Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 932 - His Royal Highness (2)

Late at night is the time for people to rest and recuperate. At this time, the whole world is quiet.

Because it has already reached the spring season, the temperature in the ice country has also changed a lot, from the cold in winter to the warmer now.

In the middle of the night, it was an easy time for people to relax their vigilance. In the recent period, the ice and snow kingdom is still quite peaceful, and Wang Dunei’s defense has obviously relaxed.

Several major events have greatly reduced the strength of the Ice and Snow Kingdom. Even some elite troops have been transferred to the surrounding areas and are responsible for vigilance. There are very few people guarding the palace.

At this time, it was also the time when the spring was so sleepy, and the soldiers guarding all parts of the palace were suffering and tired.

Hazy, with a hint of cool spring breeze, it began to blow towards every corner of the palace. This kind of fresh breeze. In the cool, there is a faint warmth, which makes people feel sleepy.

The weapons in the soldiers’ arms were drooping weakly, and the body almost going to fall asleep also lost its basic vigilance.

In particular, the texture of the wall is very heavy. When people lean against the wall, the dim sleepiness becomes stronger and stronger.

The elite army is not stationed here now. The newly-arranged soldiers are all recruits with good family backgrounds and no bad records. Although such soldiers are trustworthy, the family ’s foundation is also clean enough, but basic grinding When practicing, they will inevitably make some mistakes that recruits will make.

At this time, the Queen of Ice and Snow has not yet gone to bed. She is looking at the book with a bright and soft orb lamp in her bedroom.

During this time, too many things happened in the kingdom, which made her feel very distressed, and there was no solution.

“Get me a little later!” Feeling a little empty in her belly, the ice queen backed the book in her hand on the table and said to a maid who served her around.

At this time, there are only two of them in the palace. After the maid went out, the ice queen suddenly felt that the room was empty.

The more she arrives at this time, the more she misses her son, who has been dead for many years, and the more hatred she has for Lord Tatashaw, Lord Romon, for the Glorious Church.

In her view, the Glorious Church and the death of his son must be inseparable, and Luo Meng has a direct relationship …

One night without words, and the next morning, an amazing news finally reached her.

“Your Majesty, this is the person we sent out. The secret letter sent back to you, please ask you to start reading.” A female officer handed a secret letter to the queen.

The Queen’s eyes glanced over the secret letter and found that it was made of magic paper, apparently a secret letter sent back through the magic array, it seems. The content here will be very important.

She didn’t hesitate anymore, as soon as she received it, she opened the secret letter, and the queen immediately froze at the content.

For a long time, she did not speak.

Even holding the secret letter’s hand, this movement is maintained, and the change remains unchanged.

“Your Majesty, Your Majesty?” The woman officer reminded her at this moment.

“This, this … how is this possible ?!” After a long time, the queen finally spoke, but in her tone, there was a kind of trembling.

After reading it again, she still could not believe this fact. She read the content of the letter again. At this time, the queen ’s face was very ugly. If you look closely, you will find that at this moment, even her hand, Are all trembling.

“How could this be?” She said again.

“Your Majesty, what happened?” The trusted female officer asked.

“This Luo Meng, has actually reached the legend, is called His Highness!” The Queen said with her teeth.

This fact made her feel unacceptable, but no matter how much she did not want to admit this fact, what was written in the letter. It is clear.

The intelligence unit will never make a joke about this, so to say, this Romon, is it really possible to enter the legend?

“What, become a legend … Queen, isn’t that the ice sage you invited last time?” The female officer was shocked when she saw it, but said suddenly.

“Yes, what about our ice and snow sage? Why is there no news from him now? Not only is there no news from him, that Romon even entered the legend!” The queen’s face finally changed greatly, unable to maintain the majesty.

Before losing the news, the queen only waited for the opportunity, or gained divinity, and hid in a place to absorb it.

It now appears that this is not the case at all.

“Why is this? God, who can tell me why this is happening?” The Queen cried out in her heart.

Until this time, she really felt a fear.

If Romon really enters the legend, enters the legend as a druid, he has powerful power, let’s not talk about it. But the Ice Sage, how could such an enemy enter the legend?

That possibility is … If the Ice Sage was killed, how would she tell her?

As a high-end power, the ice and snow sage is one of the elements that suppress the entire ice and snow kingdom. Once it falls, it will not only shake the country, but also produce a series of changes.

“This is too important, you must ask God immediately!” The queen immediately thought of this matter.

She immediately ordered people to prepare for the ceremony, which originally required a complicated process, but. Now she can’t wait.

“Today, I’m going to ask the gods to give me a revelation!” The Queen thought, looked down at the letter in her hand, and tightened the letter.

The ritual of praying to the gods was prepared in a hurry, the time was very fast, but in the preparation of the ceremony, it was far from enough, at best it was barely acceptable.

Originally, according to the plans of the priests of the Temple of Ice and Snow, it was necessary to prepare carefully before carrying out this ceremony. However, Her Majesty the Queen was now anxious and anxious, and could not wait longer.

So, after half a day of preparation, the queen led a group of priests of the Snow God in the afternoon, and gathered in the prayer hall of the Temple of the Snow God.

“… My Lord pleases me to wait for my sorrow and lower my metaphor …” The most important step has already begun, and I am reciting this request, which is a bishop of the temple of the **** of ice and snow, because the cardinal arch Cavan is not currently in the capital of the king, and the mission explained by Her Majesty the Queen can only be performed by him.

As a bishop, in the ranking of the gods, it is still very early. Besides, there is also the participation of the queen. Therefore, under the prayer of everyone, the idol of the **** of ice and snow in front of everyone is shining.

