Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 890 - At sea (below)

Cardina, the one who rescued you just now, is the man led by Salante, right? When the waves were calm, the people to be rescued were put on a harbor near the sea, and the fleet led by Salant left.

But the captains who had been unwilling to rescue just now went ashore, found the rescued man, and asked the question. “How is it? Isn’t it?” Said the captain, Cardina, who was rescued by the boat led by Salante, said not very politely.

He certainly knew the meaning of these people’s questioning, but the Salat leader was his life-saving benefactor, and he would not say anything that would be detrimental to the benefactor.

They are all adventurers. Because he had been a captain before, this time he was still the person in charge of the ship. Whoever thinks that, as soon as he arrives at sea, this kind of thing happens and he is almost ruined After a boatman’s life, when he saw those who refused to save, his tone was no better.

“Cartina, you don’t know, what is our mission to go to sea this time?” The captain who spoke before saw him refuse to answer the question honestly, so he sneered: “Don’t forget, we went to sea this time The mission is to investigate the things of the Sarant leader and see how their fleet is different at sea, why they can fear the storm and the sea beasts, and the ships in other territories are not successful, why, you Forget this matter? “

“Why do n’t they fear the storm and the sea beasts? Why do n’t you know? Naturally because they are brave enough, they will not leave their companions to escape themselves, nor will their companions when any of their ships are killed. They will be left behind, so simple reason, you will not know? “Cardinal said coldly and ironically. “Cartina, in that situation, no one was going to die in vain, you can’t blame us.” Cardinal said some blush, the other captain quickly explained.

“No one will die in vain. Why can they come to save us, but you dare not? Say less, hum, leave your companions to escape, this thing, you really do it!” Cardina is also not an open-minded person. This matter makes him unable to release his heart. “You one by one, one by one” “Oh, forget it, he doesn’t want to say, then forget it.” The captain who first spoke wanted to continue his theory, and was caught by several others. “However, our task …” said the anxious man as the companion held himself.

“Relax, after this incident, can’t you explain the problem yet?” A captain was obviously very clever, he reminded: “Did you not show up? Their ship was close to the ship of Cardinal, surrounded by The sea beasts around the Cardinian ship were all scared away. Also, their ship was very flat in the wind and waves, all of which explained the problem! “” What problem? The ships that can represent them are blessed by magic. “The captain said impatiently before.

“Yes, that ’s right, but if you think about it again, the priest who is out of the realm of God ’s territory” can only use the magic stored previously, unless they have multiple priests, and the priest is very high, Otherwise, how is it possible to poke such a powerful magical effect in that weather? The kind of magical technique that can keep driving smoothly all the time, it is not a little bit, is it? “

“You mean, the strength of their temple is actually stronger than they showed it? They concealed their own strength?” The captain said in surprise before hearing the analysis of his companions.

“No, it’s very likely that the problem is here. Even if we are talking about guessing, it can partially explain the problem.” The person who made this point was very proud and said: “We reported this matter and the task Is it complete? Hey, this time I really want to thank this storm. If it were n’t for this storm, we would n’t have been able to show it. ”“ Salent ’s control is extremely tight, and it ’s not easy to spy on the situation. If you spy like this, and wait for the task to be completed, I do n’t know how many people will die! “These people laughed and prepared to leave. “Forget it, for your credit, let’s go back to the boat with us.” Looking back, a captain said to the group of people behind.

“Captain, can’t we keep up?” Those people who were rescued by the Salander leader had a respect for the Salander leader. Seeing that others were not very friendly to this territory, their I suddenly felt uncomfortable.

A crew member stood beside their captain. Hearing the man’s shout, he turned his head and asked if his captain could keep up.

If they do n’t go with the ship, this is a port ←, and there are already people, they can also take the 6th road and return to their destination. “Don’t go with them. I still have some money. We can go back on the 6th road. We frowned in disgust, and Cardinal said.” Okay, just listen to your captain, we will take the 6th road. “He said to his men.

“Huh, it’s really a group of things that don’t know what to lift.” The group of people who saw Kadi turned around and greeted them. After a moment’s stun, they suddenly scolded. “Forget it, let’s go our way.” Others persuaded. As a result, their group re-entered Shanghai and left the port.

At the same time, the Salant fleet, who had rescued others, was already heading in the direction of the Salant leader. With. After a few moments, they returned to the Saran Territory. Now, on the coast, they are working hard. As soon as they lean on the dock, they can see that six thousand people are working hard. They first built roads, and roads that were flat and smooth appeared.

Once the road is completed, the first thing to build is the Yin Yin. The majority of believers quickly built the temple with a pious attitude. After the temple was built, a warehouse was established at a designated location on both sides of the road.

A carriage and oxcart came together with stones, potatoes, peanuts, flour, and fishermen specialized in fishing to provide workers with food.

Especially the stones, fortunately, the original city here is not far away, demolished and transported to meet the needs of city construction.

Below is the construction of neat wooden houses. After the wooden houses are built, these workers will move in. After that, they will be their homes.

The next building is the dock and the dock. When the dock is built, all the people come to visit, and the sound of exclamation and vibration is endless.

