Heleion Archives

Merry Times V.

33rd of December, 124th of NDE. Pancheng Fortress City. 9th District.

            The 9th district of Pancheng close to ground level was the few that still had wide streets allowing larger magicraft trucks to traverse through its maze like street system. “Come on.” One such truck was driven by an impatient orc of the Golden Dawn separatist movement dressed in the usual brownish jumpsuit with a golden orange Tangzhuang collared shirt hidden under it.

“Calm down. We’re still in time. Plus we’re good so far.” His partner, a native soratanese woman of the Pen-insula close to her fifties said. She pressed the back of her long, dry hair against the leathery cushion of the seat while her blue eyes stared at his partner and the wall that separated the front from the back compartment.

Their unusual cargo was a two Black Lotus patrols – one nabbed from the streets, the other from one of the myriad bars of the lower districts. All together they numbered at six and they behaved awfully well thanks to the sedative given to them before they were dragged into the back compartment where they hung like pieces of frozen cattle meat with wide strips of orange golden tape wounded across their pretty faces.

“I know. It is just my first time delivering cargo like this.” He sighed while they stopped at the road where lamps that altered between three hues – blue and silver brimmed with the former hue signaling to stop and wait till it shifts into the latter, silver. He reached into his pocket with shivering hands and with great effort, managed to put a cigarette between his large lips, and tusks.

“Just hang on there. If they haven’t noticed us yet, I doubt they will.” She said as she reached into her breast pocket too and wedged one between her cracked full lips. A nose burning mist escaped through their windows as they both looked out at the crowd going in all directions of the compass.

“Don’t jinx it. Fang Ju said the same last week, and their hideout got raided.” He said with an agitated tone as he watched a patrol of Imperial Host walk down the street and disappear at a turn which calmed his pounding heart a little.

“Fine.” She sighed just as the lamp turned and their truck continued with the six Black Lotuses dangling into each other, creating a joint symphony of soft groans resulted from huddling together on the rocky concrete road.


“Katsuranea approved of it didn’t she?” Kaguyari said as she walked up the stairs of the platform that parked at the eastern corner of the top palace. She and her dear daughter, Hanakoro argued for an hour now whether it was a good idea for Kaguyari to attend the parade the next day.

“I’m against it regardless of that.” Hanakoro said in a calm tone. Her argument being that if her mother at-tended, that would jeopardize her effort to draw out the Ebon Fang and the remaining cells of the Golden Dawn in the city.

“I see. Still I’ll attend no matter what. Trust me, it won’t jeopardize your efforts. Quite the contrary.” Kaguyari said as she sat down onto her knees at the center of the elevated stage decorated with glistening marble statues of all their chief gods that included Bhahamuth both in his draconic nairenthian depiction, and in his hoshigawan that resembled a handsome dracorith elf with the finest of scales adorning his sharp cheeks.

“Fine. But my plans won’t change.” Hanakoro answer came in the form of a childish pout. Her mother’s lustrous lips bent into a nostalgic smile as she witnessed this all too familiar expression coming from Hanakoro.

“I wouldn’t want it otherwise.” She murmured to herself as Hanakoro left – halfway through turned around and bowed elegantly before she continued on sulking.


10th District.

“Finally.” The orc said with the deepest sigh of relief her partner ever heard in her relatively long life. With unfittingly eloquent movements – for an orc – he drove backwards onto the slanted road that led down into one of the empty warehouses. Well mostly empty, as it was currently in use by the Golden Dawn for various reasons other than a hideout.

“Greeting sisters!” As soon as the golem-engine died down, she got out and greeted the six feminine individuals wearing skin tight bodysuits zipped up completely – black as the starless midnight, or a room without windows or glowstones. Each of them wore the same creepy oni mask of different hues that helped telling them apart – besides their varying height.

“The boss did mention they’re not very talkative.” He muttered in the manner of a scaredy cat trying to ap-pear brave manner – clearly unfit for an orc.

