Hell's Academy

Chapter 155: 1000 Monster Valley

1000 Monster Valley existed in one of the corners of the Furnace.

It was a place with 1000 mountain peaks and 1000 Valleys that ebbed and flowed like a rising and falling sea as Howard looked into the distance. It was called 1000 Monster Valley because of these peaks and valleys. It had been said one of the most powerful, original Authoritarians had turned the land from a flat landscape to the current strange region with a 1000 footsteps.

He had taken 1000 steps and afterwards disappeared from existence only to return when someone that could truly challenge him had arrived. 

However, what surprised Howard the most when he arrived at 1000 Monster Valley was the small outposts he saw on the side of the mountain. He'd almost forgotten that Authoritarians gain a human form after entering the A rank.

He sighed and found a half broken convenience store with its lights flickering while a man with eight horns on his back played with the wires. He was somewhat confused. He was clearly an Authoritarian, but seemed to have his full hopes on getting the lights for the convenience store to work.

Howard stopped by him hoping to get an idea of the best places to train in 1000 Monster Valley. Since he gave off an Authoritarian's presence, it shouldn't be too much trouble for him to stop by.

"Excuse me."

"You're seeking answers. I don't have them," The man turned his finger into a screw driver and shook his head. When he turned to look at Howard, he had salt and pepper grey hair with two pair of huge round glasses that contrasted his muscular frame. "I-I tell you. If only I understood how to read and write, this would be a lot easier task."

"Hmmm, what to make a trade?" Howard walked over to a book called principles of electronics and gadgets and scooped it off the floor. "I help you learn how to fix that circuit board, and you tell me 3 areas around here that are safe and hard for foreigners to reach?"

"Only if you can actually read," The man rolled his eyes and took a deep breath. "I've been trying to figure out this book my whole life just from the 10 pictures. If you really can do that, I'll even take you to each location personally!"


Howard wanted to panic about the incoming Arthraku, but it was hard when he kept getting praised for knowing how to read. 

He did well in Montgomery Highschool, but never well enough to reep lavish praises from any adult. He was mostly known for his good looks and his charms, and for that reason he was never bullied. However, he never expected in a million years that such a common skill would be a rarity to Authoritarians.

For some reason, almost every Authoritarian struggled to read the human language because they normally gained human forms in adult hood. Hence, when Howard read the entire principles of electronic book to the blonde haired man he seemed delighted beyond measure.

"Hoho! This is great!" The man smiled and watched the lights turn on. "I've been wondering what a conductor does for years! Turns out it's the battery! Yes, I can have lights again!"

"Mister, I'm in a bit of a hurry," Howard had spent two hours reading a single passage over and over again to the man so he could memorize every word for the future. "I-I'm getting chased by a powerful group of men. I'm afraid if I don't go soon, you also could get hunted."

"Hmmm, my name is Barinston," The man shook his head. "I doubt anyone would bother with me. 10,000 Authoritarians pass by here every year and leave me alone. I'm not trying to lay claim to land, so some even stop by to talk. Now, you mind reading me that part again!"

"Ah! One last time and then we need to go!" Howard opened the book to the final page and read a few final details to the man. He literally had memorized almost every page, but this man seemed to have trouble remembering a single verse. It's almost like he was purposely delaying him and he didn't know why. "I-I want to go to a place with the strongest Authoritarians! Can you take me there!"

"My-my daughter will take you," Barinston wiped a tear from his eye and turned on the light switch in the convenience store. "You have brought light to the darkness. Varnie! Get out here with your nice clothes and take our savior to where Uncle Big Nine is! Your shift ends early today! We're going to be celebrating for 9 days and 9 nights!"

"I-I really only turned on the lights," Howard laughed and looked at the store. It had dozens of human goods on the shelves, but also had some goods that seemed made just for Authoritarians. A green plant called the Sixteen Dynasty Plant was apparently a hot selling commodity to passing by Authoritarians because it had healing properties. Howard stopped browsing and then finally a beautiful woman walked down the stairs in a green dress. 

