Hell's Academy

Chapter 154: Eighteen Eyed Juggernaut

Howard didn't mince words with the Arthraku Youth and just decided to attack with all his might.

He could tell their two allies were getting close thanks to his Dream Ki, and decided to try an all out attack to finish them right now. Oclen clearly had taken major damage because he sensed a major drop in his Ki level. It seemed that although he could regenerate the wounds on his neck, each regeneration greatly weakened his abilities in battle.

'From that one attack, I'm guessing his ability dropped an entire half rank.' Howard gathered all his Dark Ki and suddenly let his power surge to his maximum while it began to spread across his body like a strange dark flame. He sent his Ki swirling into the Ki Heart Ring before he activated his Dream Ki and burst forward at maximum speed.

He arrived in front of giant winged Authoritarian, Maclan, and activated his Dark Ki to the maximum.

With a swing of his hand, Howard went further and infused some of his Dream Ki into the Dark Ki to minorly increase it in strength. However, Maclan didn't just let him attack. His wings seemed to turn into a set of glowing swords that slashed into the air at Howard's incoming body.


Howard arrived behind Maclan while a form of him seemed to shoot into the mist while Maclan smiled. This was a technique of utilizing Dream Ki was called Dream Impression. It wasn't an illusion, but it wasn't quite real. Maclan laughed proudly before he felt a gigantic fist coming towards his face that seemed to swell with heat.

"Die, you large, oversized jerk!" Howard swung forward with his right fist while a black flame shot back behind him. "Dark Oblivion!"


This time, Howard made a direct hit on Moclan's face and sent him shooting into the distance. His large brown winged Authoritarian body bounced into the smoke while Howard landed on one foot. He had this in the bag! He really could win this before it ever began! He didn't have to run away to 1000 Monster Valley! He could defeat them right now.

"I-I never died before," Oclen's body started to transform. His blonde hair started to retract into his skin while his body swelled to almost three meters instantly. Large horns grew on his shoulders and back while dozens of eyes began to appear on his face. "Heh, I guess I'll use my ultimate form first to finish you off. This Authoritarian, the Eighteen Eyed Juggernaut took me almost a month to kill."

"I have never used it against anyone beneath the S rank before, but I can't underestimate you. You fake little demon king! Come here and die!"

Howard gulped, but didn't panic and instantly activated Fire King's Embrace and formed two fire silhouettes that appeared in front of him. At the same time, he activated Sword of the Fire Legionnaire, which quickly swelled to the size of almost of a normal sword. He took a deep breath and then lightly pressed down on his feet in preparation for his attack! 

'Demon King Earl told me to never panic! Be resourceful if you're against a stronger enemy! Don't let him think you're scared, because as soon as you do that you'll die!"

"Huh, interesting techniques. You remind me of a best friend that I used to have before I had to choose to let him die," Oclen created a gigantic flaming sword in his left hand and one made out of Earth Ki in his right. "Ha, however, you're completely underestimating me. You think I'll fall for the same trick twice? Now prepare to die! Moclen, as soon as I knock him off balance kill him!"

"Are you kidding me? He's not going to fight me alone?" Howard activated Fire King Sprint and his Dream Ki and dodged a massive fire sword that descended towards him. 

His Sword of the Fire Legionnaire rushed to attack Oclen on the left side when he appeared at his right. At the same time, his two fire silhouettes slammed against Oclen's incoming blades.


The Fire Silhouettes instantly got split in half while two little eyes opened up on Oclen's left and right neck. When Howard arrived at his side, he slightly noticed the eye opening and a small force approaching him when he attacked with a right fist that contained all his strength. Unfortunately, before he got close the eye on Oclen's grey bony neck seemed to twitch and he then got sent flying back. His sword also got sent spiraling away, dissipating into a nearby rock.

"Heh, that's called invisible Ki. It's not invisible, but so fast that you can't see it in time to defend against it. It's why the Eighteen Eyed Juggernaut was so hard to kill. In order to beat it, you have to attack it where you can't see it's eyes."

"AH!" Howard grabbed at a bloody wound at his side and slowly scrambled up to a stand. "That hurt you bastard! Don't think I'll make the same mistake again."

"Hmph, I can tell you're about to try and flee. Mocran, let him leave. We can't stop him in the mist anyway. Not until we understand what that strange Ki is he used to scout our position." Oclen transformed back into his human form almost immediately while Mocran ambled over to his side. "Go on, Howard. Run away. But no matter how far you go, after we wipe out everyone you love, we'll find you and kill you!"

"You bastard!" Howard heard something inside of him telling him not to get mad, but couldn't hold it back. He realized almost instantly that Oclen had some strange type of sensory ability that allowed him to sense Ki. If he didn't kill him now, he might somehow find Monica and make her suffer. 

He really wished to activate Fire King's Last Stand, but could feel his body forcing him to stop activating the array. It was almost as if the will of the Demon King was inside of him. However, he still had a sliver of that small unnamed silver flame burning inside of him that he'd promised not to use until the S rank.

Activating it, he felt his arm slowly start to burn almost instantly while Oclen's eyes flared up in surprise.

