Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 889 - At sea (on)

The dark clouds on the misty plane are constantly rolling in the sky.

Although the fog gradually dissipated over the sea during this season, the ever-increasing bad weather still caused those navigators to encounter many troubles. At this time, the strong wind has swept everything, and it seems that the whole sky has been swallowed by the black and the roars have been swept, and there are large clouds of black clouds that have gathered here.

“Slow down the speed, pay attention to the direction!” All over the sky, it seemed to have rolled down. The thick clouds, like a huge black shadow, squeezed everything, the sound of the wind, the roar of the waves, the sound was terrifying, floating on the sea Merchant ships are like dead leaves, and they are not free in the wind and waves.

At this time, everyone seems very small. This is a force that shakes the world and belongs to the power of nature. “The storm is getting bigger and bigger, what should I do?” “What else can I do? Do not panic as I said!” Captain, there is water pouring into the left! “Quick, dig out the water, pay attention to fasten the rope!” “”Yes! “Captain, No. 3 has failed!” You see, No. 3 ship has not kept up! “Damn! “People’s anxious voices kept repeating.

This general team has a total of six ships. They are all patrol ships. People in this misty plane, in order to explore new routes, many territories will send ships and personnel to constantly travel to the sea to explore the situation.

Because of the existence of many sea beasts and mists, the task of sailing has always been extremely dangerous. “However, the rewards given to these sailors by the lords are also very high. The money can still grind the ghosts, not to mention the risk of death. Adventure.

Although sailing is a very dangerous thing, there are still a lot of applicants. Usually, people who dare to sign up are courageous, experienced, and capable people, and it is such a group of people who are facing such terrible At the time of the weather, they all seemed dazed.

What’s more, the sea area where they are now walking has gone out of the famous sea of ​​death. There are many sea beasts here and there, each type of sea beast is enough to make the merchant ship annihilated.

“Forget it, don’t care about them. At this time, the two ships are close together, they are simply fighting to death!” The captain of the ship said: “Did you not see? A sea beast appeared! They have been The sea beast is staring, and we are going to find death!

At this time, the waves are constantly rolling, and the hull is also shaking violently. As long as the situation has been clearly seen, I saw the big ship out of condition, and there were many moving black spots around it. The black spots are all beasts lurking in the water.

There are constant collision sounds, and from these sides, these sea beasts are actually hitting the ship.

The wind was very loud. The captain still heard the call of everyone on the ship. In order to save his strength on one side, he had to pretend not to hear it.

“But …” The first crew member who discovered that the ship had a problem was still hesitant. “There is nothing to do, listen to my orders, to ensure the safety of this ship, and pay attention to the defense to ignore the general call for help in the distance, the captain of this ship said coldly.” Yes! “The sailors around him echoed in unison.

The subordinate who spoke just now stood in the wind and rain, looking at the ship in the distance, with a helpless expression on his face.

At this time, the ship had been destroyed by wind and rain, and the impact of sea beasts. There were holes in the ship. As soon as the water entered, there was a certain tilt immediately. It was obvious that it would not take long for this ship It is possible that the ship will overwhelm the sea. “Help! Come and help us!” “We don’t have a beast-repellent potion on our ship, any of you have it on the ship, please help.” Who will help us! Help! “The people on that boat all shouted loudly, and the sound reached the others through the sound of the wind and waves.” Don’t ignore them and continue sailing! “” One by one, one by one. “

It is not only that this ship has not rescued in the past, but the other four ships have also upheld the principle of self-rescue and not saving it.

At this time, the wind and waves on the sea are very large, and the rules here in the Mist plane are very strange. That is, there is no pastor who is within the range of the **** he believes, and it is impossible to pray for the advent of the magic, even if they have The existence of the priest will only help them solve some limited problems on the way. The number of these magical arts is too small. Even if they are all used at this time, they will not have any great effect at this time.

What’s more, there is no priest on these ships. Facing this natural force, they can only choose to pray and wait.

The power of mortals is too small. Under the impact of such a natural force, it can only pray for the past of disaster. “Master, that hole can’t be blocked, what should I do, the water has been pouring into the boat!” Damn it! Hurry up and block it! “No, it won’t stop!” “What are they doing there?” At this time, don’t hurry and come over like this! “” This group of miscellaneous, obviously want to protect themselves! ” “

“Adult, what should we do? If we go on like this, we will die!”

