Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 944 - Rain of Soul (Part 2)

At this point, Luo Meng’s eyes had narrowed.

These little light balls. Most of them are just as big as a ping pong ball, one by one looks extremely soft, like a balloon filled with water, it looks as if it breaks with a touch.

In fact, when these spheres of light fell to the ground, they all burst at once!

And among these small light **** that broke apart, they all fell out of a figure, and their size was also very small. As soon as these figures fell out of the light ball, they struggled to get up. It seems that although they are only thumbs The size and body are more transparent, but all of them are all in the form of human beings, with all their limbs, and their appearance is no different from that of ordinary humans. Among them, there are men and women, old and strong, and the clothes they wear are all kinds of colors.

“These are … human souls!” Their presence shocked Romon.

Immediately. In front of Romon, a more terrible thing happened.

I saw the abyss and the earth. Suddenly, the black light skyrocketed. These little people who had fallen to the ground and were still struggling to prepare, when their bodies touched the black ground, almost simultaneously, they all sent out A terrible cry.

“No …” they wailed.

Their screams echoed in Romon’s ears. Looking at these souls, their bodies suddenly twisted.

A more terrible scene appeared, seeing these souls, the body was twisted into a mass at a time, and then, it became a mass of worms. On this mass of meat balls, a person with a painful cry appeared Face, it looks extremely disgusting.

When he saw this scene, Luo Meng needed to endure it so as not to let himself vomit.

It seems that a short, human-like soul like himself is suddenly this kind of insect-like species, so disgusting, how many people can’t feel it?

Anyway, there was a tumble in Romon’s stomach, but. He finally refrained.

“Larva? Is this the source of the larvae?” The matter evolved to this situation, Romon basically already fully understood, at this time, the snow and ice had passed, for his own safety considerations, and to watch more carefully, he no longer He stayed in the ground cave and cast a wind spell on himself, so he floated up.

When he had just floated into the air, the larvae with human faces on the ground suddenly agitated.

As if they were flesh-and-blood enemies with each other, as if they had forgotten that they had suffered together and were sad together, these insects began to kill each other.

“It’s really … disgusting!” Floating in mid-air, looking at the scene, Luo Meng resisted nausea.

Such a fierce battle of strange bugs is really not something that ordinary people can see and can see.

“Huh?” In the sky, at this time, again crying came down, and Luo Meng hesitated. Quickly let his body float further, and opened the field.

Lifting his head and looking towards the sky above that area, I saw the sky above that area, and indeed there were red clouds falling down again, exactly the same as before, as soon as these light clouds fell to a certain height, they burst apart, Continue to drop countless small spheres with figures and screams from inside.

As soon as these small **** of light fell, they continued to have the same fate as the previous batch on the ground.

After these little people fell out, they struggled on the ground, stood up, and the black light flashed, and continued to appear just now. They all turned into human faces and insects, and joined the ranks of constant fighting.

Of course, it does not happen without exception.

While Luo Meng was sighing about the encounter with the bugs, the next light cloud fell again.

This batch of light **** falling from the cracked aperture is obviously brighter than the previous ones!

The size is much larger, enough to be the size of a football.

When these spheres of light just landed in midair, the horror that came out of them sounded loudly.

Obviously, the lives inside are very aware of the situation they will face next, and their hearts are full of fear!

Romon also apparently discovered this special case, and immediately paid more attention to the development of this matter.

What did not disappoint him was that after these big **** of light burst apart on the ground. The human figure crawling out inside is actually a lot more condensed than before.

In addition, the humanoids crawling out of these light spheres are obviously much stronger than the previous ones. At least they can directly climb up, resist magic, and run on the ground to avoid those who have become human faces. Similar slaughter of bugs.

Even so, in a wave of turbulent seas of insects, people were still submerged, and then, in the screams, were divided and eaten away.

“God, please help me! I’m wrong, I confess! Please help me!”

“Please God help me, I confess everything I did before, please save me from this terrible place!” Constantly humanoid, crying, shouting towards the sky.

At this time, Romon already basically understood.

These are human souls after death, but how can they appear in this place?

