Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 193 - Further exploration (on)

The next day, it was sunny after the snow.

Fudi’s work has already begun. A large number of adventurers are temporarily hired. After all, they also have to live. If the salary is more appropriate, they do n’t mind temporary guest appearances.

The rough embryo drawings of the natural altar were also handed over to the stonemason, who indicated that they could be delivered in three days.

Romon made a skateboard.

Since he is a member of the Nature Conservation Association on Earth, he is no stranger to this sport, so he created a skateboard. Of course, from the perspective of the earth, this is a very crude and quaint work: a piece of 60 cm long and 15 cm wide The wooden board is fixed on the iron wheel of the roller skate.

With this, Luo Meng slipped out of the Forest House. The people here, from small to large, have never seen such a novelty. They are all stunned. The bells have an impulse and want to ski.

Although the weather is clear, the wind is still sweeping. Such weather. Close most people in houses, roads and hills, and no pedestrians can be seen.

According to Romon, he is consolidating the fifth-level druid, and the outer forest environment is more suitable for cultivation, and he should have full contact with nature to integrate all he feels.

After leaving the village and sliding outside, Romon did not go towards the edge of the forest, but went to the mining area.

“Guru Guru.” Lightning cried in front.

“Lightning, let me take a good look at you!” There were many people last time, without careful inspection, and now after being surprised, Romon was ecstatic.

Waiting for the lightning to fall, he quickly walked to the side of the lightning and looked at the huge silver-winged eagle that could carry people. His eyes were full of smiles: “Not bad, little guy, no, I can’t now It ’s called a little guy, it ’s supposed to call you a big guy, you suddenly become like this, I ’m really not used to it. ”

He said, while patting the wings of lightning with his hands, he smiled comfortably.

There were two grunts in Lightning’s throat, and a light flashed in the eagle’s eye. It could already understand the master’s words. It is said that by the fifteenth level, it can even speak.

“You guys are quite proud. It seems that the name I gave you before is very good. Lightning, Lightning. It’s really a handsome eagle. Well, it’s good. It’s as handsome as your master. “Slightly stroked this familiar pet, and the smile on Lomon’s face grew bigger and bigger.”

This is an evolution-like transformation. The lightning at this time has undergone tremendous changes compared with the previous ones, and even the ordinary cliff eagle has a huge change.

The once dark brown feathers have become much lighter at this time, and are closer to brownish yellow in color, and the brownish yellow feathers, with a little silver, are reflected by the light on the snow. Some dazzling.

The figure has more than doubled, and the height of the body has been pulled up a lot. The two legs with thick arms have now become completely as thick and thin as human thighs. They look extremely powerful. Two huge sharp claws Grabbing deeply on the ground, the sharpness of the nails, I am afraid that if I am scratched once, I will lose a large piece of meat. It is such a pair of powerful legs that supports its huge body.

In fact, the biggest change in Lightning’s body is also its pair of wide wings, a pair of wings that are no different from ordinary mountain eagles. After they have transformed into silver-winged eagles, they can lie on their backs after unfolding. A few people have more than one, long, wide and very powerful wings, a little fan, you can set off a strong wind on the flat ground.

“Lightning, continue to evolve, to become a silver-winged eagle that really competes with the Griffon!” Romon touched it, very happy.

There is a griffin in this world, with a lion’s body and claws, an eagle’s head and wings. It is said that the wings are eight meters long and have long ears, so they can even afford a knight in armor.

The Griffon Knight can cross a county in one day. Carrying out mobile strikes has a lethal effect on most ground troops. It can be said that a team of Griffon Knights can eliminate ten times the number of ground knights and more soldiers through air reconnaissance, division, and siege.

Therefore, it has become one of the most powerful forces in each king’s family, a representative of air power, and a symbol of royal power. Only the monarchs or princes of various countries are allowed to have such arms.

Romon now enjoys it in advance. Of course, he is not a knight, but he with fireball is simply a bomber in this world, and his fighting power is much stronger than that of a griffon knight.

Thinking of this, Luo Meng was so angry that he said: “Lightning, carrying me today, a lap in the air?”

Through the understanding of the silver-winged eagle, Romon knew that it has the ability to carry people, so. He said to Lightning.

Lightning grunted, and fell down. Romon laughed and jumped up. He hadn’t laughed like this for a long time since he knew the real situation of the disaster.

Seeing lightning spread its wings, it flew up early, and the strong wind formed by the wings lifted the surrounding snow back a few steps, and the whole body rose.