“Yeah, but this much I didn’t expect. I guess courtesy is not their forte.” She said while a chill ran through her spine. As he nodded the one with an onyx hued mask at the center – and the tallest – snapped her fingers and pointed at the slid down door of the back compartment.

Without saying the word the two bowed and opened it up revealing the two nearest Lotuses hanging on pipes connecting to the right and left side of the wall, facing each other with blindfolds on. The two did not waste any more time as their only duty was to bring the truck and the Lotuses here, bowed and left first in a calm manner, then both picked up their pace on the street.

The mauve masked on the far left and the amber masked on the far right walked to inside the back of the truck and by pressing a hidden button on the wall the pole disappeared into it by turning liquid like. The two Keisatsuaths a hoshigawan soratanese with stylish sakura pink hair reaching her collar covered nape, and an orc with vibrant chestnut hued hair fell onto the cold floor like a sack of bound and gagged potatoes.

The two soon-to-be pretenders grabbed them by their armpits and dragged them out while the cerulean and vermillion masked waited behind to get their own trussed up Black Lotuses. While all this went down, the onyx masked went to the single table found in the mostly empty warehouse with a black sheet draped over it, with the shapes of wand pistols bulging out from under it.


34th of December, 124th of NDE. 90th District.

“Shush.” Shao Bi said to the stygian Heishiath stationed at the small room they placed one of their tracking devices in the last week. Her lips curved and uncurved as the hot breath of the struggling Heishiath tickled her palms. Then a sigh followed as the hypnotic spell finally penetrated through the numerous protective enchantments of her uniform, and the gorgeous devil went limp in her arms.

“Be quick about it.” Chouath said while her attention remained on the shifting reflections within the Mirage Mirror. Her dark pupils danced within the almond frame while her mind was loaded up with information.

“I know, I know. This will be our busiest night in a while.” Shao Bi said while she searched through the pockets and pouches of the stygian – while also inspecting the curves of her ass and chest.

“It would have been another boring one if not for the General-Princess. So thank her for granting you this opportunity.” Chouath said as she turned around and watched as Shao Bi tore the dark green sealing tape off from the roll after she looped it around with unnatural speed and proficiency around the double cuffed wrists.

“Wouldn’t we have the same numbers regardless of her presence? I feel like they always double the personnel during the holidays and festivals.” Shao Bi said as she ripped another wide strip out still hanging onto the roll and attached it to the stacked, boot clad ankles before she looped it and tore it with her teeth.

“A gag will be enough.” Chouath said as she noticed the same arm movements happening. While both were assassins, Shao Bi excelled in the art of restraining her opponents.

“Fine, but I’ll take the north-eastern side.” Shao Bi exhaled her deep disappointment as she just tore wide strip off and gently sealed the dark yellow skinned Heishiath’s lips and cheeks before she tucked her inside the hidden storage area.


“Nothing to report Hanakoro-donno!” Her fellow lunar elven Sister clad in a popped notch collared suit, a snow silvery aetherna satin blouse and a dragonid leather yukata coat over it reported to Hanakoro.

“Thank you. Let’s hope it stays that way.” Hanakoro said with a heartfelt smile that wooed the dark haired lunar elf who bowed deeply before she returned to her post. The command center on the second to top floor of the palace on the eastern side was brimming with life.

Like most command centers, the top level of the room was elevated above the rest, that slowly descended down like the side of a ziggurat with rows of golputers manned by her less combat-oriented Sisters. Facing her was a large screen that encompassed the whole wall, made from Phantom Glass that showed the plat-forms slowly lining up before they headed out to make their circles starting from the 90th District, and end-ing at the 100th.

“Hope you’re wrong Mother.” She muttered to herself as she kept her gaze on the large screen.

“What a show off.” Then she mumbled with a tired tone when her dear old mother stopped before entering the mockup palace and looked at the sky with a calm smug expression. Pure white clouds appeared and snow poured as if the gods showered them onto the gray city of Pancheng.


90th District.

A knock came from the door, and the young, two hundred year old Akasah – an orii elf blessed with long honey blonde hair twisted and tucked into a low bun – sighed.

