Hell's Academy

Chapter 71: Dark Future

Cantron City, Debt Center

Monica and Una looked aghast at a small Workalin that had just told them Zack's debt seal would be purchased by the Aresoul - meaning his life would be in the Aresoul Magician's hands. They couldn't believe it. If the Aresoul Magician took Zack, he'd most certainly face an outcome worse than death!

"Please! Please reconsider!" Monica slammed her hand into the floor, tears coming out of her eyes. "I-I don't understand! I promised I'd work her for an entire year to pay off his debt! How can that be any less than what the Aresoul offered!" Monica slammed her foot into the ground, causing a few icicles to appear by her feet.

A few moments ago, she'd gotten sent into a small dark room that seemed devoid of life only to find a thousand eyes staring at her from each direction. They muttered nonsensically, causing her stomach to grumble, before a small Workalin appeared in front of her, holding a strange orb in his hands.

Tossing it at Monica, the small Workalin's deep voice then exploded from it's small mouth. It sounded almost like a strange power emitted from his every word, causing Monica to freeze in place while he spoke.

"Your brother, Zack, is considered 100 times more dangerous around you. Unless you have something of great value, we have no choice but to give him to the Aresoul."

"It's value would have to be 2x what the Aresoul offers, and thousands of times more than what you're willing to give."

"What?" Monica replied, laughing and crossing her arms. "Heh, what makes you think he's my brother. That dope fell down from a much different tree."

"Don't patronize me, little girl," The Workalin tapped the crystal ball, causing a genetic loop to appear. "We may look weird, but we're an advanced society. Your brother when he's near your blood sends out what Dark Ki. It attracts tragedy on a scale that's hard to describe. Unless you have some way to counteract this, you restoring your bond with him will result in your death."

"I-I'll do anything!" Monica dropped on her knees. "Please! I'll stay here. I'll work for an entire week on anything you want. I-I can also dance! I even make ice sculptures."

"You're very brave," The Workalin tapped her on the head, sending a strange energy into her body. "You're also in love. Such a thing shouldn't be taken lightly. If Zack goes with you, the love of your life will die."

"Howard?" Monica said, wiping a tear from her face. "He can die many times and still revive! What's your point!" Monica had come too far to listen to reason, and she definitely couldn't let Zack die!

Since a young age, she'd looked up to her brother. When he got the best grades in his school, she'd force herself to work so hard that she got the best grades of the last three years. When he grew Horns, she spent every night in the mirror praying for horns!

She-she couldn't let something bad happen to him, no matter what! Even if it meant fighting against death, she was willing to do it!

"Please! Please just let Zack leave and I'll stay here! Please!" Monica dropped onto her knees, crying with such force that a chill seemed to emit from her body. To say that her sadness was palpable would be an understatement. It's almost like the coldest feelings existed in her eyes, a sense of cold terror that could freeze even the hottest flames. "Please! He's more than a brother! He's the reason I'm okay right now! I felt like I died until I found out he was alive!"

"You're willing to risk it?" The Workalin sighed, tapping off the floor and shooting to the ceiling up above. "The 1000 others will decide. Once we decide, the others will know."

Monica wiped off her tears, returning to the present only to find the words ringing in her ears. "The-The Aresoul gets to take Howard. What if we fight him and he dies?"

"Then he dies," The Workalin sighed, walking over to the Magician who had on a large, menacing smile. "His name is Kreal. He's not as bad as you think. You two are just on opposite sides. If you grew up together, Kreal would probably protect you with all his might."

"I'm not standing for this," Una rushed forward, grabbing the small Workalin and hoisting him in the air. "There must be something we can do! Please! Anything!"

"How about a trade?" Kreal said with a laugh, "Let me take Una here back to the Sixth Station. She was the stronger of the two of them anyway! However, just like last time, I'm sure she's going to run away!"

"Never!" Monica screamed, summoning her ice mark before hundreds of spears started to coagulate behind her, forming into a chain that weaved through the air. "I-I'll kill you now! Do you hear me! We're getting Zack and that's the end of it!"

"You're taking Zack with you," Una said with a smile. "I'll go with the Aresoul, and see you again soon. I'm sure before we get to the Sixth Station, I'll charm him into letting me go." Una nodded her head at the Workalin, and held out her hands. She knew that if she didn't go with Kreal, Zack would be killed instantly becuase the Aresoul had already decided on his fate.

The Aresoul had tribunals that met once every month to decide their actions. Just like every nation, they had a power structure where all rules had to be followed. Knowing that if she went with Kreal, that all three of them could live and eventually join hands, there were no questions in her mind. She just had to go with Kreal for a little bit, and before a month was up, had to get saved. It was simple, except for the fact that she could die.

"I-I'm sorry that I must accept this," The Workalin, petting its three tails, pointed at the doorway. "Monica, you will walk out in two minutes, and find your brother waiting outside. Una, you will get handcuffed, and given to Kreal. For payment, the Magician has already earned three rare marks. If anyone has any final words, please say it now. This is not the direction I want things to go."

"I-I'll stay here my entire life if you will be willing," Monica pounded the floor, tears coming out of her eyes. She didn't want to gain Zack back to lose the love of his life! He'd told her many times when they drunk orange soda together that he'd marry Una so fast if she let him that he'd set a record! She-she couldn't let this happen! Even if it meant giving up Howard to dozens of other girls, she'd rather just stay here and work for his freedom! "Please! Please say yes."

"The bid has already been decided." The tiny Workalin tossed the crystal ball on the floor, shattering it to pieces. "As you can tell, I'm angry too," The Workalin said in a calm voice before he turned and jumped up to the ceiling. In a moment, he'd already disappeared into the shadows, a thousand eyes that had been in the distance following him into a strange flap of a tent.

Seeing this, Monica immediately burst into tears, turning around and hugging Una with every bit of her might.

"Please! Please don't do this! We can still cancel it!"

"No we can't," Una said, patting Monica on the forehead. "Listen, you and Zack are perfect for each other. Howard can have four girls and you can date around too," Una smiled, laughing to herself. "Now I have to get cuffed okay? I don't want the Aresoul going back on his word."

"I'll give you girls three minutes," Kreal said, crossing his arms and pointing outside. "Una, put these cuffs on and meet me by my carriage. I'll show you a little respect for being so brave."

"Okay," Una said with a smile, patting Monica on the head. "Now can you do one thing for me," Una watched a tear fall down her eye. "Tell Barabin to come for me okay. Tell him he better get to the Sixth station in a month, or I'll haunt him forever!"

"I-I promise!" Monica said, bursting into tears. "However, why?! Why are you doing this for me?"

"It's because I know you're his sister, idiot," Una kissed Monica on the forehead, gently brushing back the sadness on her face. "Heh, do you really think I couldn't see it when we hung out at the convenience store together. There is some things girls just know. And I know this is the right decision."

"That's enough time," Kreal screamed, pointing at the doorway. "Una, if you make me wait a second longer, I'm taking Zack and leaving!"

"And that's my cue," Una kissed Monica on the cheek, hiding her sadness behind her smile.

She knew this had to be the right choice. Otherwise, there was no chance all three of them would live. Walking forward toward her captor, she gently placed the Ki Lock Handcuffs on, feeling the power inside her body change. Suddenly, she felt like a normal human being, back on the surface, preparing to be sentenced to jail for being a little different.

"Una, don't worry. In a month, there will be a competition between the three races," Kreal laughed, grabbing her arm. "Until that time, you'll be all mine. Let's go out there and have some fun, shall we?"

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