Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 924 - Mystery (Part 2)

The sea

Countless miracles and unknown journeys. There are also countless dangerous journeys, and people at sea understand this.

“Thunder” trudged hard in the sea.

Black clouds shrouded the sea, and the violent rain line was blown by the hurricane.

The deck struggled on the waterline, immersed the deck from time to time, and took away the unseen sailors.

“Bundle the goods tightly!”

“Stabilize the rudder and continue towards the east.”

Captain Hagen roared.

However, heavy rain, storms, and waves were everywhere, and a rope was suddenly disconnected. A sailor underneath hit the face with the rope that was thrown down. The whole person flew out and was instantly disappeared by the waves.

“Thunder” was rocking desperately.

“There is a lot of water in the cabin, captain!”

“Send more people to drain the water!” Captain Hagen roared.

At this moment, a blue light flooded the front, and a huge lightning flashed through the dark storm.

The hull shook violently.

“Land, it’s land!” Someone shouted.

“Land! Thank God, there is an island in front!”

Hagen shouted: “Everyone got out of the cabin and drained. Steering, the boat should be grounded to the beach!”

“Follow your orders, sir!”

The storm gradually stopped.

“Captain, it’s an island, it looks very barren.”

“Captain, our fresh water barrels have turned over, there is no more fresh water.”

Moments later, Hagen walked cautiously in the forest, and beside him, there were two other sailors besides Filken, each holding a weapon in their own hands, and looked around while walking alertly.

The food on board was almost eaten up by them, and fresh water was scarcely left after the storm.

Of course, the more important point is that the boat that survived the storm barely broke up after barely docking, plus the sudden rain that poured everyone into a soup when the camp suddenly came last night. Hagen they urgently need to find a foothold that can temporarily shelter from the wind and rain. Of course, the collection of food, the search for fresh water and the materials for repairing ships are also the same problems they have to solve this time.

Considering many safety issues, Hagen ’s Inner Island advancement selected only two strong sailors. As for Feiken, he was still a tri-polar warrior.

At this time it was already clear, the morning sun was shining gently on the ground, and unconsciously they had left the station for a long distance.

The place where they are now is a sparse forest, and the air is filled with the fragrance of plants and trees, which was originally very common, but for a group of people who have just come out of the storm and the salty smell unique to the ocean. This fresh and sweet air is simply wonderful.

Breathing fresh air greedily, the crowd continued to move forward, and when a flesh-colored mushroom mixed in green tender grass suddenly appeared in front of them, the only thing people did was to desperately push them as far as possible. The costume-after all, after eating countless days of salted fish, the temptation of fresh mushroom soup can hardly be resisted by anyone.

At this moment, everyone except Hagen looked crazy. In fact, Hagen also hated the salted fish meal that lasted for many days.

While everyone was busy collecting, dozens of birds suddenly flew from the woods not far away, sending a startled scream in the air.

There is a situation!

The people who were busy collecting food just now became vigilant. The sailor immediately squeezed the weapon in his hand, and Feiken was holding a long sword, keeping Hagen behind.

“Oh–” Just as everyone was holding their arms and ready to go, an animal rushed out of the woods.

At the sight of everyone, his eyes were red immediately.

Even Hagen, who doesn’t know much about this species, can see that the animal that came out is not carnivorous.

It looks like a cow, but with a slightly smaller body, brown-black animal hair and eyes that have become hyperemic at the moment, it is showing that it is very angry!

“It’s the wild demon bull!” Fiken shouted suddenly.

This wild monster cow has a thick skin. Grass is used as food, but the character is tyrannical, killing each other with horns.

“Kill him, we just took it back for dinner!” Hagen ordered.

Looking at the fierce beast bull, Hagen ordered.

The Feiken around him was a very qualified second officer, faithfully performing his mission, and the three rushed up.

A moment later, the wild demon was killed, and Feiken gave the wild devil a fatal blow without mercy!

He smoothed out the wild demon cow and looked at the **** corpse of the wild demon cow on the ground.

Hagen is very happy: “Everyone is not injured?”

“No, it just scratched the skin a bit,” the three subordinates said.

Wild deer beef is delicious. For everyone who has eaten salted fish for many days in a row, it is a crime to throw them here without taking them away.

“You go back to report and move the cow back!” Hagen said, pointing to a sailor.

“Yes!” The sailor ran back immediately.

“Captain, wait for someone to come, are we going to move on?” Feiken asked.

