Heleion Archives

Merry Times VI.

92nd District.

Chouath arrived at the end of the single trail of ethereal footsteps. As her eyes moved with a steady whir on the door, she poured inscriptions onto it before her palm touched it. It opened without a single sound and she stepped onto the tatami floor of the hallway.

For a moment she stopped and closed her eyes as mana poured into the metallic shells and when she opened it, the ethereal outline of a tall Raven Eyes agent appeared through the wall. Chouath exhaled deeply then disappeared in a burst of shadows. With a single strike at the orii elven Raven Eye’s nape, she collapsed with a soft yelp leaving her plump elven lips covered in mauve, glossy lipstick.

Chouath quickly patted her sleek dragonid leather outfit of a simple leather tunic with a round cheek high collar zipped open and turned slightly outwards at the edges. Her long deep blue hair with cerulean streaks spread out onto the floor while her almond shaped eyes remained closed while her eyes moved beyond the lids.

After finishing inspecting the unconscious Raven Eye Agent, she ripped open the black sealing tape she took from her pouch and started wrapping it around the crossed wrists of the orii elf. She did the same measured loops around her ankles and thighs before she tore off two strips – one for her closed eyes, one for her lips and cheeks.

“Sleep well.” As she grabbed the bound and sealing tape gagged orii elven agent by her armpits – she moaned in her gag while dragged across the room. The storage area’s door slid open by itself and Chouath placed the agent inside – before though she would seal herself behind the door, she muttered a goodbye to her. Which she found weird while leaving the empty apartment.


93rd District.

As Anjtae – an umbral elven member of the Raven Eyes Branch – continued her patrol through the maze like corridor system of the 93rd floor, Hungen warned her of a possible intruder. “Seems like this will be an eventful night.” She murmured to herself after none of her assigned Heishiaths and Keisatsuaths replied to her mental messages.

Anjtae like most of her kin was blessed – or cursed depending on who you ask – with a hauntingly white skin tone which luster was comparable to the finest of porcelain pieces. Her hair, dark as the starless mid-night sky was fashioned into an inverted bob with the back slightly tapered, the thick fringe that covered her forehead had two vermilion extensions that framed her doll like elven face with a small, chiseled nose ornated with onyx piercings on both sides of her bridge.

Up until her bomber jacket made of dragonid leather with snow silvery furred collars that covered most of her neck and even tickled her elven angular jawline, the rest matched with her Sisters. Except that she preferred to buttoned out her triangular collars with her dark silken neck tie loosely hanging around her encased neck.

“Now where to go?” She asked herself while standing halfway between where the corridor truly begins to twist like a maddened serpent – an angular serpent of all things – and the elevator room currently guarded by two Keisatsuaths. Then her answer came in the form of two bangs against clearly something metallic. Most likely – and definitely – a locker.

“The age old trick.” As she started moving in the direction the sound came from, she noted to herself as it was quite common that bound and gagged guards ended up hidden in lockers or storage rooms. Even when it came to places where both were used quiet a lot. Well not this place, but that did not matter.

A part of her stopped for a moment, thinking – wait what if it was a trap. Then she shrugged and continued on. There were two options either way. She manages to overpower the intruder and earn some points to-wards promotion or she’ll end up besides whoever banged on whatever thing. Or she’ll die but that wasn’t a problem for someone religious and long-lived like her. Quiet the bad traits to have on guard duty she thought to herself while opening up the locker – that was truly the source of the bangs – where she came face to face with a young soratanese keisatsuath with a lob style hair that matched with her beret and blouse.

“Hmhnnn mnn!” And technically the true source was her pounding against the door while her willowy body clad in her sleek, eye-catching uniform was thoroughly wrapped in deep green sealing tape with her arms bent behind. She tried to warn Anjtae about the gleeful Shao Bi raising from the shadows like a wicked shade.

But Anjtae quite misunderstood the reason for the muffled whimpers and groans, and by the time she realized her Sister was trying to warn her, one hand wrapped around her throat, the other covered her mouth and nose. She tried to resist as much as she can, but in the end, she gave in to the darkness as resisting ever hard-er. At last she went limp in the arms of Shao Bi.


94th District.

Shao Bi dodged just by the breadth of her hair the incoming parts of the wall torn from their unity and molded into spheres numbering seven at least. They crashed into the adjacent wall, creating fist sized holes and ended up in the now destroyed fridge.

She also almost tumbled over the sol elven partner of Hungen whom she managed to knock out yet not swiftly enough as she still managed to let out a loud muffled groan to warn her partner. “Damn it. I hate this.” Darkness spread within the room and she could barely even see her own hands as the lunar elven agent shifted in her tactics.

