Hell's Academy

Chapter 91: Inheritance

Back at where Howard met the Ghost Authoritarian, the iron gate still emitted a powerful presence. It seemed completely enmeshed in the hillside, and still flickered with sparks from its open doorway.

Howard walked into the iron gateway with Arlok, Monica, and Reece.


Instantly, they once again changed location, before the world around them seemed to flash with a bright light. A second later, Howard looked out at a large castle. It's golden ramparts and palatial appearance made it look like the property of a King.

On the outside, dozens of apparitions in black armor paced back in fourth. Each of them had to be Ghost Authoritarian. They left a trail of smoke no matter what direction they walked, and seemed like an army of shadows guarding the moat separating them from its walls. Aside for a few drum towers, it looked like not a single opening or breach was possible. There were just too many guards protecting it for anyone to get close enough to even get a whiff of its treasures.

"That-that's incredible. I've never found this place," Arlok looked down at a compass on his wrist. "I 've never seen these coordinates. It's almost like this place isn't even in the Furnace."

"How can it not be in the Furnace?" Monica nearly growled at Arlok. "If we're not on the Furance, then we could only be on the surface right?"

"Not exactly," Arlok laughed and pointed at the compass. "Heh, Howard, you must be the luckiest brat alive! Now why don't you go up to those Authoritarians and see if they let you through,"

"Heh, not falling for that again," Howard patted Arlock on the back. "You think I didn't notice earlier at the White Horned Tiger? You clearly were afraid of that thing! I may be nice, but I'm not gullible!"

"Me? Go there?" Arlok shook his head, "No, I can't hahaha! Not at least without these two beautiful women. Your girlfriends are much stronger than I am. What do you guys say?"

"I say you're an muscleheaded idiot," Reece sighed and grabbed Howard's hand. "Monica, I can hold his hand right? You were serious earlier?"

"Yes, of course! I'll hold his other hand," Monica smiled and walked over to his side. "Heh, Howard, you almost have two girlfriends! That's my man!"

"I wish my wife was like that," Arlok walked cautiously behind Howard, "You-you have two beautiful women in your life Howard. I-I got forced to marry my wife hahaha! She's even more muscular than I am!"

"Well, he's finally free of the old me," Monica winked at Howard and dropped her head on his shoulder. "The old me would get jealous and yell! Now that I'm free, Howard can have all the fun he wants."

"It's complicated," Reece sighed and walked across the drawbridge. It's silver chains brandished the sun towards them and made it hard to see the ghastly glint from the Authoritarians.

Walking towards them, the ghost Authoritarians all stopped, and turned towards the approaching crew. In the center of the shadows, a silhouette slowly began to appear from the hands of darkness. A woman in a white dress seemed to appear through the smoke. She had a body that seemed to be sculpted out of the finest jade, and perfect facial features carved like a sculpture.

However, the more she came into the light, the more her marble appearance surfaced. She seemed to be a Ki Enigma, like the one Howard had seen along time ago at the abandoned Shrine.

"Who got permission?" The beautiful statue's mouth moved, a powerful Ki emitting from her form. "Only one of you was allowed to come here! Who is it or you all will die!"

"It was me, but I want them to come!" Howard squeezed Monica and Reece's hands. "They are like my family. What do you say?"

"SOOO CUTEEE! HAHAHA!" The Ki Enigma laughed, her hair spinning down her forehead, before she clapped her hands. "Hmmm, no. Only you can enter. Perhaps you and that girl on your left side. She also has a lingering Darkness around her flesh."

"You mean it?" Monica laughed and grabbed Howard's hand. "That sucks. What about the muscular idiot behind us?"

"He has the aura of a thief." The Ki Engima shook her head. "I suppose him and the girl can wait in the bailey. Our courtyard if you will. It shouldn't take too long for you to find the treasure you seek."

The Ki Enigma turned around and waved Howard and his group into the main gate of the castle. Entering, they saw a large mess hall to their right and the Keep in the distance. Walking towards it, the Ki Enigma smiled and laughed, pointing at the tables around her.