Hagen was very interested, standing up and looking at the deeper forest: “Of course, we also need to find some materials to repair the boat. Just now I walked all the way, and found that the trees that are going inward are stronger in texture and used to repair the boat. What’s more, we not only need to prepare sufficient food, but also need to replenish some fresh water on the boat. As for the foothold, choose the beach first, and build some simple houses near the outer periphery of the woods, so that it can shelter from the wind. Rain can prevent the sudden situation just now. “

Feiken and others also agreed with his arrangement, a moment later. There was a man on board, and the four marched further away.

Sure enough, found a spring.

After going back, Hagen informed the people on board again.

At this time, the wild demon cow has been peeled, and the tree stands have been temporarily turned into roasting rods. The sailors began the preparation work in full swing.

After tossing these things, it was noon.

Under the eyes that everyone expected, Hagen took a deep breath and took the first one.

There is no time to delay, all preparations are in progress, and after the lunch, the ship’s repairs have begun again.

“One, two, three, pull!” With a loud noise, another towering tree was laid down.

But at this moment, all of a sudden, the lookout issued a warning.

“Captain, I noticed someone coming!”

“It’s cavalry, there are cavalry on this island!”

In the distance, ten cavalrymen appeared on the beach. Headed by, it turned out to be a woman.

Hagen leaned up and approached. He saw the woman wearing a druid robe embroidered with five silver threads. His face immediately changed, which was the mark of the fifth-level druid.

Behind this woman, all nine cavalry were wearing leather armor and their eyes were awe-inspiring.

Feiken saw it and whispered: “Captain, this woman is not simple. Also, these cavalry are very strong.”

Hagen’s face was bitter, and in the eyes of everyone, he stepped forward slowly.

“Who are you?” The bell scanned the surroundings and asked, she came with a ship of cargo, but there was a storm. She didn’t go back immediately, and the storm went out. Hearing the report, she noticed the signs of outsiders entering.

“I am Hagen, the captain of the Thunder. He encountered a storm and leaned on this island. Are you?”

“Hum, ma’am, these people sneaked into the island privately, and also killed the bison on the island, felled the trees on the island, according to the rules, we can take them all down.” A cavalry captain said.

The bell shook his head and said, “This is the island of Xilia. I am Lord Xilia, herditary. You said that you only hit the shore when you encounter a storm?”

Hearing this is an island with a master, Hagen couldn’t help but change his face.

If you do what you want, you can be taken down by the nobility, even if you don’t die, you will have to peel it.

“Dear Madam, I do not know that this island is your territory. I am willing to compensate with fifty gold coins.” As he said, his heart was bleeding, but it was a lot of money.

“You are cutting trees and hunting bison in private. If you want to be punished, you will be fined five gold coins. In fact, this beach is turned to the opposite side, which is our port. You can stop the boat there, repair it, and pay a fine to the port ’s interior officer ! “Said the bell.

After she finished, she nodded and turned to leave.

“Ma’am?” After a few steps away, the captain asked, he was a relative of the bell.

“You have to work longer in the future. Now the port is just some wooden piles and there are not many people. If you do this, who will dare to come?” Bell said coldly.

Following Romon for so long, she also learned a lot.

In the world, there are too many stupid people. Even this relative is very greedy.

The bell was already wondering whether she would kick him back next time and let him serve as the captain of the territory, she was a little worried.

Without mentioning the bells, Hagen considered for a long time, but decided to follow her instructions.

That afternoon, the ship was ready.

Under the command of Hagen, the ship moved hard. Sure enough, he turned a sandy beach. A thousand meters away, he discovered the port. This port is very rough, just some wooden stakes and a hotel.

What made Hagen relieved was that ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ After paying five gold coins, the interior officer brought in some craftsmen and also had fresh water and food supplements.

What delighted Hagen most was that he inquired that it was only two days away from the mainland.

After inviting home officials to have a few drinks, more news came out.

“Mrs. Bell is the second wife of Earl Tetasha. Lord Earl specially gave this island to his wife. Don’t look at the island is small and barren. Now there are many workers reclaiming and building!”

“Three manor lands have been reclaimed. Although the population is currently underpopulated and there is only one village, Barnell is the owner of the business association and has mobilized some people to come-although not yet.”

“By the next year, the ship can be stopped here. If nothing else, maintenance and supplies will be convenient here.”

“It turned out to be the wife of Count Tatasha, no wonder, come, I’ll ask you to have another drink!” Hagen thought, and shouted again.

“Come!” The shopkeeper shouted happily. (!)

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