“Calm down Bi.” Shao Bi exhaled deeply as she spread her enhanced awareness around the darkness infest-ed small living room filled with destroyed furniture and two unconscious beauties – a stygian heishiath on top of the sol elven agent. Transparent shards flew towards her, aimed at her magnificently sculpted head. Thanks to her training she managed to stop them by clapping her palms together and devouring the spell to replenish her own mana.

She used the newly acquired mana to sense Hungen standing in the hallway, reaching for her wand pistol to bring an end to this fight. But she proved slower than the Golden Dawn assassin who hurled a sphere of high grade mind spells melded together. It exploded on impact, breaking through her protective enchantments and wards and Hungen fell on her back with a soft yelp.

“That was a close on.” Shao Bi said as the darkness parted. As soon as she could see clearly, she rushed to the moaning and groaning lunar elf and searched through her pockets and pouches before she dragged her further into the room. She bound her ankles, thighs and wrists together with her own black sealing tape be-fore she repeated the same process with the sol elf.

She dragged both into the bedroom and wrapped tape around their torsos before she gagged them each with one wide strip of tape. “Hopefully that was the last of you for now.” Shao Bi said as she stood over the two awakening agents moaning in their gags.

“Hnnnhnphnmn.” The two fully awoken to the sound of the door closing on them, with their muffled moans echoing through the thin walls.


“They got caught, didn’t they?” Katsuranea asked as she noticed the frustrated expression on Junoth’s face.

“Yes. Seems like they underestimated the enemy because she was alone.” Even her disembodied voice was filled with frustration at the hubris of her own Sisters.

“What to do?” Katsuranea muttered to herself just the moment when all too familiar sound filled the room. A sound she was never on the receiving end so far. But there is a first for everything as they say. She reached for her own katana and pulled it out from its sheath the moment she noticed the negating grenade rolling into the center of the room.

As it exploded, an invisible force washed over the room and everyone including Katsuranea felt their arcane points being smothered. A feeling of spiritual flesh being twisted followed by an intense sensation of powerlessness. Junoth experienced it the worst as her mind was floating in the building complex and got cut off from its source. Her body just slumped in its meditating state while she still felt the gentle caress of aetherna satin on her cheeks.

Then the doors were kicked in by Shao Bi with ebon bladed jian dagger in one hand, silenced wand pistol in the other. The three other agents inside quickly met their end. Each of them collapsed onto the ground with soft thuds and a single hole adorning the center of their foreheads.

For a while, Katsuranea’s hand remained on the scaled hilt of her katana while facing the barrel end of Shao Bi’s wand pistol. “Sweet dreams.” She said moments before she pulled the trigger. The last thing Katsuranea felt was the mana bullet hitting her chest, dispersing on impact while the force sent her body down to the floor, which cold embrace washed over her back as she watched Shao Bi with a smug standing over her. Before she fell into the endless sea of darkness, she heard the harsh tearing of orange golden sealing tape.


While she felt her time in the Lands of Dreams an eternity almost, she woke up with a major pain assaulting her whole body. At some points it felt even worse. Like her arms that were bent behind her back, pushed against each other while wrapped in the orange golden tape. Even her hands were clinched into a glossy mittens. And her forearms pushed against her side buy the layers of tape wrapped around her uniform covered chest.

On the lower end, she felt the breeze of cold wind tickling her legs and vulva and the adhesive push of the tape that kept her ankles to the chair’s legs she was bound to. “Nnmn nph.” Back on the top side, her words turned into an unintelligible mess of a groan thanks to the precisely wrapped tape that covered her mouth, ears and the back of her head. Similarly, she could not see at all thanks to the very same tape wrapped in the very same manner around her eyes.

“Yes, I checked. They’re both out cold. The rest is dead in this room. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’d like to reap my rewards.” Shao Bi said when she continued binding Junoth still forced out of her own body. She was rolled onto her back, arms stacked and folded together while layers of the orange golden tape made sure they stay that way.

Her braided single tail pressed against her nape by the orange golden tape wounded across her lower head with near perfect precision while her eyes were only covered by a single long strip. Then she heard the last tear followed by the slow footsteps of Shao Bi approaching her.

“Good morning my little beauty.” Katsuranea let out a muffled yelp when she felt the pleasant, but cold feeling of smooth dragonid leather pants touching her thighs as Shao Bi sat into her lap. Another followed when said assassin’s fingers started gently and slowly massaging her vulva.

“Relax. Enjoy it while you can.” Her hot breath assaulted her ears, her enchanted words lessened her resistance when she was about to pull her head away.

“PHnhm mm mnphphrmphph.” She leaned closer to Shao Bi, her offering turned into a muffled mess that was pleasing to the assassin of the Golden Dawn.

