Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 943 - Rain of Soul (Part 1)

Here is a barren. Filthy rivers and swamps were everywhere, and Romon frowned.

On the beach, there is a kind of insect that makes people creepy.

This worm is a medium-sized worm with a human face on its head, which looks very scary.

Luo Meng thought about it carefully, remembering the information of the ice sage, saying that this worm is called a larva, which is the initial form of the abyss. According to different circumstances, it can produce a small demon.

The little demon doesn’t even have his own form, all of them are exactly the same, it looks like a clone army.

Waiting for them will be a cruel environment, lucky enough to accumulate enough power to transform into a big demon, and they will have their own status and form. This is an essential leap in their lives, but they are still far from the real name and brand. far.

Luo Meng looked at it in disgust, then looked up at the red sun. This poor light is not enough to warm the world, so it creates a harsh environment.

It is said that there are dozens of layers in the abyss, and the colder the lower, the layer without the **** flames will be an environment where demons cannot survive.

After Romon caused a lot of trouble, he immediately ran away. Now, this guy has ran to a location far away from the place where he caused trouble.

At his current position, the light is particularly dim. In this abyss world, in addition to the red sun and some sky, stars will suddenly be seen, and these stars will radiate part of the energy without exception. .

But the number of these stars, after all, is still a small number. It is said that the plane is running and encounters the plane with energy, so the starlight produced.

Even the glory of the kingdom of God is not impossible, but this opportunity is rare.

In the whole abyss world, it is mainly dominated by dim tones. In this place, there are dark corners everywhere, where there are places where the stars cannot shine.

The whole abyssal world, at night, was very scary, and storms and snow swept over it.

The wind was blowing wildly with some negative energy. Occasionally hearing the distance, the wild devil groaned painfully, and a blizzard with negative energy changes was coming. This is the rainy season of the plane and a catastrophe.

Luo Meng is a man with extremely rich actual combat experience, and has explored many times, and immediately reacted to this strange environment.

Last time, after killing some demons, Romon thought about it and decided to stay away from the demonic baron territory just now.

After all, even if you want to get a shot and wait until you are familiar with the situation, otherwise, you will hit the iron plate with one end, not a style.

However, now he has another trouble. This trouble is not small. Obviously, the place where he is now is beginning to snow and ice.

right now. A storm is brewing.

“Maybe I should find a shelter from the wind.” Romon thought.

The endless black clouds are getting thicker and thicker. St. Druid’s perception and hunch of the intensity of such a storm even makes him unimaginable.

The clouds are moving.

“No wonder the demons live underground, which is really unbearable.” Romon looked around and couldn’t find a place to block the wind and rain. As the snowstorm grew bigger and bigger, the problem was a bit serious.

In the distance, the larvae wailed, and most of them were frozen to death.

Luo Meng frowned, and finally found a place that could be opened up. This was a huge cliff, standing in front of him at this time, with a height of tens of meters and a length of fifty or sixty meters. .

Luo Meng began to work, he awakened the dominance of the earth element.

Although distorted, Rock responded to his orders.

The divine power makes the rock like clay. First, in the middle of this cliff, the magma flows out, exposing the hollow in the middle, and the flowing magma intersects to form a door, which serves as a passageway.

After drilling in, a stone ball can block the door without being too closed.

Take out a thick blanket. Spreading on the ground, Luo Meng leaned against the warm blanket, and took out another crystal. After touching it, the crystal radiated a warm flame.

It was warm like spring in here, Luo Meng took out a table comfortably, put hot roast chicken and wine, and ate it happily.

The wind lashed the cliff like a whip, but it couldn’t help it. The wind is getting stronger and stronger outside, which is a snowstorm with countless gravel, wood and even bones.

In a flash, it was two weeks.

Luo Meng was inside and had to wait two weeks.

“Abyss, is it so bad?” Frustrated by this situation, Luo Meng saw the wind and snow stopped, and could not help but look around carefully again.

In this place, he did not dare to take the risk and released the exploration technique.