“Master, those sea beasts are still hitting the hull!”

There were more than a dozen people on the sack that was entangled with sea beasts. They were all hired to serve as the vanguard fleet. Except for the captain, the others were all hirers.

Because of this, people on other ships choose so indifferently to ignore them one by one.

For those who spend money on hiring schedules, for their life and death, those people may stretch their hands in ordinary times, and they are self-careful at such times of danger. “Look, look, there are other ships coming!” Suddenly there was a crew member, in despair, as if he saw a glimmer of hope and yelled. “Other ships?” The person in charge of this ship looked backwards. Sure enough, I saw only a few clippers, heading towards this side at a very fast speed.

These ships seem to be protected by some kind of force, and they are not afraid of the wind and waves at all. Seeing this situation, the person in charge immediately cried out, “Come on, everyone else hurries to expose the water, you, and You, call me to help them! “

At this time he also understood that people who rely on himself may not be useful, it is better to see if these ships can save their lives! “Help! Help!” “Our ship is broken and entangled with sea beasts, help!” The cry passed through the wind and waves to the distance. At that time, the fast-moving ships also found the shadow of the ship in front of them. “” Reports, ships in other territories were found in front! “A General Staff Report.” Have you heard any voices? “The person in charge of this fleet stood on the deck of the main ship and asked left and right.” Yes, sir, we have heard that someone is calling for help. “

The person in charge was wearing the priest’s clothes and said to the left and right people: “Since they are calling for help, they should be in danger. Let’s lean over the boat and ask what is going on.” Yes. After hearing his order, the fleet went in the direction of the shout. “Adult, there are sea beasts!” A little closer, suddenly a sailor said. “It doesn’t matter, our ship is enveloped by magic, and it doesn’t fear sea beasts.” The priest in charge said lightly.

Sure enough, as soon as their ship leaned over, the group of sea beasts spread out immediately, and they dared not lean in again. “What’s the matter with you?” When the main ship approached the ship calling for help, the person in charge in the priest’s robe asked. “Ours is broken, and it will sink soon, save us!” See someone really came to ask, and also accidentally dispelled the sea beast, the captain quickly called for help. The other crew members also shouted: “Save us, our ship is about to sink!”

Seeing the ships that appeared in front of them all showed smooth driving, these people immediately increased their confidence, and the voice of crying for help became more and more sad.

“Why don’t you let them save you?” The plan was to immediately order the rescue, but the priest suddenly saw a few other ships drifting on the sea not far away, so he asked for a meal.

“They can’t protect themselves, lord, they dare not lean over!” The boat on the boat yelled.

I looked at the situation over there again, and it was indeed true. The priest nodded and said to the surrounding soldiers: “Put the boat over and let them come up, but watch out.” “Yes!” Then, in their With the help, the crew on that ship were rescued.

Just at this moment, there was a sudden cry of excitement not far away, and under the watch of these people, the ship they had just left had already sunk into the sea.

“Oh my god!” Everyone who sees this ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ has changed his complexion.

Especially those who had just been rescued on board, exclaimed: “My God bless!”

“Adult, fortunately, you and your crew rescued us, otherwise, we will die without a burial place.” The captain of the ship who saw this situation thanked the shipman very respectfully. “It’s okay, since you met it, then save it!” The pastor smiled faintly.

“All of us are adventurers. This time we went to sea to perform a mission in the Latiga territory. Fortunately, we met you and your fleet. Otherwise, we will die for this mission.” The captain was very It’s a feeling.

“We are people from Salante, I am a priest, and this time I brought people out to perform tasks.” The priest said. “Sarandeur? I seem to have heard of it. I heard that you believe in the **** Romon, right?” The captain’s eyes lit up when he heard his introduction. “Yes, my Lord is God Luo Meng.” When asked, the pastor answered naturally.

Hearing the pastor’s answer, the captain wanted to say something, but opened his mouth, but didn’t say it, but sighed secretly. Just at this time, there were heavy winds and waves, and everyone focused on the sea waves

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