A large claw instantly appeared on his left arm before he slashed forward with all his might.

His claw literally extended outwards and slapped Howard into the mist before he could even manage a single attack. At the same time, Oclen looked like he'd just gotten frightened. Sweat dropped down his pallid countenance while he patted Mocran on the shoulder.

"I take that back. Retreat until we understand what both those types of Ki are! Howard, you got too many secrets to be left alive! Mocran, go get our other two teammates! We're hunting him together tomorrow after we go visit his friends about his abilities!"

"Who! Who said you could leave," Howard got up and looked at his arm that had almost completely turned black in an instant because of that silver Ki flame. It started to heal rapidly, but by the time he got up and was able to attack the Arthraku were already gone.

"Damn it! He outsmarted me at every move! What the hell am I going to do against those bastards? It's like he was unwilling to risk fighting me even though he knew he could win! I can't let them stay alive either!"


Priscilla walked back to the Unclaimed Shrine and put some much needed supplies into the green shoddy bus.

She knew that Howard and her be going with Annibell to 1000 Monster Valley, and that they might have to split up, but for once she tried her hardest to choose cute things to wear. She was wearing a pear of blue jeans with a blue jean jacket that she slightly pulled up with her dark brown hair in a bun. She knew that the scars on her wrist were visible, but she bit her lip and thought about how Howard had kissed her there repeatedly and made her blush.

She even had a single no sleeve shirt that she wanted to wear for Howard packed away inside her bag. He'd got her thinking that her scars were somewhat cute, and he even claimed that Jenny would probably be able to heal them. With a large smile on her face, she gently looked forward at Jarlon Valley beginning to change. She had just been staring at a forest with lots of green trees, but now it seemed to be turning into a dock with several boats docked to the shore.

"Hmph, maybe it can be cute to have scars. Heh, that man has me thinking all these strange thoughts" Priscilla's lips parted with a smile while the large dock finally finished appearing, and saw Howard slowly running in her direction. "Heh, he's finally back. The man who claimed my lips for the first time. What took him so long? Did he forget I wanted to kiss him for an hour before we left?"

Priscilla held her arms akimbo while Howard finally got close enough that she could make out his face.

'Wait, what the hell happened? Why does he have ashes on his face? Don't tell me he used that flame again."

Priscilla and Howard had been in a Dream Space, so Howard got to experiment using the strange silver flame. He still hadn't figured out how to use it since fighting Nellon, and even compared to then it seemed much more strong and sinister.

The Demon King Earl, when asked about it in their brief 10 minutes of training, hadn't known what it was either, so it made it extremely puzzling. Howard had this extremely unorthodox power in him, and no one knew what it was, but everyone kept telling him when he had Ki Hearts he could manage to control it.

Regardless, Priscilla didn't bother waiting and rushed to his side. Leaning down on her knees on the dock, she pushed Howard's face into her arm before she felt a single tear drop down his eye.

"They-they are so strong! We have to stop them! Annibell can't come with us, she has to stay at the East Branch!"

"What do you mean, Howard? She has to come. What happened? Did you not find a present for me like you talked about."

"The-the Arthraku are here, and they're terrifying! The strongest one, Oclen, is actually stronger than Reslan! I-I changed my mind! You're going back to the East Branch with Teacher Annibell. I'll take care of them myself! Even if it takes me 10 months, or a year, I'll get strong enough to destroy them!"

Teacher Annibell sighed and came out of the Unclaimed Shrine and nodded her head. She had sensed Howard's Ki Fluctuations earlier, and could tell he'd engaged in battle. Just like Reslan, she couldn't sense specific individuals, but she could track an individual if she knew from where they started. Alas, she also couldn't not take what Howard said seriously. He'd gotten almost perfect scores in the Dream Space. She just finished talking with the previous Four Gaurdians by activating the dream council.

"If that's what Howard recommends, then that's what we're doing Priscilla. Howard will be going alone to 1000 Monster Valley, and we will be protecting the East Branch."

"What? Are you nuts? This little shrimp still can't beat me in a fight! Why would I let him do that! I finally have someone to care about, and you want to take it away!"

"I-I know it's messed up," Howard shook his head. "However, if they catch you, I'll most likely have to do whatever they say. At least in 1000 Monster Valley I'll be protected by the Authoritarians. However, you, you might even make the Authoritarians want to attack me! I-I have to do what's best for all of us!"


Priscilla smacked aside Howard's hand and broke down crying on his chest. He'd never even seen her shed a tear, but for some reason she now seemed incredibly sad.

"Please! Please don't die! I-I finally feel like I have a family again! Please!"

"I promise!"Howard brushed aside Priscilla's beautiful brown hair and gently grazed her pink lips. "I may have lost once, but I will not lose again! Even if I have to set a million traps, they will fall before I do! And then I'll return for you! I swear with all my heart!"

"Howard, you better go," Annibell sighed and sensed 4 individuals rapidly heading towards the East Branch. "I got to go. You got to go. Me and Reslan will have some brats to take care of. Now go! Get on your way!"

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