“Just a moment.” She grabbed her kimono resembling dragonid leather coat and slipped her chiseled upper body into it and left it zipped open as she rushed towards the door.

“Yemmph?” As she opened the door, Shao Bi forced a wide strip of dark green sealing tape and the barrel end of her silenced wand pistol.

“Moan all you want, but that will end with a hole in your smooth forehead. Sister.” She added the end mockingly as fear spread within Akasah who raised her hands in the air while mewling in her gag. Her gold-en eyes teared up a bit while her arms raised above her hands trembled.

“Now turn around and put your hands behind your back.” Shao Bi ordered the frightened Heishiath who complied slowly. She closed her eyes – even though at the academy they learnt not to do so – and crossed her wrists while Shao Bi tapped her from top to bottom in a span of a few moments.

Then she took out a dampening cuff and restrained her wrists and used the remainder of the dark green seal-ing tape to bind her arms to her sides.

“Come.” Then she led her to the room facing this where her sraudornian sister with her tout torso clad in only her corset vest and cherry red blouse with the prominent triangular collar buttoned out. A wide strip of the glistening sealing tape ornated her exotic dark mahogany hued face adorned with perfectly aligned features slightly altered by the Black Rose Concoction.

The two groaned at each other in their gags as their eyes met. “This is my last warning. Keep quiet or I’ll make you quiet for an eternity.” At those words both of them gulped and went silent.

“Now, sit down. I’ll make you two comfortable.” Akasah complied and while her Sister’s legs felt a bit tough, she started sensing a warmness spread at the joint areas. Shao Bi pushed her onto her Sister then the harsh scream of the tape followed as she wrapped the two Heishiaths together, face to face. For extra measures, Shao Bi taped her fists into mittens and her ankles to the back legs’ of the chair.

The two blushed as their sweet hot breaths blew into each. “Hnphph”

A wicked smug plastered Shao Bi’s altered face as she looked at the two and felt aroused a little. “Aren’t you two an adorable pair.”  In the end she stopped herself, knowing that there were still quite a few beauties to take care of. But before that. “One last thing.” She tapped her head like she had some kind of revelation, and wrapped the sealing tape around their eyes before she dropped it to the ground.

“Have fun on this blind date.” She said as her words echoed into their minds, amplifying their aroused state. The two locked together their tape lips while soft, passionate muffled moans escaped them.


91st District.

“Did you hear that?” The winterborn Heishiath asked her fellow sol elven dracorith Sister as they stood in the eerily silent corridor only lit by the entering lights of the streets.

“Probably just the wind.” The Dracorith Heishiath said as the two continued their patrol towards the north of the vast building complex wedged between two.

“That was close.” Choauath said while her left arm wrapped around the abdomen of the young native Keisatsuath, locking her arms to her sides. The right holding a muffle scarf drenched in chloroform and pressed against the soft cheeks and plump lips of the young looking guard.

“Come, lets tuck you away nice and not too comfy.” She whispered into the slightly sharpened ears hidden under her thick dark hair that flowed straightly down to her shoulders. In the nearby room, she dropped the limp, dreaming Keisatsuath onto the floor and started going through her pockets and pouches. She retrieved a few coils of enchanted ropes and a roll of orange golden tape.

To save some time, she used levitation to hover the roll close to her mouth and used her teeth to peel of a wide strips while she knotted the rope around the Keisatsuath ankles and wrists. While the wide strip hanged in front of her chin, she used another to bind her arms to her sides and finally finished with sealing her lips and cheeks from behind, not even waiting for the sealing tape to tighten to them. Time was of the essence – at least she did not know she had plenty of it.


95th District.

“They haven’t reported yet.” Hungen, a snaelven dracorith reported to Junoth just out of the earshot of Katsuranea who stood at the imposing windows through which the myriad luminous lights entered. She sported her raven black hair in a chignon with a side swept thick bush of a fringe that covered her ivory forehead with graceful star formations of her aquamarine scales. Her lithe body clad in dragonid leather pants, knee high heels, a tunic designed single breasted coat with a twisted funnel neck and asymmetrical lapels that covered her chest with intricate snow silvery trims. Under it she wore the issued combination of corset vest that supported – out of fashion for the most part – her indigo blouse’s prominent, triangular col-lars buttoned up with a raven black necktie.

