Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 933 - Scroll of Divine Power (Part 1)

Yuanfan Port

The City Defense Army is divided into two battalions, North and South. Six hundred people in total.

Idlers such as camps are not allowed to enter without permission, but there are bars outside the camp. The defense forces often have a drink here after work. For this reason, the bars in this area are also the safest.

The light in the bar is relatively dim, but the layout is very spacious. Thirty or forty people sit casually together, some are drinking, some are chatting, and the atmosphere is very lively.

Their team, resting today, rarely relax for a day, and simply, they all gathered together to eat meat, drink, and have a party.

Among these people, chatting deliberately lowered their voices, most of them. They all drank quietly and listened to someone chatting freely.

This person, the captain of their team, once went to the battlefield and killed the little devil, it is considered to have been through a hundred battles, and the group of recruits he now brings, although this time has experienced the magic disaster, for At the time Tateshaw led the army to kill the enemy, but it was rare to see it at first sight. Most of them were just hearing, listening to the veterans talking about the previous things, people listened attentively.

The captain was wearing a half-worn blouse. The material was not very expensive, but it was a very sturdy one. At his waist, there was a dagger that was often brought with him. According to his account, This was when he fought bravely to kill his enemies, and their lord Lord Lomon personally granted it to him. He always took him by his side.

As you can see, the listeners here listened so seriously that they didn’t find it when they walked in alone.

Romon came in from outside. Hearing the voices inside, he didn’t disturb them when he saw these people listening, but instead chose to walk to a corner and sit down quietly.

Because it is the safest place around the camp, everyone is sitting, standing, going in and out casually. The state of the people is very relaxed, and they have not paid special attention to these people.

The color of the clothes that Luo Meng is wearing is not very dazzling. His breath is now free. After sitting in the corner, no one has found him.

It wasn’t until he sat on a chair in the corner that Romon turned his eyes to the crowd.

Probably the breath of spring, it really makes people feel too comfortable. Romon has been in a good mood recently, and even came out to inspect the military. Everyone is used to coming.

This feeling similar to private visits in plain clothes also allowed him to fully enjoy the feeling of freedom.

Among the crowd, the veteran continued to talk about the anecdote on the battlefield before. Romon gently leaned his body against the wall, sounding serious.

Through this person’s narration, it seems to be able to bring him back to the time when the magic disaster was boiling.

After coming to this world, Romon’s trajectory has always been difficult. The magic disaster has special significance for Romon.

If it weren’t for the evil disaster, it wouldn’t be possible for Romon to develop so fast. If it weren’t for the evil disaster, it wouldn’t be possible for him to have such a high status and reputation.

It was all because of the magic disaster that he had all of his present. This period of time was for him to hone, improve, and be a gamble on his own future.

The result was already obvious. He won, and he won very thoroughly.

“… You may not know that this situation was very critical at that time. If it was not the Lord Lord who led our team and arrived at the place in time, the people in that village would have been killed by demons.”

“You have all experienced the evil disaster, the brutality of the demons. You will know it. The villages and towns they enter will hardly have any livelihood. Lord Lord, with his excellent fighting skills and extraordinary courage, leads We, at that time, rushed in and killed a dozen people. Facing more than 30 little demons, it was very easy to kill them … “

“A dozen people, dealing with more than thirty demons, the enemy is not too disparate.” At this time, a 17- to eight-year-old reserve recruit asked.

His age is the youngest among this group of people. When he first experienced the magic disaster, his age was so small that he had ambiguous memories. He was not very impressed by the horror of the demon. He heard that a small team only dealt with three. A dozen little demons, he immediately felt that some were not very thrilling.

“Cut, what do you know? Are you clear about the fighting power of the devil?”

“Do n’t talk about the big demon. It ’s just a little devil, which is equivalent to a warrior of about three poles. At this time, Lord Lord is not as big as it is now. It has such a vast land. Small, not powerful, much smaller than the nobles around. “

“Lord Lord is not like this now, became a big druid, at that time. Lord Lord relied on, more is combat skills, combat skills and courage developed in actual combat, relying on this, constantly with Those little demons fought to have the glory of the later Tetashao collar! The reputation of Tetashao leader in recruiting good warfare also started from that magic disaster! “” This time “was said many times in a row, the veteran’s tone Here, with a deep sense of pride.