Romon’s probing skills, whether in the druid or among all the spell casters, are already very high, plus he uses the Shennongjiao space to constantly improve his perception. The range he can explore using this spell is far greater than the range that ordinary people can reach after reaching his level.

At this time, after he released the exploration technique, he found that the situation was a bit different.

“It seems … something will happen!” Romon immediately frowned as he withdrew the technique.

Just now, just after he released this technique, he discovered one thing, that is, some problems occurred with his exploration technique.

In fact, it does not mean that the exploration technique is not effective. The truth is: just at the moment when he probed the surroundings, he found that there seemed to be a strange power, resisting the continued spread of his magical power to his surroundings.

In this situation, Romon has never encountered it before, and why he encountered such a situation at this time is not clear to him. However, he has raised his vigilance. In his view, this situation represents a meeting. Other things happened next.

Sure enough, just after Romon stood up, a very strange sound suddenly came from above and passed down.

This kind of sound is very peculiar, as if it were countless individuals, mourning together, and like a wind, blowing in mourning.

Raising his head, Luo Meng followed this voice and looked up, but found that there was a red light in the sky.

“What?” Seeing this, Luo Meng immediately felt an ominous hunch.

He was also really lucky, just after this feeling came out of his life, Romon immediately made a big leap and jumped aside at a very fast speed.

His body at this time has already jumped very sensitively to a place closer to the hole. If there is any problem, he can jump inside again. At this time, a vision suddenly appeared, and a red light appeared in the sky. This red light formed another red cloud.


“Oh God, help me!”

“Who can help me!”

There were screams in this huge aperture. Constantly ringing, this brought together a voice full of the world.

If you look closely at the red clouds in the sky, you will see countless blurry and twisted figures, struggling inside.

Faces are all in the red cloud, trying hard to break out of the cloud.

Although this aperture looks extremely transparent and thin, it is extremely difficult to extrude it.

“Save me …” These wailing, crying, and crying for help merged together, making Luo Meng creepy and cold hair upright.

At that moment, these large red clouds in the sky suddenly moved quickly, rotating counterclockwise, like a red tornado.

Sensing what is about to happen, those figures trapped in the red cloud become more and more frightened, their expressions are faintly visible, and they all show a look of extreme fear.

Their shouts are even more sad.

“No, help!”

“God, please forgive my sins and take me to heaven!”

They shouted loudly, this struggle, as if the ants encountered a flood, can only be in vain.

This red light was very beautiful, but with a kind of enchantment. After a while, the red light over the sky became clearer and clearer, and Romon immediately jumped into the cave, just in case.

Luo Meng waited for a moment, and the shock appeared.

Romon is a Saint Druid, and his divine perception is very powerful. Of course, he can feel how powerful it is in the red light of the red cloud!

“What is this power?” This red light looks beautiful, and Romon can still feel how terrible power is hidden in this beautiful light cloud.

This power has a negative energy characteristic, is different, and carries a breath of death.


“Quickly save me!”

Just as Romon pondered, bursts of crying and crying suddenly came out of the red cloud.

This is not a cry of two, but the cry of countless people. Its voice is tragic, and its voice is desperate. Even Luo Meng heard it, and felt horrified.

This sound ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ is full of despair, full of pain, people can’t help but want to avoid, leave this place.

After Luo Meng listened, his eyes immediately fixed on the beam of light, and at the same time, his footsteps moved back a few steps. At this moment, the rotating red cloud suddenly began to rain. , Countless “raindrops” fell.

Each of these raindrops was a little grayish white ball of light. With a more tragic scream, it rained in general, and fell one after another.

“This is the soul?” When countless **** of light fell, Luo Meng was stunned.

When these small light **** fell one after another, Romon already saw clearly. In these small light **** that fell, there was an image of a person in each light ball!

These images are alive, and in the process of falling, they are still struggling and twisting desperately.

These constantly shouting sounds are all emitted from these small light balls!

The voice is sad, these are the cry of humanity! (!)

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