“Good girl. Now I hope when your pussy is eaten ou..” Before she could finish her sentence – Shao Bi’s head flew off from her neck, spraying Katsuranea’s taped face with her crimson blood while leaving a few strands of her dark hair on her exposed lap.

“Are you alright Katsu?” Hanakoro asked with a worried expression while Katsuranea went through at least three different stages. First, she felt a sudden despair at the loss of her newfound mistress, then confusion and anger as the charm faded from her. And finally relief realizing that Hanakoro arrived to save her from Gods knew what.

“Yes. But we have to help Junoth. She was in an astral trance.” When Hanakoro touched the sealing tape wrapped around her cheeks, in a span of a moment it withered away allowing the formation of proper words. Which she used to warn her about Junoth.

Hanakoro quickly nodded when her heart stopped pounding and rushed to the former orii elven Sister of hers laying on the floor tightly bound with the same orange golden tape. A relief filled moan followed when Hanakoro touched her forehead hidden under the thick and dark bush of a blunt fringe of hers with proper inscriptions loaded into her finger tips.

“Free her. I’ll have to check a few more places that went dark.” Hanakoro said to Katsuranea while she cut her hands free from the tape. Then rushed off while her dark elven Sister, friend started freeing Junoth.


An orcish – truly more of a green tinted elf with tusk – walked through the long corridor lit only by the lights of the city on the 94th floor. She checked her short, vibrant chestnut hued hair in the reflection of the mirror. Then suddenly her head flew off with Hanakoro’s reflection appearing behind the mirror while her body hit the floor.

Surprise settled within Hanakoro as she saw that the pretender wasn’t wearing a faux face or wasn’t shapeshifted. But instead she wore a wig and faux eyebrows that came off when her head landed on the floor while her emerald blood formed into a puddle. But at the moment she decided that she can ponder about it all she want. Now was the time to free her Sisters.

Not far from the corpse of the orcish pretender, she stopped at one of the myriad doors opposing the windows with their matte, wooden glory. She slowly opened up and walked into the empty hallway and made silent steps towards the nearest doorway from which warm light lit the shadow infested hallway.

With each step, she became aware of the soft whimpers numbering at least at seven, matching almost the number of Heishiats and Keisatsuaths assigned to this eastern complex. Except for the two from which one was already dead according to her momentary math.

Her nostril expanded as she inhaled softly. Time slowed down for her – evident from the whimpers slowing down. Then she leaned in to the room, and she felt relieved that all of them were alive, just sitting on the ground, leaning their back against the square column in the center. With only their hands behind their back tied with mana ties, and their mouths and eyes sealed with dark green sealing tape of their own.

And the last pretender, a dark stygian with a curvaceous body, two curving fiendish horns, their tips red as hellfire, skin dark as brimstone – or maybe darker – and hellish red long hair that flowed naturally down her clearly stolen uniform. She ran up to her, and sliced through the protective ward of erected around the neck and head by both the militarized cheongsam coat and the berry blue beret before it ran through her hair and neck like butter. Her head spun twice, with doubt sprouting in her heart for a moment as the hair didn’t fell off this time. But she calmed down when she tried to lift the severed head up and it fell off.

“Calm down. Help is on the way.” She said to the seven bound and gagged Sister of hers before she stormed off to the next location.


“Now, I’m afraid I should return to the factory.” Bofnjar said with a clearly dejected tone matching perfectly with his equally dejected expression.

“I am truly sad to hear that. But I hope we can talk before I leave tomorrow.” Kaguyari said with a solemn expression as she gulped down another cup of sake.

“I will most definitely try to make some time for your Highness. Now I hope you have a pleasant time and a merry new year!”  Bofnjar bowed deeply and the last thing he saw was the calm smile he aligned in his head to the chilling light of the moon itself.

When he straightened his posture, he was back in his spacious office draped in soft shadows with only a little light coming from the lamps outside. He sighed deeply as he pushed the longing feeling that ached his heart. Then suddenly he became aware that he was not alone in the office.

A lunar elven Keisatsuath with bright vermilion hair looked at her with a wide smile. A wide and very creepy smile as he noted herself. “Can I help with anything?” He asked as he felt a not so pleasant chill ran down his spine.

“No, not really.” The Agent said in a foreboding tone.

“Guards!” Bofnjar’s disembodied voice echoed through the aether link set up around the factory.

“I’m afraid they’re quite busy at the moment.” Those next words made him tremble as she spoke with voice of Emaera and her own, resonant voice while pulling her silenced wand pistol out from its holster on the separate belt.

“Rest well.” She said those words in tandem with his short body falling down onto the floor. His bronze blood formed into a puddle, tainting the fine carpet. The Agent pulled out the small eidetic device and plugged it into the golputer of Bofnjar.

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