Although at the beginning. Lightning is still a little unaccustomed, but under the communication and adjustment of Romon, it will be stable for a moment.

At this time, Romon can enjoy an exciting air journey.

“The sky is really blue!” He raised his head slightly and looked at the sky above him. I wondered if it was really seen, or it was only a psychological effect. Romon suddenly felt that he was much closer to the blue sky, the color of the sky It was even more blue, and sighed again: “It’s cooler than flying!”

Luo Meng looked down and saw that the hills and fields below had become smaller, one by one, watching. Suddenly dizzy, he quickly drew back his eyes and grasped the feathers of lightning with both hands tightly: “Lightning, slow down , Do n’t do any difficult moves! “

Lightning grunted again.

“Ha! You guys dare to despise me, this is not enough!” Through Druid’s animal conversation, Romon discovered that Lightning despised him just now.

This animal companion, along with the transformation, is more and more advancing towards the road of humanity. Luo Meng’s heart is both happy and helpless. Happily, this is a manifestation of the increasing wisdom of the magic pet, but desperately, he was despised by his magic pet …

“Indeed, very good!” Finally, after slowly adapting to the fear in the air, Luo Meng finally straightened his waist, and his two legs did not shake. When looking down, he could not be dizzy. Naturally looking down at the ground: “Lightning. Go over there in the mine area, and I will look at the situation below.” Romon said suddenly.

Lightning was ordered, without a word, he turned directly and flew towards the hills. Because the speed of lightning was fast, and the location of the mining area was very close to the village, so, almost a moment, Romon was already I can see the mining area below.

“Lightning, fly a little lower.” At this current height, looking down is a little unclear, so Romon said, and lightning quickly lowered the height after hearing the command.

“That kind of demonic breath is getting stronger and stronger.” I don’t know if it’s a psychological effect, and I don’t see any suspicious monster trails. However, Romon only sensed the surrounding breath and already found some clues. He glanced at the mine with some worry, and then said to Lightning: “Fall down!”

As the eagle spread its wings, it fell towards the entrance of the mining area.

After falling to the ground, Luo Meng was active. After all, in the sky, it was still cold. If it was not because he had the fire field, then it might be frozen-even if wearing a thick coat.

“Lightning, you go to play, and when you go back, give you extra meals.” Romon said as he ordered.

After the lightning decays, the food intake increases greatly. This is a necessary process. It must be stabilized for a period of time before the food intake is slightly reduced, but it is still larger than the original food intake.

If it is in summer and autumn, when there are many animals, it does not matter. Lightning can find food by itself, but in winter, everything hibernates, it is not easy to find food. Romon must provide a large amount of fresh meat.

Upon hearing the command, lightning flew up at once, and Luo Meng stood there alone, looking up at the sky, where a big eagle was soaring happily.

After a while, Luo Meng stepped forward, but his face did not have the excitement of the first heaven. This time I was going to go to the underground space again to check the situation of the underground space. Otherwise, I am always worried. Not sure, he felt very uneasy.

At this time, carefully walked into the mining area.

The mining area at night is still so quiet. Because it is winter, even the sound of water droplets is gone, and they are frozen into icicles. The entire mining area, except for his footsteps, has no sound.

Since raising the sensitivity to 18 o’clock, Romon has discovered that both vision, hearing, and even sensory abilities are much stronger than before.

Sometimes, stumbling blocks that dark vision does not notice can be felt instinctively.

However, let’s put a light technique here!

Luo Meng released a brilliance technique. The light of the brilliance technique has been shining all around. Within ten meters of the surrounding area, they are covered by this bright white light. In this dark place, it is particularly conspicuous.

The road in the mining area ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ is already very familiar. Romon walked along the road. On the way, he remembered the process of the last time he brought people with him.

However, the situation is still different. After being promoted to level 5, Romon’s combat power can be said to be a leap. It is estimated that it has increased more than five times.

This is due to the acquisition of large-area and powerful spells, such as the lightning and fireball that Romon now obtains.

Lightning is a three-pole Druid’s divine art, currently limited in level, it can only emit three per day.

Fireball is a kind of magic in the field of fire. With the strength and power of the field of fire, although there are only two now, it will grow more than this number in the future.

To be practical, Romon appreciates fireball.

The range of fireball is up to 50 meters + 5 meters per level. In other words, Romon can now shoot 75 meters, and it can cause creatures within a radius of 10 meters around the explosion point to be damaged by explosion and fire, and its power also varies. With the increase of the level, the highest can even be as high as 1500 degrees, which can melt the metal!

What awesome power this is! (!)

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