man Lu Lun said, “This part is not large in number, so there is no problem if you call it, and it will not cause any big reaction. “

Although Romon heard this for the first time, he nodded his head. The most important thing is to strengthen his strength. The Forest House here needs at least 50 militiamen. (Foresee the future, please pay attention

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