Deep and reflective draconic eyes of the same hue waited for Junoth’s answer. “Check on them.” Junoth said in her usual low voice and the snaelven Sister of hers bowed before she headed out with a sol elven Sister clad in a dragonid leather coat with its angular neck covering her whole nape with sloped sides with the edges covered in liquid palladium of snow silvery hue.

“Everything’s fine?” Katsuranea asked thanks to her amplified hearing as Junoth walked up to her at the large windows – bathing the two beauties in intense luminous lights.

“Yes. Just the usual guards lacking discipline to report.” Junoth said to her as the two continued watching the crowd fill up the balcony streets of the high districts.

“That or our guest made their move towards us and the General Princess-sama.” Katsuranea pondered for a while before she spoke up. For a moment she tried to think like an assassin – and came to the conclusion that they would most likely take out surveillance before moving onto their primary target.

“There is still a few between us and them. No need to worry. Just enjoy the parade.” Junoth said as she crossed her arms creating soft leathery sounds with her kimono like dragonid leather coat.


Kaguyari stood at the edge of the platform, between two columns entwined in dragon sculpted vines. Her head slightly tilted up, tilting her raven black triangular collar’s back edge as she enjoyed the snowflakes falling onto her soft face. Her eyes bulged elegantly through her lids as they moved around before she opened them with a relaxed expression on her divinely beautiful visage.

“Will you stay with us?” As Bofnjar slowly approached her, she voiced her question.

“I’m afraid I still have some matters to attend to. But I wish the best of times to you General Princess-Sama.” He bowed deeply, even though his backed creaked doing so.

“Well, at least stay until the start. I myself will teleport you back.” Kaguyari turned around and his eyes glistened as they focused onto her face – various depraved desires formed in his head while he gazed upon her. “I can’t refuse such an offer.”

The two walked inside the mock up palace and were greeted by the opulence of Hoshigawan Palaces. A vast, neat and uncluttered hall that had an open second floor that led up a balcony with three large windows with the cleanest and smoothest glass used. The interior itself had pristine, oaken colored tatami floors in which one could saw their own perfect reflection. Imposing, twisting columns held the roof in place, made from a transmuted combination of marble and wood with carved hoshigawan dragons dancing around them in various vibrant hues.

The warm and welcoming light itself bathing the room came from old hoshigawan style lanterns with glow-stones placed into them. At the center of the hall itself laid a long and low mahogany table decorated with sculptures, old literature, bowls of fruits and even katanas drawn from their sheath. Similarly on the open second floor, at the center a throne with silken cushioned seat and back in a frame of silver and oaken was placed, decorated with a lunar dragon circling around the edges.

“Exquisite work as per usual.” Kaguyari said as she sat down into said throne with Bofnjar right beside her, the rest of her entourage guarding all entrance and exit as the platform started.

Kaguyari snapped her fingers and two cups and a bottle of the finest sake appeared hovering in the air. “For a wonderful and productive night.” She said with the wide smile of a fox while the sake poured itself into the two porcelain cups.


100th District.

The Agent slowly approached the two Keiastuaths posted at the office of the Director. One was a wickedly beautiful dark elf with burgundy lob tied into a single ponytail. The other beautiful soratanese with triangular visage with near perfectly aligned, slightly elvish features and a long wavy hair sheared on the right side.

“You two will do. Go take care of the watcher.” Her voice reached the two who just noticed her coming from the right. Words laced in arcane energies made their calm expressions slightly bland. As soon as they received them, they left their post and headed to the opposite direction.

“Oh and fetch some silver sealing tape from one of the storage rooms.” The Agent added halfway through entering the office, with a fine smug on her faux face mimicking Emaera’s still.

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