Hell's Academy

Chapter 90: Execution Date

Sixth Station, Aresoul Territory

In a small cabin at the edge of the territory, in a small lieutenants room a girl walked back and forth causing the floor to creak and reverberate with her fearful emotions.

Una, that girl, nervously paced back and forth while waiting for Kreal to return to her room.

She had spent the last three weeks in the Aresoul Territory, but apparently they were having a meeting about her. Tears had already rained down the side of her cheeks all morning, and her nails had been broken from having to constantly work for her survival.

Her neck had a bracer around it that sucked up her Ki, so her skin hadn't healed and had developed several cuts that made her brittle appearance seem even more meek and mild. Yet, she also had gotten sort of used to suffering. Kreal tried his hardest to get her back from the mines early. The Aresoul had found a mountain with rare Nightshade Gems. Apparently, they used these gems to embed in their clothes, which increased their strength manifold in times of dire need.

On the way back from the mines last night, she'd been wearing baggy pants and a loose t-shirt to try and avoid any strange stares from the Aresoul in the Sixth Station.

Hundreds of tents were assigned to normal soldiers, and each of these men either tried to flirt with her, console her, or make her suffer. The nice members of the Aresoul seemed so human. It almost flet like a camping ground on the surface, like when she'd gone hiking as a young child with her father. Except, of course, every single person here could kill her easily.

It was hard not to dance when someone said dance when they could flip their wrist and take away your head.

'Kreal, please! Please tell me it's good news! Please!' Una had become dependent on Kreal. He fed her three meals a day and even got them to remove her handcuffs when she was mining. "Please! I can't take it here anymore! Do you want to see your cute Una die?"


The door opened to the cabin, the sound of rain smashing against the floor, as a man removed his black cape and tossed it to the side. Kreal walked into Una's room, tossing aside a small package he had with disdain.

"Damn it. Una, they aren't going to honor their agreement." Kreal had already told her Barabin had wagered for her in the competition. "The Ki Reservoir is too important. They want to execute you, and use you to start a war with Horned Nation! Apparently, the Varlen are also getting scared of some brat that they think has a Dream Myth with him!"

"What?" Una looked like she broke, her countenance dropping. "Are you kidding me? Why would they execute me? I dance for them when they say dance. I-I help you make your meals."

"I won't let them," Kreal slammed his hand into the table, breaking it in half. "I'm tired of Respell making bad decisions! Once I reach the A rank, I'm going to fight him!" Kreal couldn't break enough things to quell his rage. "Ugh, I'll try and get him to meet you! You're just a normal, beautiful young girl!"

"I-I'm afraid, Kreal," Una dropped on her knees, tears falling down her eyes. "Please-please help me escape."

"Una, I'd die," Kreal wiped a tear from his eye, and smashed another chair to bits. "However, don't worry. If you think I will do nothing, think again! You're like a sister to me, Una. I'm not going to let you die!"

Kreal had spent a month and a half with Una. Three weeks on the road.

She had been rather sociable during the journey, and he learned about her childhood dreams, her fun times on the playground, he nights singing to herself so she didn't cry herself to sleep. He even told ehr things about himself. Remembering one night they stayed up and stared at a fake set of stars he'd made with his magic, he felt something inside of him snap!

"Ugh, I'll give you one opportunity to run, Una," Kreal kicked his foot into the wall, causing water to fall from the roof and onto his head. "Don't be sad. You're my starflower, remember? I can't let my starflower die."

"You mean it?" Una ran over to Kreal and wrapped her arms around him. Her beautiful beating chest crashed into him so hard he could almost feel the sadness leave her body. She really was too precious. Perhaps it was this reason that Respell told him he could never be in the Aresoul Royal Brigade. He cared about others too much. "I-I'm so thankful, Kreal! You-you've done so much to protect me! I'll make it up to you?"

"Can I kiss you?" Kreal gently put his hands against her head, tears coming down his eyes. "Do you mind? Maybe if I kiss you I'll have more strength! I-I'm starting to like you damn it, and it's not okay!"

"I'm so sorry!" Una hugged him tighter, feeling the warmth of his embrace, "I'm so sorry I'm so weak! I should've never gone ot Cantron! Damn it! I don't want to die!" Una looked up at him.

For some reason, she could see Zacks' face in Kreal's countenance. She had waited so long to confess her feelings to him, but now felt her only chance at survival was with the man in front of her. However, she also couldn't not see Zack's face!

"Can-can you kiss me cheek," Una wiped a tear from her eye, and gently rubbed her head against his. "I-I'm warm right? Maybe if you kiss me you'll do more to protect me?"

"Heh, you're thinking about Zack again," Kreal gently pushed her away, "Well, whatever! I'm still going to protect you! Maybe when I die, when i die you'll finally like me too!"

Kreal felt so many feelings towards Una it was hard to put into words. The other day, he'd literally pummeled one of his friends for saying they'd probably kill Una. And now… now it was actually happening and he couldn't do anything about it!

"Una, I promise, no matter what happens, only one of us will die," Kreal kissed her on the forehead and broke gently back away from her gentle and perfect skin. "I promise, I will do everything I can to protect you."

"You-you kissed my forehead. I'm taking that as a promise," Una looked up into his eyes and gently brushed away one of his tears. "I mean it! If you let me die, I'll haunt you from my grave!"

"No worries," Kreal kissed her nose and hovered over her mouth, "I only love you enough to die for you. I don't love you enough to deal with you for all eternity, hahaha!" Kreal pushed her over towards the bed, hearing someone coming near him. "Now, get over there and clean! What are you doing you lazy wench! Pick up that mess!"

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