This kind of light is different from the holy light that ordinary people hardly see, at this moment. The light from the idol is very dazzling and dazzling, so intense that it almost makes it impossible to open your eyes.

In this dazzling white light, a phantom emerged, wearing a icy crown.

Everyone on the scene tried to hold their breath, even if their hearts were filled with words of praise and respect, they could still feel the kind of oppressive feeling that made them squat to the ground involuntarily, They lowered their noble head, and even the Queen of Ice was no exception. Compared with other people, she felt more familiar with this sudden image of the god.

Yes, it is a sense of familiarity, in her body, there is a kind of blood resonance.

Even the current Queen of Ice and Snow has never seen the God of Snow appear before him. Although there are so many priests, there are very few people among them who are fortunate enough to witness this scene. Everyone is infatuated. They have even forgotten the purpose of this ceremony, just immersed in this shock in the face of the powerful power of God, it is difficult to extricate themselves.

In the end, the Queen of Ice and Snow came awake first, and she prayed prayerfully in front of this image of the God of Ice and Snow: “Please Lord, for your subjects, guide us! Give us courage and strength!”

Prior to this, they had already described the reason for asking for the gods, so now, just wait patiently for the revelation of God.

Together with the clear voice of the ice queen, the priests were immediately awake, and they were all prostrate and prostrate on the ground, praying: “Please my lord, for your subjects, guide us, give us courage and strength!”

The image of the **** of ice and snow stared deeply in front of the people, and then he nodded slightly, as if approving their request.

“Bang!” Then, something fell from the white light to the ground, and then, the white glow that shrouded the influence gradually faded.

“What is this?” After all the holy radiance subsided, the people present, you look at me, I look at you, still immersed in the scene just now, did not come out for a while.

After the crowd slowly walked out of the feeling they had just before, their eyes were then focused on the falling object.

This is a very small reel. Its style is very small. The outside of the reel can be seen. There are many beautiful patterns. When you hold it in your hand, you will find that it is also very light and glitters with golden light.

“What does it mean that my Lord gave this?” The queen took the scroll in her hand and looked at it again, but she still didn’t understand what it meant, so she asked what stood beside her. archbishop.

The Archbishop did not understand, because he had just experienced the miracle incident, he did not dare to speculate unconsciously, so he had to shake his head and said, “I don’t know my Lord’s intention.”

The Queen looked at the scroll in her hand, and she was stunned.

At this moment, the sound of Ma Ming heard from outside, and then someone came in to report that Cardinal Archbishop Sakarvin had returned.

“The Archbishop Cardinal is here, we are waiting for him.” The Queen said quickly.

After a while, Cardinal Archbishop Sakarvin of the Temple of the Ice God walked in from outside.

The royal family of the Ice and Snow Kingdom is a descendant of the Ice and Snow God. The blood of the Ice and God is flowing on his body. As soon as Cardinal Archbishop Sarkin came in, he saluted the Queen respectfully, and the Queen saluted him.

“Your Majesty, I already know the things. Just now, my Lord has given me a task and handed it to me.” The Archbishop had already made it clear that he did not wait for the Queen to explain things, and even proposed the scroll. thing.

When the Queen heard this, she handed the scroll to the Cardinal Archbishop Sakavin of the Temple of Ice and Snow and said, “I don’t know what purpose my Lord gave this scroll.”

Cardinal Sakarwen smiled slightly, while respectfully holding the scroll in his hand, while saying, “This matter can only be told to your majesty.”

“You all go down first.” Seeing the mystery of the archbishop, the queen eagerly wanted to hear, so she dispersed everyone.

At this time, there were only the Queen and the Archbishop in the prayer hall, and the Archbishop did not hide it. He told the Queen about the tasks he had just obtained.

The Queen was hesitant after listening.

“You mean, my Lord asked you to investigate that matter in person? At the same time check the reason for the disappearance of the ice sage?” The queen’s brow furrowed slightly: “But, this Romon has entered the field of legend …”

The power she has now has greatly diminished. If Cardinal Sakarvin has something to do, then the real power of the kingdom will really be hit again.

“Oh, that’s why my Lord will give the scroll. Please rest assured, Your Majesty, I have a sense of self.” Cardinal Archbishop Sakarvin seemed confident.

The Queen looked at the little scroll in his hand and turned to look at the idol that had returned to normal. Nodded at Cardinal Archbishop Zakaven: “It can only be so, I hope you go Smooth sailing, able to find out the truth and live up to the trust of God. “

“Yes, Queen!” Seeing the Queen agreeing to her actions, Cardinal Sakarvin smiled again.

If, before, he was still taboo about Romon’s status as a legend, then he had no scruples at this time.

Her Majesty did not know what the scroll was in her hand at this time. As the Cardinal Archbishop of the Temple of Ice and Snow ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ he knew the power of the scroll in his hand.

This is a scroll with hidden power.

If the general level is only nine, the legendary spell is generally called the tenth level.

The scroll with the divine power as the main component is the eleventh level.

At this time, the crystal lamp in the temple shone around, but it could not cover the golden light on the scroll.

A shot is equivalent to a blow from God.

The level of the Cardinal Archbishop has already understood the contents of the Continental Convention, the Legend Convention, and the Holy Convention. He clearly understands that this is already the greatest extent that God can do.

“It seems that the ice and snow sage has fallen. It is very likely that the soul has not returned to the kingdom of God, so that God can give this scroll to deal with this Luo Meng.”

“Legend Convention, legend can kill the believers of God including voters, but there is no blasphemy and research on the soul. The defiant, God can take action to kill, one event, only one time.”

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