Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 925 - Reach (on)

Dark area

“Elder Butland. You said just now that you would take us to meet the human lord and establish a stronghold in his designated area. How is this going?”

“To be honest, although you have told us these things, we are very emotional when we listen to them, but we still have some concerns about going to a human territory.”

“Is that human lord really reliable? We are ordinary tribes, we don’t have strong military power, we haven’t contacted this human, and we don’t know him. You are an elder, you have a lot of knowledge, and you have contacted this human. Let ’s talk about it, will this human being really hurt us? If we go and get caught in human tricks, what should we do? “

This is a small cave in the dwarf kingdom. The cave is very clean and tidy, with a long table, a handful of chairs, stone bricks on the ground, and a cave logo hanging on the wall, which is obviously a place for meetings.

At this moment, it was in this place that a dozen dwarves gathered, all sitting around the long table and discussing something.

One of the dwarves with the little black beard looked at the dwarf sitting in the first place with embarrassment, and asked the words above.

The other dwarves heard it all, and they all talked about it. The meaning they want to express is nothing more than that. That is, is this human worthy of their trust, and can Elder Butland give one? clear answer.

Probably as long as Elder Buttland is so a little uncertain, they will not choose to go.

“Yes, Elder Butland, can you really guarantee that this human will not deceive us?”

“There are not many peaceful coexistences between dwarf and human races. These humans are very conceited and cunning. They always regard us as a poor race. When our ancestors contacted them, they were discriminated against But there are many. These can be seen in the record. To be honest, I really do n’t believe that humans will get along with us peacefully. Will they really get along with us? “

“Elder Butland, that human nobleman, is what he said really credible?”

The representatives of this group of dwarves, obviously, are not specifically targeted at Romon, but have a lot of vigilance against the entire human race.

When Elder Butland met, he sighed helplessly. Seriously, this kind of worries of the tribe did not mean how absurd.

The relationship between the dwarf family and humans is very delicate.

In the battle against the elves, they were allied forces.

After the failure of the elves, the dwarves also lived on the ground for thousands of years.

When the elves were inadequate, humans gradually eroded and suppressed the dwarves until war broke out.

Although after World War I. The dwarves evacuated to the underground world wisely. In the future, humans and dwarves did not have too much hatred like elves, but it is also difficult to establish a trusting relationship. thing.

However, for his own mission, Elder Butland still had to explain to this group of people.

“Your concerns are very correct. If it is me, I will also have such and all kinds of doubts. Indeed, there are many people in the human race, and they are indeed discriminatory against our dwarf race, but this does not mean that All humans are like this. “

“The human lord I want to take you to see is a big druid. You know what it means. Such a human being can be worth trying to believe once.” Butlan’s elder dwarf said : “Besides, this is also the meaning of the kingdom. You trust the kingdom. The kingdom is very welcome, but the area with living holes is not large and cannot accommodate such a large population.”

“Your Majesty means that you first come in contact with humans and buy food from humans. Your safety will also be protected by the Kingdom, not only with the participation of the army. And if there is a change, the Kingdom will certainly avenge you.”

“Great Druid? What does your majesty mean?” The dwarves were startled by the message.

“Listening to you, this human lord can go once.” The dwarf who first questioned thought for a while, and said: “Moreover, what your majesty meant was not good to defy.”

Other dwarves also said that they could go and see the human lord, and Elder Butland listened, and then took a light breath.

Earl Tetasha, although he insists on the issue of the territory, but if it can be fulfilled, it is a good thing for the kingdom. Even if it is dangerous, it is worth trying.

After all, opening a trade channel and establishing a stronghold will be a great accomplishment.

“Okay, then at this time tomorrow, we will gather here and we will move towards that area. By the way, the Kingdom will send a group of soldiers to follow. After all, I noticed traces of demons in that area … Everyone wears neatly, Do n’t lose the face of our dwarves. ”Butlan immediately said to the dwarves.

“Relax, we will pay attention to this.” Everyone looked at each other and all laughed.

The dwarves are very short, and now they mostly live in the underground world, but their self-esteem is still very strong, in front of other races. They were short, and they didn’t want to lose their face.

As soon as the meeting was over, the dwarves went back to prepare to go, and they must pack themselves neatly to meet the human lord.

And the people of the tribe were sent away, and Elder Butlan also went to prepare to go.

Time passed quickly, and in an instant, the time had come.

A group of extremely tidy dwarves has assembled in the cave: “Okay, let’s go!”

A week later, the territories of Tertashaw were full of autumn air.

Just after a light rain, the land was very wet, and the air was filled with a smell of mud and grass mixed together.

“Lord!” A team responsible for the protection of the hilly terrain happened to meet Romon during the patrol.

Luo Meng was riding a horse at this time, walking on the road unhurriedly, but he didn’t take a person.

However, I think that it is true that the current strength of Eromeng does not need the protection of others.

Riding on horseback after the rain, in Romon’s opinion, there was a sense of distraction, which brought people, but was uncomfortable.

Seeing the members of the **** team stopped in front, Luo Meng hurriedly stopped their dismissal and said, “You don’t have to pay more, you are busy with you.”

“Yes! Lord!” The team members immediately saluted Romon and drove away.

This is also a tradition of Tertashaw, and the task is important.

Romon rode on his horse and continued to walk forward, and in a short while, he reached the mine.

Someone had already come in front. After Romon came down from the horse, he handed the reins to the man and asked, “Are they coming?”

“Lord Lord. They are all here.” The manager understood what Romon asked, and replied respectfully.