“Being able to fight side by side with Lord Lord is the most proud and memorable thing in my life. Lord Lord’s kindness and wisdom were also fully reflected in that war. In that war, we killed The dead little devil is a huge number! The number of people rescued by the Lord Lord is a surprising number! “From the side, a large bowl was served, and a sip of wine was rumbling, and then a refreshing wipe Mouth, this veteran continued to say: “From this time on, the prestige and deeds of Lord Lord also began to spread in the kingdom …”

Ears kept listening to the reports of the former subordinates about the past, and Romon’s thoughts returned to those years.

The waves of fighting sounded as if they were ringing in my ears again. Now Luo Meng already has a very powerful force, but with himself during that period, he can improve his chances in constant battle, but the more Less and less.

“… this is the case. Later, I was injured. After the injury, I entered the city defense army as the captain …” The veteran summed up his experience somewhat faintly.

Obviously, he felt a little dissatisfied with his experience of leaving the army halfway.

The past, after all, has passed. He said it now, but it was just a vent.

Luo Meng came in quietly, and when he left, no one noticed that the hero of this story was sitting in a corner of the camp just now. The rest of the soldiers had already started the next topic. .

There is a little emotion in my heart.

In the past, he was still a small villager struggling in the disaster, a 15-year-old boy.

In a flash, it is legendary.

Fifteen years have passed.

Before this, his goal has always been to enter the legend. When this goal was finally achieved by him, the road ahead was almost at the top.

Luo Meng knew that his own way in the future was only a god.

The strongest person in this continent, the highest layer, is already a legend, and the cap is thirty.

As for the higher level than the 30th level, it has no practical significance.

Can’t be immortal, even if it’s forty?

As for demigods and deities, they are not conventional forces.

The time that the demigod can stay on the mainland is very short, probably at most twenty years, which requires him to make no major moves, causing the world to rebound.

The deity is even more difficult to directly intervene in the world. The incarnation of God must find a suitable boarding. There are strict rules of communication between the world.

Although the avatar entrusts a little divine power, it is still a mortal in essence, but it has the strength of a legendary priest. It can only be said that it is better than the general legend, but it can not hold an absolute advantage.

To live, a goal is needed, and Romon understands it very well.

With Shennongjiao, it is only a matter of ten years to reach the level cap.

At this time, he had walked to the avenue beside Yuanfan Port. Before, he had come by lightning. Because he had not received his order, lightning was now playing in the air himself, and did not directly descend.

Romon walked on the road, thinking about his own problem.

At the same time, an old man, sitting ten miles away from Yuanfan Port, who was sitting on a hired carriage, was also thinking about a problem.

“Where did I start investigating?” The old man leaned against the compartment wall, thinking constantly.

This person is no one else, it is the Cardinal Archbishop Sakavin of the Temple of Ice and Snow who came from the Ice Kingdom. He came here this time to investigate the reason for the disappearance of the Ice and Snow Sage ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Of course, for this The druid that made the queen feel headache, he is even more determined.

With a scroll of divine power given by God, Archbishop Sakarvin had no fear.

“How long will it take to enter the city?” After a while, the two sides of the road were still barren, and Cardinal Sakarvin couldn’t help asking.

The driver in front answered, “This gentleman, wait for a while, but it’s fast. If you’re bored, just chat with me.”

“Oh, I’m not bored, let’s hurry.” Cardinal Archbishop Sakarvin was wearing a gentleman-level costume at this time, but of course he would not communicate with this driver.

After refusing the other party’s good intentions, Cardinal Archbishop Sakaven leaned against the carriage wall and closed his eyes to recuperate.

“Oh, for a while, put me in the port terminal first.” Suddenly thought of this legendary prosperous port, Cardinal Archbishop Zacvan busy added such a sentence.

He wanted to first understand the various circumstances of Te Ta Shao collar, and then choose an appropriate time to shoot. (!)

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