Hell's Academy

Chapter 156: First Authoritarian Mountain Peak

Monica looked at her room in Four Guardians Sanctuary. 

She had sweat dripping down her beautiful countenance with her green hair flickering in front of her face. She'd just mastered a new type of ice mark that she'd been working on in hopes of surpassing Howard once again. Even though he was stronger than her now, she knew if she tried her hardest she could once again catch up.

Priscilla had her beat in many ways, but she didn't have her beat in heart. Monica swore to work harder than anyone else in the entire East Branch! Who cared about sleeping when you couldn't protect those you love! She had to get stronger and stronger!

"Ice Mark, Third level Activate!" 

Monica's ice mark which normally looked like a small cross instantly spread across her entire body and seemed to form a net that gripped her arms and legs tightly. Her eyes started to glisten and turn a brighter green while the room instantly chilled.

She could only activate this for three minutes, but felt like her strength had reached the peak of the A rank! Nothing could stop her! Not even Howard!


Monica looked quickly around at the room she was in while rubble started to fall down. She was in a room with four pillars called the Four Guardians fourth training hall. It had a small Ki Coagulant pool for meditation, and dozens of manuals that contained the previous guardians techniques.

However, this was the first time she felt the building shake. Four Guardians Sanctuary was in the back of the East Branch and the hardest to reach. It had no windows in order to keep its secrets hidden from the outside world, and an extremely intricate network of chambers and halls that had to be passed through in order to reach the training halls. Thus, she was extremely worried instantly. Her green hair spun around to and fro while she searched for the disturbance.

"Whatever it is. It's really close. Hmph, I hope it's not Howard trying to come back and get a kiss." Monica blushed and looked down at her white skirt and green shirt. Her normally beautiful body had been charred by the ice cold Ki she'd been using to manifest her attacks. Taking a look at herself, she decided to go change, and walked out into the hallway.

The ice mark on her body started to deactivate and she returned to being the beautiful green eyed girl that everyone adored. Waving at a noncombatant Horned in a pink jumpsuit, she smiled and walked over to her.

"Hi, do you know what happened, Inara?"

"That's this girl's name?" a deep voice came out of the foxy blonde who then shook her head. "Hmmm, Inara? Hahaha! What a perfect name! Too bad you'll never see her again if you don't tell us everything you know about Howard."

"Go to hell!" Monica instantly activated her Ice Mark while her hair fluttered above her head. A powerful spear that contained all her energy fused with her Dark Ki shot directly at the beautiful woman standing in front of her.


The spear shot right into Inara's head before she slammed against the wall. The ice spear pierced right through her shoulder and nailed her up to the ceiling. Blood began to drip down from the wall while Monica looked forward in shock.

What had just happened?

'Did-did someone take over her body or something? What kind of ability is that!' Monica jumped and tossed the ice spear from Inara's wounds and hugged her tightly while tears came from her eyes. Turning behind her, she felt a shadow slowly growing towards her and pulling her more into the darkness. 

Inara had been one of her best friends since she moved into the Four Guardians Santuary, and was considered her caretaker. Each Guardian Canditate got one caretaker that was responsible for things like food and many of them had grown close.

Seeing the woman that stayed up with her every night and listened to her talk about Howard gasping for breath, her Dark Ki started to swell from inside her soul. It seemed like something snapped! 


The walls around Monica started to chip while she turned around and looked at a tall muscular man leaning against a pillar in the hallway. He had strange golden eyes with hands that seemed to turn back and fourth from claws to fingers every few seconds. Something about him seemed terrifying, but all she wanted to do is rip him to shreds!

"I can save her life, but first you have to tell me all of Howard's abilities."

"I know-I know I can't kill you because then according to the rules of war, those two guardians outside could kill us. However, I guess I got around that by tricking you into killing your own best friend! Hahaha! All I had to do was listen to you talk for three hours, and activate my golden silver Authoritarian's main ability to take over her soul for an instant! Now look at her! She's going to die! She's going to die unless you tell me everything you know about Howard."

"How dare you!" Monica rushed towards Macran with such fervor in her eyes that she seemed to wreak of killing intent. Holding back her hand, her ice mark once appeared but this time seemed to spread across her entire body. She looked like some type of strange ice sculpture that came to life while her power soared. She was going to kill this bastard, so Howard would never have to see his ugly face.


Macran pointed his finger at Inara's body before both of her arms seemed to disappear into dust. At the same time, he just stood there and faced Monica's attack without budging. It seemed like the cold did nothing but solidify his stance. Instead, his face seemed to gain a slight shimmer while her hand smashed into his face.


Macron stepped back a single step from the impact of Monica's fist, and raised his brow in minor surprise. However, as she turned her foot in the air to kick him with all her might, he simply just looked into her eyes. He seemed to be saying "No matter what you do, I'll win!"


Monica's foot turned into an ice pick and cut into Macran's side with all its might. However, even with that, he seemed to be laughing inside.

'Your friend has three golden strings in her," Macron spit out some blood and shook his head. "Hehe, you're strong, but she isn't! Turn behind you and look! As you attacked me your friend lost her arms because of you! Stupid girl! I just want to talk!"

"I-I'm not telling you anything," Monica wiped a tear from her eye and looked back at Inara. Her normal beautiful pink hair had been sullied with her blood while her beautiful blue eyes had turned almost completely blank. "What-what the hell did you do to her?"