“Okay, take me there.”


I took Romon to the gate of the mining area and walked through several passages. Now it has been cleaned very well. In a medium basement, a dozen dwarves have been waiting here for a while.

Seeing Romon walk in from outside, the dozen dwarves all stood up.

“Count Tekshaw, you are here.” Unlike the last time, Butlan, wearing a dwarf elder’s uniform, took the lead to salute Romon and said with a smile.

“It’s great to see you again, Your Excellency Butlan.” Romon also saluted the other party.

At this time, Elder Butland began to introduce the dwarves around.

“This is the Earl of Tatasha I mentioned. He is an amazing great druid and the lord of Tetasha. Earl Tetasha, this is the Kangsi tribe of our kingdom, and this migration The main staff coming. “

“Nice to meet you, Lord Romon.” The group of dwarves greeted Romon, and Romon also responded. After such contact, the dwarves who have not seen Romon before, at this time Have some good feelings for him.

“Sir Butlan, have you and your people just visited here?” After everyone sat down, Romon asked.

Butland nodded and said, “We have indeed visited. The environment here is quite good. The living cave below can also accommodate the entire tribe.”

Luo Meng smiled and said, “You must know that the living cave below is the base for the cultivation of druids. Even if it is not legal, it is not a land without a lord.”

Although it was cultivated by Shuren, Luo Meng had already taken the initiative to speak for himself.

“Yes, we have seen a lot of traces of cultivation, and the surrounding environment is also good. Are you living this living hole for us?”

“No, it’s for you.” Romon quickly shook his head and said.

“How about renting specifically?” Butlan had already seen the living hole, and he asked other dwarves.

“You can rent for fifty years, and then continue to rent, and we can negotiate the rent now.”

Butland nodded and said, “We have to discuss this, what else?”

“Humans are living underground and they are not very used to it. I plan to establish a trading zone only in the mining area, and my leaders and businessmen will develop here. If you are willing to trust me, you can build a stronghold on the road below So that our two communities can exchange trade, you use your specialty products to exchange our commodities and food, to achieve a win-win goal, what do you think? “

“However, from the living hole below to the upper mining area, it is necessary to carve a passage or a ladder. In this respect, it is up to you to complete it. I will send a mage to participate at most.” Romon said.

This project is very dangerous, only these dwarves suitable for underground can be carried out.

“What about the devil?”

“There is another living hole in the devil, and the scale is even larger. There are hundreds of demons in it, among them the big devil and the succubus. I have cleaned up this.”

“But there is a demon altar there, I don’t think it’s time for development, of course, if you request it, it’s ok, the same conditions as above.”

Romon proposed his own conditions.

“This … let’s discuss it with a few of us, okay?” Because it involves the interests of the entire dwarf tribe, Elder Butland is not good for himself. He has to ask the meaning of the dozen representatives.

Luo Meng nodded very understandingly and said, “Then I will go out first and listen to your reply later.”

“it is good.”

Luo Meng went out immediately, leaving only these dwarves in the stone room.

“Adult!” A manager greeted him.

“Everything is done?” Romon asked.

“Yes, it’s all done. Now the workers are basically withdrawn. As for the stone room you mentioned, 21 business associations have contacted us and booked a room, but the goods haven’t arrived yet.”

Romon nodded. In fact, he knew that many business associations were a little hesitant about this, but for the sake of profit, and for the name of Count Tatashaw, many businessmen were willing to give it a try.

But it doesn’t matter, as long as you are willing to give it a try, you can open up the situation.

In other words, it doesn’t matter if you can’t open it. After all, the territory is not bad. This is just a icing on the cake.

“What about the warehouse? Let me see.” Romon said.

“Yes, sir!” The manager immediately led Romon to inspect several warehouses, looked at several warehouses, and reached a warehouse closest to the crack below. Romon expressed satisfaction, saying: “You did well … … Now, you step back! “

“Yes, sir!” The manager quits politely.

The entire warehouse has thousands of square meters and no one is there. Romon just reached out and a bag of wheat fell out of thin air, quickly occupying 80% of the warehouse.

Looking at the wheat, Romon smiled and turned back to the dwarves.

“Count Tasshaw, we have negotiated, we rented the living cave first, our Kangsi tribe, there are only five hundred, there is enough.”

“As for the rent, so, each of our dwarves will cast iron for you every year, adult dwarves will use a standard weapon, female dwarves will use a standard farm tool, children will use a dagger, etc. What do you think?”

“Well, this condition is acceptable.” Romon thought, thinking it was ok.

“But our tribe has its own laws and regulations, you must not interfere.” At this time, a dwarf representative said.


Romon naturally understands their concerns ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ However, Romon also has his own considerations. After thinking for a while, Romon said: “So, you are in accordance with your laws, but if you step on the mine , We must act in accordance with our laws, and if any human beings are killed by you, we must also deal with it in our courts. “

The dwarf was silent.

Luo Meng smiled and said: “In order to show my sincerity to you, I am willing to provide you with a thousand tons of food … However, such food also needs a corresponding price, and it is estimated that it will take some time to transport.”

“… Can we see the food?” Butlan asked.

“Please, it’s nearby.” Luo Meng said with a smile.

At the moment, a group of dwarves got up and walked to the warehouse. As soon as they opened the warehouse, the stacked wheat bags made them stunned.

A few dwarves stepped forward, unbuttoned their bags, and touched the wheat inside. Several of them also tasted it on the spot. For a moment, they all looked at Butlan. (!)

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