Help?! My Harem is Trying to Kill Me!

War of Women


Without another word, Vanessa threw a jab aimed at Jason’s head. Jason in response, tilted his head narrowly avoiding her punch before circling around her. 

Vanessa double jabbed, but missed each punch. She quickly followed up with a right hook that Jason quickly ducked underneath. At that moment, Vanessa smirked and threw a flying knee at his head. Jason blocked it, but just barely. 

Vanessa’s knee grazed the top of Jason’s head and he grunted as he took two steps back. Vanessa didn’t let the opportunity go to waste. She rushed him and fainted like she was going to punch him in the face, and Jason covered his face. Vanessa quickly transitioned into a spinning back kick, striking Jason square in the stomach. 

Vanessa continued chasing after Jason, punching and kicking him without abandon. 

My hood started boiling and I couldn’t contain myself any longer! “PUNCH THAT BITCH IN THE FACE!” One of the girls holding me hostage punched me square in the face, causing my nose to bleed. The other one kneed me in the stomach and I bent forward as I fought the urge to vomit. I gritted my teeth and fought through the pain. “THE FUCK ARE YOU HOLDING BACK FOR?!” 

“JEFF!” Jason screamed as he ran towards me.

Vanessa blocked Jason’s path, and Jason threw a glare at her in response. 

“Don’t worry about me!” I spat. “Just finish the fucking fight!” 

Jason looked back to Vanessa, he closed his eyes, took a deep breath, then opened them. A steel glint flowed through his eyes before he rushed at Vanessa. 

Vanessa smiled and threw a right, then a left at Jason. Both of her hits were blocked by Jason. Finally, he returned the favor by striking her square in the face with a stiff jab.

“Ah!” Numerous girls erupted in gasps. 

Vanessa stumbled back covering her face as blood trickled down her face. 

Jason made a pained expression, but otherwise he remained calm. 

It was as if the world had stopped, and it was silent enough to where you could hear a pen drop. 

I looked around to see all of the girls watching with looks of horror. 


“This is a first..” Vanessa started laughing, a low grumble that quickly turned into full blown maniacal laughter. “BANG OUT WITH ME!” 

It was like straight out of an anime. Jason and Vanessa exchanged blow after blow. Vanessa uppercut yes Jason, and Jason caught her with a right hook. She threw a kick at his side, and Jason caught it. He threw a punch at her, but she quickly ducked it and returned with one of her own. Jason ate her punch and hit her back. They then began to exchange blows once again. Fist flying at each other at the exact same time. 

Jason and Vanessa’s blood was flying everywhere as they exchanged blow after blow.

“Holy shit…” It seemed like the sentiment was shared as everyone else stared at the spectacle unfolding with wide open mouths and wide eyes.

I didn’t know Jason was such a badass. Nor her. This is what I’ve been around.

I looked at Jason as he bloodily battled with Vanessa.

This is what I’ve been around?!

I then glanced at Vanessa, her bloody smile making her look like a war goddess. 

And this is what I pissed off?! 

Jason tried to kick Vanessa’s leg from underneath her, but she shifted her position and pushed her leg back so he couldn’t reach it, occasionally jumping over a kick he threw underneath her. 

Jason got frustrated and with a roar, lifted Vanessa into the air before slamming her down on the ground.


Vanessa hit the dirt and groaned in pain as she uncomfortably shifted around. Her eyelids trembled and she grinding her molars. 

“Vanessa!” Chelsea screamed, the only thing holding her back from uniting with her friend being Vanessa’s gang. 

Jason didn’t seem to care and climbed on top of her before raising his fist as if he was going to punch her. “Give up!” 

Vanessa silently stared at Jason for what seemed like forever. “I give up…” 

My captors finally released me and I fell to the ground. 

Be gentle! 

I rubbed my bruised arms that had just faced abuse once again. 

The girls who held me captive began to cautiously approach Vanessa as they eyed Jason warily. Chelsea on the other hand was fighting her way through to make it to Vanessa. 

Jason breathed a huge sigh of relief before his eyes turned steely and his expression turned cold. “And apologize.” 

“Eh?” Vanesa blurted out. 

“Apologize to Jeff.” Jason pointed at me with a smirk. 

Uhhh we should probably just stop while we’re ahead… 

Vanessa locked eyes with me. Her face scrunched up and she looked back up at Jason. She then looked back to me with a contemplated expression. “I..I’m sorry..” Vanessa announced grumpily. 

“Great!” Jason exclaimed as he stood up and clapped. “Now promise that you’ll never do anything like this again.” 

“I promise…” Vanessa bit her lip and mumbled.

Jason reached out a hand to help Vanessa up. Out of nowhere, the glistening sunlight beamed down on Jason once again. Giving him an angelic look as the wind cascaded against his silky chestnut white hair. 

And once again, my active imagination kicked into overdrive. Vanessa’s upturned eyes sparkles and beating hearts were jumping around inside of them. Her cheeks turned light pink and her lips slightly parted. It was a look of reverence, it was the look of.. 

“A maiden.. in love..” I muttered.

Well, fortunately, or unfortunately for Jason he made another girl fall for him. 

I sighed… 

Why don’t I have that power? Things would be so much easier.. 

Well it doesn’t matter as long as-


“Ah!” Vanessa exclaimed.

A glass bottle bounced off of Jason’s head. He didn’t move or even budge, and his smile remained the same.

I looked around to see who threw the bottle, but everyone seemed just as confused as I did. 

Luckily, Jason didn’t seem to be fazed by it whatso-


Like a puppet with its strings cut, Jason collapsed to the ground face first.

“S-SHIT! JASON! SHIT!” I immediately started crawling over to Jason.