Why did they encounter such a situation when they came here?

Luo Meng asked what happened to people in this world after death. I do n’t know much about it. It ’s not that I have n’t investigated it before, but there is too little information about it. He still did n’t find anything useful for him.

Now, seeing this scene happening in front of him, Romon suddenly felt a strange feeling.

At this time, in the air of this area, there was already a smell that made people feel very sick. This kind of smell was very unacceptable.

The source of the taste is unknown, after a sudden appearance. Immediately diffused in this area.

Very foul, very unpleasant, and very unacceptable after being smelled.

These bugs on the ground seem to like this taste very much. After smelling this smell, they are even more excited!

Their bodies are already full of endless power, and this kind of self-killing between the same kind has become more and more intense.

Of course, it is not only these human face bugs that will be affected by this taste. Even Romon, the Saint Druid floating in the air, is actually affected the next moment he inhales this taste.

As soon as Luo Meng smelled this smell, there was a slight dizziness in front of him, and he felt that there was a force in his body, and he suddenly burst out of the body.

This force spreads violently around the body!

However, Romon frowned, and strengthened some areas. The flow of the field began to appear around Romon’s body, like water, constantly flowing.

After a few minutes, Romon exhaled softly.

“It’s okay!” His eyes were revisited with complicated eyes, and at this time, he was really worried.

What is this power, even the Holy Land is affected?

Where did these souls come from?

Why do they come here?

After arriving here, why do you encounter such a situation?

Also, why do they have such encounters?

All of a sudden, all the doubts in his mind squeezed out! Just by looking at it and guessing, it still doesn’t work. It is urgent to save a few souls and ask about the situation.

sky. That tragic cry, one after another!

Although red clouds keep appearing, this place seems to be shrouded in a beautiful scenery. Judging from the current situation of this place, how is it different from **** at this time?

There is no difference at all!

Luo Meng’s eyes narrowed slightly, he raised his head and looked at the souls that were falling in front of him, with some sighs, he could not save such a large area, and he keenly felt that as the soul kept falling There is a special power everywhere.

This power can affect even the Holy Land.

The people on the ground faced insects and continued to fight. Once one was killed, he slammed up.

A larvae, after devouring its own kind, quickly became larger, and the expression on their faces, from the initial pain, became joy and greed.

“Save me, you are the messenger of God, please help me!” A soul immediately saw him and yelled, like a drowning man, and suddenly found a boat.

Or, in the fire, when the rain suddenly falls, it is really difficult to express this feeling in words.

However, its distance from Romon was a little far away, and the speed at which it fell was a little too fast. While shouting, it had already fallen down from the top. After falling to the ground, it was immediately surrounded by The human face is surrounded by bugs, and has not yet become a bug, but the end is more miserable than being a bug!

In a blink of an eye, these human faces and insects have already surrounded it and eaten it!

The soul only submerged in the sea of ​​insects with a few screams.

In the sky, there are still souls falling, and souls continue to discover the existence of Romon. They all seem to see hope, yelling, begging for mercy, calling for help, crying tragically, crying.

Luo Meng did not hesitate any longer, reaching for a big net, and appeared out of thin air.

At the moment when Luo Meng shook out, the large net immediately covered the sky and shoved it suddenly towards the front.

The net is white, and at the moment when it shakes out, under the constant color light, the densely packed net lines are very beautiful. On some translucent white rope lines, a multicolored light suddenly appears.


One by one, how many souls can be saved can only be determined by the luck of these souls.


“God ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ I was wrong, please help me!”

“Boy, I am dying and I will never see you again!”

“Why is this …”

In the air, there is still a voice calling for help. The hopelessness in this voice is beyond everyone’s imagination.

Unless it is a person who is really in desperation, it is really impossible to imagine the feeling in this voice.

Several souls were lucky to see Romon again.

“Please help me, I don’t want to die …”

“Ah! God’s messenger, help me quickly …” Most of these souls who were crying for help continued to fall and were swallowed by larvae.

There are also a few very lucky, and fell into the network.

Luo Meng trembled the big net, and once received, these souls, just like this, were driven by this big net and pulled over. (!)

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