Hell's Academy

Chapter 72: Authoritarian's Will

"Howard, where were you last night?" Barabin handed Howard a coffee, finding him walking like a zombie in the morning against the shore of the Ki Reservoir. "The Aresoul already lost their opportunity to claim this Ki Reservoir. If it's anything about them, you don't have to worry."

"You-you saw right through me," Howard sighed, kicked a rock into the distance. "I-I have a question. Have you ever heard of Jarkalez Nation? It's complicated. This pretty girl showed up last night, and took me to her father." Howard shrugged his shoulders, pointing at the mountain pass with the sun striking it from various angles. "Her father is a really powerful man, and she even offered to marry me. However, her father said he needs you and me to help them."

"Howard, this isn't a time to be joking," Barabin coughed, trying to clear his throat to keep himself from bursting out with laughter. The idea that a woman came to him at night, took him to her father, and then proposed sounded completely ridiculous. To make it more bizarre, this man supposedly knew about him. "How would that man even know I'm here."

"He's the father of Meros. An Authoritarian with a human form." Howard crossed his arms, nervously looking into Barabin's eyes. "He-he says that the Jarkalez are dozens of times more powerful than the Aresoul! Apparently, they have been unable to access this side of the Furnace for 90 years, but now… now they are making a path! If they do that, the Six Horned King Lizard said there could be a large massacre! Does that sound insane?"

Howard had not been able to sleep all night because of worrying about the Jarkalen. Korlen, the Six Horned Lizard King, had mentioned that the Jarkelen had descended from an ancient race that used to live on the Surface. Thought to be extinct by archeologists, their entire race descended to the Furnace way before the Horned and Demon King ever ventured into its darkest plains.

Long story short, they had mysterious abilities. For one, they excelled in attacks from miles away, apparently killing dozens of smaller Authoritarians by using long range Ki attacks. Two, they also believed that belligerence and power triumphed all. The Jarkelen wanted nothing but to kill everyone they met unless they had some purpose! Howard wouldn't dare let those bastards get close to Monica! The rage inside him spiraled like a raging storm all night, and he'd go even by himself if Barabin didn't agree!

"Howard, I've heard of them," Barabin sighed, tapping him on the head. "However, they're not nearly as strong as you think. About 200 years ago, the Jarkelen attacked the East Branch, and got completely decimated. The Varlan and the Aresoul also hate them. You have nothing to worry about."

"I-I completely trust Korlen!" Howard's eyes stared right into Barabin's soul. "You-you probably met a different branch of the Jarkelen! They've been down here for ages! Please-please come meet him with me."

"Howard, what if that Authoritarian wants to kill me?" Barabin said, shaking his head. "I'm sorry, but unless you have some tangible proof, our best course of action is to go back to the West Branch. You still haven't even see a thousandth of the Furnace," Barabin pointed Howard over to the bus. "How about this. If you reach the A rank in a year, we can come back and visit the Six Horned Lizard King!"

"I'm leaving!" Howard said, pushing off the floor and running forward at his fastest speed. "Korlen isn't a liar! You're just being too cautious!"

'You little brat? You're really trying to flee from me," Barabin stepped down on his foot, causing the earth around him to stir, before a burst of energy instantly caused him to appear by Howard's side. Grabbing his hand, Barabin gently spun, sending Howard's body spinning into the floor.


Howard crashed into the ground, his arm wrapped around his back, as Barabin applied pressure to his wrist.

"Howard, I'm in charge! I'm at least 50 times your age! Listen to me!"

"He's not kidding," A gentle voice blew in the wind, reaching Barabin's ears. "I can leave my daughter in your possession if you promise to help us." A large two meter tall figure appeared from behind a rock, walking out against the sand towards the Ki Reservoir. "Sorry, I figured you'd react this way. Just because Howard has Authoritarian blood, I'd figured I'd see what happens when he told you. One of the four guardians of the Horned Race."

"Howard, get behind me," Barabin pushed him back, summoning the Earth Ki around him while his muscles bulged. A hundred pillars shot up behind him, stretching into the sky, as his energy seemed to morph the ground into various sharp edges. "I-I don't know how you know so much about the Horned Race, but if you think I'm still weak-"

"I'm not with Aresoul. You can relax," Korlen somehow read Barabin's fears. "However, I am 100 percent positive you're underestimating the Jarkalen. They are an ancient race full of great weakness and strength. Their greatest weakness is they are always at war with one another. However, unfortunately, this is also their greatest strength."

"The Jarkalen that you're describing probably got destroyed by a stronger subnation of the Jarkalen. However, their strongest branch, are trying to start a conquest. Without you, we won't have the ability to block their long distance attacks! We need your help!"

"Hmph, and where is your daughter?" Barabin sighed, dropping the thousands of pillars behind him. "I want her by my side at all times if we're going to do this. However, why does Howard need to go?"

"His ability to absorb other Ki is useful. If the Jarkalen attack, I'm hoping he'll absorb it and tell us some of their secrets. I-I also feel like a father to him! You humans don't understand what it's like to care about every child with even a semblance of your blood! If you did, not so many people would starve."

Barabin sighed, helping Howard up before pointing over at a small metal table that had a few coolers, bottles, and cutlery around it. They had been preparing a small meal to eat before they left, and only had two weeks to return back to outside the Furnace before the Closing began.

The closing would bring about random powerful Ki Storms that would shatter mountains and raise valleys. Though the chances of them dying during that period were slim, it was a lot less than zero. Spending any more time here, without saving an extra week as a safeguard, would be beyond foolish!

"Can we get it done in three days?"

"The Jarkelen are trying to make a path just like you did. They are a single's day walk from here. We can be done in a two and a half days." Korlen nodded his head. "However, just so you know I'm doing you a favor. The Jarkelen would've eventually come to Horned Nation's four branches and wiped each of them out."

"How strong are they?" Barabin said, sighing. "Compared to you. How strong are their strongest?"

"Their strength is roughly half my strength. However, the terror of them is their teamwork. Because of their long range attacks and scouting abilities, a hundred of them could attack me at once before I even get close. That's where you come in Barabin and Howard."

"Why me?" Howard said, raising his shoulders.

He still hadn't reached the C rank with his body, and without a miracle would die against someone in the B rank. "I mean. I'm just a normal kid."

"Howard," Korlen said, "We're going to need you for a very special mission. Because of your abilities, you're perfect for destroying the path they are creating. Without you, the entire plan fails. You're just weak enough that they won't notice you sneaking into their base, and just strong enough to kill anyone you meet."

"Heh, it be good for his training," Barabin tapped Howard on the back. "However, we're only doing this if you're sure, Howard. I know I'm just strong enough that Korlen would understand my refusal.

"I'm doing it," Howard said, crossing his arms. "I-I can't pretend that things are peaceful down here, and ignore the beast lurking in the shadows."

"That sounds like an Authoritarian's will," Korlen said, tossing Howard a bag, "And that is a present meant for an Authoritarian. Spend a few minutes using what's in that bag, and tell me if there is any effect."

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