However, the original forest collar, although there is no shortage of fishermen, but the lack of skilled boatman, this time to go to sea, is to hope to find a suitable master in other coastal areas. The port city has now reached the point where the city walls and arrow towers are built. All this was presided over by Bishop Kamrongpa who had been promoted to the eighth level. The priest, quickly stepped forward, across the pier, along the avenue, to a large square.

Around the square, small food shops, taverns, and inns have sprung up like mushrooms. The priest went straight to the temple without paying attention. “Master Bishop!” The pastor met a man in the garden, and he bowed his head respectfully.

Bishop Kamrongpa raised his head, nodded, and said, “Consi, what’s the result of this voyage?”

“Master Bishop, we have drawn a map of the coast, found out the road, and have dug some skilled boatmen who can make big ships.” The pastor said respectfully. “Very good, with a skilled boatman, we can build a big ship and build a navy, which is indeed very timely.” Bishop Kamrongpa said: “We will soon be ready to get it.” Master Bishop, don’t we Is the war about to begin? Pastor Kangxi said excitedly. “Yes, soon. It has been two years since the last Jade War. My Lord’s faith has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. It is considered qualified. We need to expand our Lord’s faith. “Follow your orders, praise my Lord.” Pastor Kangxi lowered his head.

Outside the city, the breath of spring is so rich, and the glory of the spring shines on the earth. In the original city of Salante, the farmland has been reclaimed.

However, in this port city, farmland is reclaimed, adults work, and children run outside the city. “Look, it’s fawns, they are so cute!” “Yeah, they were scared by us, let’s not scare it, okay? Keep it quiet!”

A few and a half old children were standing in a wilderness, watching a few deer running in the grass, their faces all showing a cheerful expression. “What are you doing? Are you still playing? Don’t come back soon to help!” A female voice came from afar with a clear voice.

Among the children, two children sighed depressively and said to their friends: “Let’s go back to help first, and you should go back early, otherwise, your parents should not be found.” Let’s go back together. “The other children were very sensible. When they heard the words of their partners, they nodded and said as they should. Several children ran back along a flat dirt road.

Near the wilderness here is a large area of ​​newly reclaimed farmland. The cold weather has just passed and the farmland is still barren.

However, last year’s good harvest in Salante City was seen by everyone, and everyone is looking forward to this year’s harvest. After the pain of migration that year, everyone now enjoys happiness.

Under the grace of God Lomon, the order here is clear, the taxes are not high, and the harvest is often abundant, which makes people living here gradually produce joy and satisfaction.

It can be said that in the entire plane of the fog, only here is the most beautiful and carefree paradise. Everyone starts to forget the past and the pain of the past, and sincere faith comes from the Roseau. “What you said is true?” On the one hand, some of the territories represented by the Earl of Ghathata began to have doubts about the Salant. After hearing the reports of the crew, the Lord Lord of the Earl of Ghatha became complicated. You know, in the plane of the mist, the greatest honor of each lord is the power of the gods believed in that territory.

And these gods, the gap is not very large, especially the interference with the external territories, basically equivalent to zero, and therefore, each territory can be cut to become king. Understand that the gods of this world, due to the limitation of power and force, have a limit on the number of priests and divine arts.

There are signs on the surface that God Romon has a priest and **** of a terrible scale. How can this not make Count Gohatha feel scared?

However, he did not expect that there would be the problem of possessing divine power across the ground. In his consciousness, there was no such concept at all. Just thinking that the temple of the Roseau had more powerful strength, he already made him feel A sense of crisis. “You did a good job, very good, go on and get paid.” Waving the group of people down, Lord Earl Ghatha began to think about countermeasures. “Yes, simply send a few people to go deep into Sarrant’s territory and investigate what’s going on.” The two lords shot, and the lord had an idea. Afterwards, he called in a few confidantes and asked them to arrange for people to enter the territory of the Salantes.

“Remember, to choose smart people, it is not easy to be seen, and it can make people see” I feel bland, remember, I must ask the answer I want. “At the same time, Count Gaohata said With. Xi and his lord have the same concerns, and the number is not small.

Just as the Earl of Ghatha sent people to the territory of the God of Romon, several other lords also sent people into the newly built city. For a while, the misty city began to be infiltrated by foreign spies.

With the continuous penetration of spies ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ some useful information began to be sent out. With the collection of information, some people were discussing and discussing.

“God Lomon now has about 55,000 believers, concentrated in two cities, but the pastor’s scale is very large for a few days. There are now about 500 pastors. This ratio is really amazing. It is remarkable that a believer of this size can have three hundred priests. This has proved that Lord Romon may be a powerful deity. “But there is no priest yet, and he can get the fifth-level magic. That Bishop Kamrongpa is now a senior priest.” “That was too short. This Bishop Kamrongpa has been promoted very quickly. Looking at this situation, after waiting for another year or two, you will know whether the **** Luo Meng is a powerful god.” “It is said that there is another dragon, driven by it. We used to get close to the sensor and sacrificed several people one by one. This is really powerful!” “

“Well, this is simply the merger of the two gods. No wonder there are so many priests.”

“We must be very vigilant about this territory, and it is a strong neighbor.” It is the conclusion of almost a few people who made a sentence. …… But, it has been five years since the arrival of God Luo Meng. Why can’t you feel the formation of territorial realm? “This sentence is a confusion for someone, and has not been valued yet.

For thousands of years, there has never been a divine power to cross the territory. This is a blind spot for thinking.

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