Help?! My Harem is Trying to Kill Me!



I managed to escape the carnage that was school. Teachers were frantically running around like chickens with their heads cut off. And students were rushing to where I just left from. 

Yeah.. it’s getting really bad.. Thank god Saya wasn’t here. 

A shiver ran up my spine just from thinking about how much of a catastrophe that would have turned into. 

I made it to the train station in very little time, and an all too familiar figure was there. 

“Hey, young man!” A haggard voice called out. 

I rolled my eyes with a loud sigh. 

I turned around to find the same old man dressed in ragged clothes and holding a sign resting on his lap saying, ‘Just a little kindness can change a person's day. God bless.’ 

“Can you help a brother out? I haven’t eaten anything all day except-” 

“For a bag of Doritos.” I finished.  

Jax's eyes popped open and he looked at me with a confused expression.

Yes. I know your spea, and I know you. 

Suddenly, Jax’s eyes lit up and he donned a look of realization. “Hey I know you!” He pointed at me. “How have things been?” 

“Um…” The memory of what happened last time I saw him burned inside of my brain, a frown forming on my lips. “Fine.” 

Jax was quiet for a while as he observed me. “You seem bothered.” 

“Do I?” I said with gritted teeth. “I didn’t notice.” 

Jax put his hands into the air as if he had given up. “If you say so, young men.” He then picked up a paper cup beside himself and started shaking it. 

A vein bulged on my forehead from this. That was before a sigh of exasperation escaped from my lips. “Yeah. I got you.” 

He did actually help me last time. I can’t be mad at him just because things went bad for me last time. I just really hope things go well this time and this isn’t a bad sign.. 

Fuck. I hope this isn’t a bad sign.

I reached into my pocket and dumped five bucks into his cup. This elicited a smile from Jax and he reached into one of his pockets and handed me a crumpled piece of paper... 

I uncrumpled the piece of paper and just looked at it silently for a few seconds. “Lottery numbers…” I looked at him crazy.

“It’s my lucky numbers!” Jax exclaimed with a big smile. “I play them everyday.” 

 “3487..” Why would… 

“It seems like you need them.” Ja said with a serious tone. “A little luck can always help.”

“Thank you..” I looked at the crumbled piece of paper turning it over and examining every inch of it. 

Before I could say anything, a realization dawned on me. 

This is a game.. Would it be so out of the ordinary to get a clue? But, if so…

“You should hurry up.” 

“Huh?” I was brought back to reality by Jax’s voice and looked up. “Jax...”

I looked up to see nothing. As if I was just talking to myself all along. 

I had a lot of questions running through my mind, but his warning made me push it to the back of my mind. “I'll catch you next time.”  

I left the station and rushed to Jennifer’s apartment building, but.. 

“I don’t have the code and I don’t have the key either..” I tried multiple times to enter the code to the building using Jax’s, ‘lottery number,’ and a few numbers of my own, to no avail. 

“You trying to get in?” I turned around to find a red head with a short bob cut with one fang just reaching past her chin. She had beautiful jewel like reddish hazel eyes. She had pale milky white skin, with just a bit of freckles peppering along the bridge of her nose and face. She had piercings on her nose, lips and ears. She was dressed in ripped black pants, an iron maiden long sleeve t-shirt, a black choker, black combat boots and a black beanie that said ‘Daddy.’ 

“Umm yeah..” I answered slowly, a bit confused.

She hastily scooted me to the side before pooping in a code for the door.

“You’re letting me in?” I mean this is a great development. But, this is a bit.. dangerous?

“Yeah. I am.” She answered as she held the door for me to go in behind her. “The spirits like you.”

I quirked an eyebrow, but didn’t refute what she said. “Thanks.”  

“No problem.” I followed her into the building and she took a nearby seat on a bench. She put in two earbuds and started scrolling through her phone before putting it back into her pocket. She started twiddling her thumbs and exhaled loudly before leaning against the wall behind her.

I looked at her for a second, and I noticed that she had red puffy eyes and bags underneath them. 

I bit my lip before finally deciding to speak. “Hey.” And her eyes turned to me. “Everything will be alright.” 

“Thanks.” She stated with a meek smile. “I just need to work up some courage.” 

“You will.” I affirmed. “Take care.” 

“You as well.” She pointed to my disheveled appearance with a weak smile.

I was in such a rush that I forgot how I looked. I’m surprised she even let me in. “Thanks again.” 

I turned my heel and ran to the elevator just to find that it was broken down. “Are you kidding me?!” 

I lamented my situation just for a little bit longer and quickly began climbing the stairs. Unfortunately..  

She’s on the 8th floor.. 

I finally made it to Jennifer’s floor with battered breaths and drenched in sweat.

I walked to the end of the hall and my heart started pounding.

I arrived at her door and my hands trembled. 

Why am I so fucking nervous!

I knocked on the door and there was no answer, so I knocked again. Again, no answer. 

“Hello!” I shouted, still, no response. 

I remembered Jax’s number from earlier and pulled it out of my pocket. 

Please, work?

I silently punched the number in her keypad and voula.. 

“How the fuck???” It took me a second to shake off my shock. But, I now knew for sure that Jax isn’t just a bum on the street. If that’s even his real name. 

I have to explore this world more. 

I took a deep breath before carefully opening the door. 

“Holy shit…” 

It would be an understatement to say that her apartment was messy. It was filthy. Wine bottles and coolers littered the floor. Bags of trash piled up near the door. Dishes piled up in the sink. Not to mention the foul odor in the apartment. And to top it all off, all of the blinds were closed in the apartment and it was dark as hell. The only light came from a door at the end of the hallway. 

I covered my nose and cautiously made my way through the apartment. Each step that I took was heavy and felt like I was trudging through mud. 

As I neared the end of the hallway, I looked into the bathroom and my heart sank. 

There she was. Pale and blue, laying in her bathtub, soaked in red glinted water. 

“AaaarrRrrr!!!” I quickly turned my head to see the girl from earlier standing behind me. Her eyes were wide and her mouth hung open. She was shaking badly as her eyes stayed fixated on Jennifer. Suddenly, she collapsed to the floor in what appeared to be a seizure. 

Memories flooded my mind, and no matter how hard I tried, nothing I did could stop them. 

The walls crashed into me, shifting and bending in strange ways. There was a weight resting on my chest, and I couldn’t breathe. The entire world faded to black before I opened my eyes to find myself back in my world. At a time that I wanted to desperately forget. 

Her funeral…   


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