In each table, dozens of other Ki Enigma's wearing armor sat at tables laughing and talking to each other. Besides for their marble skin, they looked like true human beings. Aside for the few that had chipped at various places in their body, they moved naturally. A few even foraged for food for their plates.

"Those are Ki Enigma's derived from real human beings. My name is Paula. I'm the person prepared to train these men to fight by the demon kings' side," Paula pointed at Howard and smiled. "I take it people have called you the demon king before, Howard?" Paula rubbed her hands together. "I'm not surprised, you have the same feeling as your ancestor."

"You knew him?" Howard looked both puzzled and confused. "What was he like?"

"He was the exact opposite of you. He was mean and rugged looking, with a black, grizzled beard with sharp features. You're young and handsome, but look gentle. It's different."

"However, he also liked girls a lot, hahaha!" Paula gently held out her arm, causing Reece and Alrok to get stopped in place. "Anyways, you two. Go in that room and take some time to choose one treasure." Paula pointed to a small building to the right. "When you're done, Howard should already be out here."

"You called me a thief. How could you tell?" Arlok smiled and laughed, "Hahaha, I mean I'm pretty virtuous for a thief. I couldn't even steal a fruit from this kid. I can't be that sinister can I?"

"No, but the first thing you did was look at the most valuable thing on my body," Paula grabbed a small gleaming gem hanging of fher torso. "Only thieves would do that. I'm guessing you guys found him somewhere he wasn't supposed to be?"

"Hah, well technically, rather than calling me a thief, I'd prefer you call me a rebel," Arlok patted his chest and smiled. "The Mocralin trained me to break into places without being spotted. Heh, I guess you can say I know how to be quiet, but don't worry guys! I never would steal anything that you owned, hahaha! The Mocralin are only enemies with the Varlen. Nothing wrong with sneaking onto their lands and stealing a few things that I find."

"Well, that makes more sense," Howard laughed, "You know way too much about treasure! Haha, I'll try and find some good things in the castle!"

"That's called the Keep." Paula gently brushed back Howard's hair. "That's where kings used to defend this property from the other invading races. One day, you might have to control this castle. Once the Furnace is restored to order, this place too will need aid. Anyways, thief, what are you waiting for! Scram and go get a single treasure. If you take anything extra, my soldiers will fill rip you to shreds!"

"I'm going, sorry," Arlock laughed before he ran over to Reece who'd already entered into an opulent small hall.

Treasures lined the walls, including fruits, rare weapons, armors, and talismans. There were even scrolls that contained lost arts! She and Arlock couldn't help but begin looking! After a few hours, who knows what they'd find!

Back by Howard, him and Monica got brought in front of a towering gate made of the coldest steel. It slowly slid open from Paula raising her hand. Beginning to shine with a mysterious light, a large force seemed to swirl around Howard, calling him into the darkness ahead.

"Little girl, you are not to interfere on the one challenge he has ahead. The master of the castle is a Ki Apparition that contains the will of the original owner of this property. Do I make myself clear?"

"It won't take long right?" Howard laughed and gently rubbed his hand against Paula's hand. Part of him wanted to know if she was warm to the touch, and was surprised by just how hot her body felt! It felt extremely nice to touch her skin, so much so that he blushed.

"I-I was made to help the demon king govern…" Paula trembled and gently moved away her hand. "Don't touch me, or you'll make me miss his successors. Now go! Go inside. You feel something calling for you right?"

"Yes, I can't explain it," Howard tilted his head to the side. "It-it wants me to get something here. The feeling is so strong it almost makes my body ache. What is that?"

"I feel it too," Monica commented, grabbing Howard's hand. "That-that's dark Ki, right? I love that feeling! I want to find it so bad."

"It is, but I want you two to think about something," Paula gently rubbed Howard's back with a gentleness and almost motherly force. "What exactly makes Dark Ki evil? Is it because it's impossible to control, or that you don't want to control it because it's too difficult?"

Paula smiled and laughed, watching Howard scratch his head, "Anyways, just enjoy it in there, okay? Don't do anything inside that your mothers wouldn't approve of!"

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