I managed to get to Jason and I turned him over. He still had a smile on his face and seemed to be breathing just fine. Just unconscious. I tried tapping his face, but he wouldn’t wake up. 

Fuck! I hope this isn’t bad! 

A guilty feeling bore down on me and I started sweating profusely as I continued to try and wake Jason up. 

There was a deafening silence before someone else broke out in celebration. 

“YEAHHH!!! WE GOT EM!” Announced a fist pumping tall girl with purple hair styled into a Mohawk. “FUCK MEN!”

“YOU BITCH!” In the midst of her celebration, Vanessa ran over and cold cocked her in the face with an overhand left knocking the girl completely unconscious. 

“….” What just happened?

Vanessa’s gang looked at her wide eyed and many of them looked as if they wanted to say something, but were too afraid. 

That was until a mousy girl with long black hair that covered her face chimed in. “W..why did you do that? We were just trying to help.” 

“SHUT THE HELL UP!” Vanessa ran over to the mousy girl and uppercutted her into the air. “KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF OF MY MAN!”

Everyone went quiet at this announcement. 

Chelsea’s mouth hung open and she blinked continuously as if she couldn’t believe her eyes. 

I was right?! Maybe Jason really is the protagonist?! 

Vanessa’s chest heaved up and down and she took on a demonic appearance. Her entire demeanor shifted as she turned to stare at Jason’s prone figure. Her expression softened and she took one step towards him. 

But, unfortunately she would never make it to Jason. Seemingly out of nowhere Gabriella plowed through the crowd and drop-kicked Vanessa in the side of the head, knocking her out cold. 

Chelsea finally managed to break through and rushed to Vanessa’s side. Cradling her head as if she was a newborn. Her eyes watered as she looked at me. Silently, she mumbled, ‘I hate you.’ 

A pang of guilt hit me, but I quickly pushed it down due to the realization that Vanessa wanted to fight me, not the other way around. But, I still shouldered some of the blame nonetheless. After all, I did pull down her pants even though it was an accident. 

Vanessa’s gang looked around in confusion as Gabriella rushed over to Jason. 

Gabriella pushed me out of the way and tapped on Jason's cheeks, but he didn’t move an inch. She pulled out a small bottle of water from her jacket and poured it over Jason’s face, but still, no response. 

Gabriella’s hands started trembling and her eyes turned feral as she turned to glare at everyone. “I’M GOING TO KILL YOU…” She growled. 

Without warning, a steel chair struck someone in Vanessa’s gang in the back of the head. 

“OH MY GOD!” I screamed reflexively. 

Everyone turned to see where it came from and there was a horde of girls dressed in white jackets with the letter, ‘J,’ embroidered on their left breast. Among these girls were some familiar faces. Rebecca and that one weird freckled chick who liked to sniff Jason. This group of girls were headed by a cute petite pink haired, pink eyed girl with braces. 

The pink haired girl pointed at Vanessa’s gang with a scowl on her face. “WE ARE THE CULT OF JASON. AND YOU HAVE HARMED OUR GOD.” 

Jason has a cult?! What?! When?! How?! I want a cult! What the fuck?! 

Despite her efforts to sound menacing, the pink haired girl's voice was still very soft, feminine and squeaky. And didn’t come out intimidating at all. Quite the opposite in fact. 

It seems like Vanessa’s gang felt the same way I did, and some even started laughing. 

The pink haired girl’s face turned beet red and she started shaking uncontrollably. “PREPARE TO DIE!” 

With a roar, Jason’s.. ‘cult,’ rushed towards Vanessa’s gang. 

Vanessa’s gang looked reasonably confused, that was until one of the members of Jason’s cult picked up the pink haired girl and hurled at the group like a ball. The pink haired girl crashed into some of Vanessa’s gang and that’s when all hell broke loose. 

Chairs went flying everywhere and the two groups crashed into each other. Fist were flying everywhere and screams of rage echoed. Gabriella was fighting multiple girls and winning. The pink haired girl was nimbly dodging numerous attackers. Rebecca was.. pepper spraying girls as she fought her way through to get to Jason. And the weird girl was nowhere to be found.

…what the fuck is this? How much do I not know about this school?! And where are all these chairs coming from?!  

As I was lost in my thoughts, Rebecca and the weird girl managed to make it over to Jason. Both battered and bruised from the ongoing brawl. 

“You’ve done enough!” Rebecca pushed me away as she cradled Jason’s head. Her eyes were red and she was coughing harshly, visibly pained by the situation and reeling from the effects of the pepper spray. 

I wanted to refute her words, but I couldn’t. After all, the only reason that Jason was in the state that he was in was because of me. He was just being a bro and looking out for me. I was the one who was supposed to be laying on the ground beaten up.

A sour taste filled my mouth and my chest tightened. 

I’m going to be a better friend to Jason from now on. 

I looked up to see the weird girl breathing hard and drooling. She creepily wriggled her fingers like a certain gender equality from a blessed world. Her eyes looked predatory and it made my skin crawl. 

“Fine.” I responded to Rebecca. “But, she can’t be alone with him!” I pointed to the weird girl.

“Huh?” The weird girl looked at me as if I had just inconceivably wronged her. 

“Understood!” Rebecca replied as she hoisted up Jason on her back. Her legs shook and she seemed to be struggling, but she preserved. “I’m going to get him to the nurses office first before things get too bad.” 

I nodded my head, which luckily made me duck underneath a chair that flew over my head. 

Time to go! 

“Be safe!” I hopped to my feet and ducked my head while I covered it. Beginning to make my way through the chaos. 

I looked back at Rebecca and the weird girl maneuvering their way through the carnage. And Vanessa and Chelsea were nowhere to be found.  

Sorry for everything Jason. But, I have to find Jennifer and make sure she’s safe! When I get back we’ll hang out, I promise!  


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