"I put three golden strings in her that activate when they encounter ice Ki. Hahahaha! I didn't do anything! It was all you! Now, little girl! Tell me what you know about Howard or she's going to die! Five seconds to spill everything you know, or your little caretaker is dead!"


Annibell shook her head, and looked at Oclen's strange form.

She made a mental calculation and compared his strength to Reslan's. If the two of them fought, Oclen might have the upper hand. She really should kill him now and save Howard from the mess, however, she couldn't start a war! She also could sense Monica's predicament almost instantly! These people were shrewd, but they were underestimating Howard's growth!

'I'll tell them what I know, hmph, but by the time they find Howard he'll probably already be strong enough to crush them anyway.' Annibell smugly smiled and shook her head. "You know young man. Howard has only been here for a year, and he's almost half as strong as you. You sure you want to hunt him?"

"I'm not playing around," Oclen said. His eyeteen eyes seemed to be beating almost like hearts. "Howard is dangerous, and has to be killed. When I first heard about him from the Exland Empire, I underestimate him. Now two questions, what is that silver flame, and what the hell is that white Ki?"

"You really want to know?" Annibell pointed over at the East Branch, "Then tell your little goon to leave Monica alone! In fact, tell him to come here right now and explain why one of my students are hurt or you're both dead!"

Annibell was well aware that she could kill Oclen if he actually hurt one of her students. The rules of war were clear. Someone like Annibell couldn't interfere in a fight between someone like Howard and Oclen, but she could if Oclen tried to hurt someone like Inara. It was one of the unstated rules of the Furnace. You couldn't pick on the weak without expecting for the strong to fight back! However, it was a different story entirety with Howard. If she interfered, it would definitely start a war, and she was well aware of it and so was he!

"Hmmm, just so you know, Monica hurt Inara. We spent two hours checking this entire place out, and waited for the perfect moment to attack. You're acting like I'd make such a silly mistake! Now tell me what you know!"

"I'll only tell you one thing," Annibell pointed over at the East Branch, "The first energy he used was Dream Ki, however, no one, not even Demon King Earl knows what that silver Ki is. If you want any more answers about dream ki, ask the Varlen! Otherwise, get out!"

"Hmmm, and why can a Horned use Dream Ki?" Oclen slowly started to return to his human form. His blonde hair slowly dropped down from his head while a smile appeared on his small pink lips. His eyes seemed almost unnaturally satisfied with this result, but he wasn't surprised Annibell told him.

To be honest, he'd do the same thing in order to avert a war between the Arthraku and the Horned. If the Horned joined the three nations currently fighting the Arthraku, they might lose the battle. Right now, this didn't involve nations, and had more to do with the next generation! If he crossed the line and started a war with the Horned because of one stupid mistake, he might forever lose his ability to become a leader in the future! 

It was also why he was so damn careful with how to approach Howard! He wanted to live a long time and have lots of children! He didn't want to be like his father! An idiot that cared only for power! He even let Founder Arista from the Horned into his bedroom because he couldn't take letting a beautiful thing slip out of his fingers! He wasn't going to make the same mistake!

"Howard has a Dream Myth inside of him that is about to evolve. Once it does, it will be a Dream Enchantress," Annibell pushed back her black hair and let out a smile. "Once it does, if it decides to stay by Howard's side, not even someone three times your strength will be able to stop him."

'Very well," Oclen said, nodding his head. "In exchange for the information, I'll teach you how to save Inara's life. Pull out the two remaining golden strings in her body and she'll instantly heal. I appreciate the advice," Oclen bowed and walked away. "Heh, maybe someday in the future, the Horned and the Arthraku will even be friends. Good day, Teacher Annibell."

'You little punk," Annibell's entire body tensed while she watched Oclen jump into the distance. "Howard will most likely kill you and I'll never see you again. Now damn it! Reslan, find out how they got in and make sure we detect it next time! This is not happening again!"


Howard landed on a large mountain where six women seemed to be sleeping. 

Each of them were laying so close next to each other that they almost seemed like a fused being with a mixture of blonde and brown hair. In the center of them, however, was a single woke man staring at Howard as he landed on the precipice. He had long black hair with a gentle smile. He waved to Varnie as she looked down at Howard's hand grabbing tightly against her chest.

She instantly blushed and dropped her head in embarrassment while one of her favorite customers stared into her eyes.

"Varnie, whos' the boy?"

"My father owes him a great favor," Varnie bowed, "So I wonder if you'd be willing to show him 1000 Monster Valley. You are well respected, Authoritarian Warklin, and you know all the best training spots."

"Sure, but when are you going to join them?" Warklin pointed at his six girlfriends. "There is a spot for you at the end. You could sleep with them at night? What do you say?"

"Heh, I like him," Howard said with a smile. "Nice to meet you, I'm Howard! However, why can't I sense your Ki at all? It's like you're completely invisible even though I'm looking at you."

"Heh, it's because I'm too strong," Warklin offered Howard a handshake and then pulled him over to his side. At the same time, Varnie disappeared in a flash into the sky. Her beautiful wings shimmered in the sun before she turned into a streak of light. "However, I'll teach you a few tricks if you can get Varnie to like me? What do you say?"

"Sure, haha! But I have to warn you. Someone very powerful is coming."

"I'll let you deal with that yourself," Warklin smiled and put his arms around one of the six girls. "However, why don't you go down by the river and meet my brothers? They're in the middle of training, and could use a sparring partner. You strong enough to face them, Howard?"

"Heh, I don't know. I guess I'm going to find out!"

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