Her black hair went well past her thin and slender legs while her two eyes seemed to glow like two gorgeous stars. Her smile instantly manifested when she saw her father, and she rushed to hug him before doing the same to Howard. He felt her beautiful body slam against him and blushed. Not a single curve on her body didn't delight him. He almost wanted to ask her to sleep with him tonight, but he had a feeling saying that around her father might be a bad thing to do.

"Heh, thank you for helping father! To you I'm indebted," She let go of Howard and then switched to holding his hand. She was hot, like 120 degrees hotter than he expected. Howard blushed when she started tugging him towards the door. 


The bell rung and she waved by to her father before two small wings grew on her back. 

"Hmmm, I know this is strange, but I overheard everything, and it be quicker if we just fly there. You mind riding a pretty girls back? Just keep your hands around my waist, okay? I-I'm sensitive by my hips and chest. I know some Authoritarian men choose to never use their human form and think it's ridiculous women are sensitive in certain places, but I really am, so be gentle!"

"Hehe! No worries! I'm just glad I can already grab you! Next, maybe you can sleep with me at night!" Howard gently put his arms around her waist and smiled while wrestling his head on her neck. "You're making me feel better. I-I really should be worried, but I feel like everything is going to be fine!


Reslan and Annibell waited outside of the East Branch together.

She hadn't kissed him in ages, but her heart was beating faster and faster as the minutes turned to hours. She'd expected the Arthraku youth to arrive instantly, but it seemed her intuition was wrong. It's almost like they were busy formulating a plan. It irked her, but she knew that with her power level at the peak of the S rank they'd have trouble hurting her.

Annibell had trained the hardest out of all the Four Guardians, and never took a break for 100 years. When Barabin was hiding in the oasis, and Reslan was busy managing the East Brach, she spent all her time training her Ki.

She had a feeling as soon as she went to the Jarkalon Abyss her power would soar to the SS rank. She really just couldn't accede to that position without getting a little bit more pure Ki to absorb. In fact, she had begged to go with Founder Arista, but still had to remain behind. Looking at Reslan standing at least two meters over her, she felt a sense of comfort. Embracing his warm muscular arms, she finally saw an eighteen eyed being walking towards her.

"Hey! You two!" Oclen in his Eighteen Eyed Juggernaut form slowly walked forward. "I have a couple of questions for you! If you answer them, I won't kill any students. If you resist, I can promise I'll escape and 10 of your students will die."

"Pain in the ass," Annibell shook her head. "You're just a teenager. Why don't you try and get by me first, and then see if you can keep talking!"

"But, we already did get by you," Oclen smiled and pointed at the East Branch. "You didn't see Maclan when he passed by because he was moving so slowly underneath you! However, ha! When that guys gets larger, you can bet not even Priscilla will be able to stop them."

"You-you bastard!" Annibell shot forward off her back foot and instantly arrived in front of Oclen. The two of them were both roughly 3 meters tall, however, Oclen looked like an extremely terrifying monster while Annibel seemed perfect in almost every way.

However, the one who seemed to be the most confident was Oclen. As Annibell's hand shot out, all eighteen of his eyes seemed to flash before Annibell seemed to freeze in space.

The next moment, she shot back a single step, and instantly covered her chest.

"What is that?"

"Useless against you," Oclen shook his head. "You're too strong, and I can only do that three times! Haha, but you're going to tell us everything there is to know about Howard, or your students are dead!"

"Reslan, go back to the East Branch!" Annibell turned back and watched him nod his head. "We aren't telling you anything! I'm destroying you for invading my property! You're going to burn to a crisp for your overconfidence!"

"Maclan," Oclen smiled. His voice was soft but seemed to carry miles away. "Capture Monica, would you? We can't stay here all day."

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