Help?! My Harem is Trying to Kill Me!

The hunt for Jennifer 5


“M..O..T..H..E..R..F..U..C..K..E..R…” An ominous voice filled with malice echoed from behind me.

I didn’t want to turn around, but I knew that I had to. As soon as I turned around, I was greeted by a very angry golden haired beauty standing in front of the gate. 

“Shit.” I chirped.

I don’t know if it was my imagination or not, but her eyes were glowing menacingly, and she bared her fangs at me. Not to mention the golden aura I saw cracking around her. 

Chelsea was doing her best to hold Vanessa back. She continuously looked between her friend and I, half scared and half apologetically. 

This is going to be really bad… 

“I’ll see you later.” I announced, after I turned tail and fled. 

“YOU FUCKING COWARD!!!” I heard Vanessa screaming from behind me. 

Damnit! I just saw your panties, it’s not that big a deal! 

I sloppily maneuvered through the crowd of girls and ran around the main building. Where was I going? No idea. The only destination was away from the raging lady chasing me. 

“Why are we running?” Jason asked as he leisurely jogged beside me.

“What?! Why are you following me?!” I specifically left him because I didn’t want him to get involved and then he followed me! “Uh!! It’s a long story!” 

I turned my head and saw Vanessa was still hot on my trail, if anything she was catching up very quickly. I pumped my legs even harder, taking in deep breaths. 

I continued running and running. Getting cursed and screamed at as I continued bumping into numerous students. 

I finally rounded behind a building, losing Vanessa in the process. I rested my back against the building, preciously treasuring every ounce of air that entered my lungs. My legs are on fire and my lungs are screaming! Not to mention I’m  drenched in sweat. 

“Why was she so angry?” Jason asked, looking relatively fine. I would dare say he didn’t even break a sweat. 

Note to fucking self! Workout!!!! Matter of fact! Train with Jason! 

“She…” I struggled catching my breath. “She’s mad because I accidentally pulled her skirt down.” 

Jason nodded his head before his eyes widened  and he fidgeted. “Acci…dentally?” 

I rolled my eyes. “I know it doesn’t sound possible. But, it is. At least for me.” 

“Found you!” Out of the corner of my eye I saw Vanessa confidently stroll around the corner. Followed by a large group of girls. 

“Fuck me..” I tried to get off of the wall, but my body screamed in agony, forcing me to stay in place.  

Fuck you body! You useless piece of shit! You’re never there for me when I need you! 

Chelsea wasn’t too far behind Vanessa, and she held her hands in a praying motion. 

Is it that bad??

“You did that to her?” Jason asked slowly as he pointed to Vanessa.

“Yeah…” A really bad feeling started to bear down on me. 

Well she might kick my ass, but it probably won’t be that bad. 

Jason turned to face me with a blank look on his face. “She’s the head delinquent.” 

“Delinquent?” I analyzed all of the girls, and although they were somewhat attractive, as per usual in this school. The girls looked a little rough around the edges. Some had boosie fades, pompadours, mohawks, shaved heads, piercings, tattoo’s, and scars. 

Where did all of these people come from? I don’t think I’ve seen any of them before.. 

“Hey pretty boy!” Vanessa pointed to Jason and he pointed to himself as if she wasn’t talking to him. “You have seconds to get out of here, or else!” 

Jason stepped in front of me and shook his head. “I refuse.”

“Well this sucks.” Vanessa closed one eyelid and looked at Jason as she turned her head to the side and sighed. “Okay.” Vanessa looked at me and her eyes turned fierce. “You’re really going to get it now.” 

Damnit Jason! 

“No, he won’t.” Jason pounded his chest. “I won’t let you touch a single hair on his head.” 

I-I’m not a helpless maiden! 

“Jason. Just let it go. It’s-”

“No!” Jason turned to me, his hair blowing in the wind, and the sun seeming to shine on him at just the right moment. “I’ll protect you.” 

I could feel my face turning red, and my words got stuck in my throat.  

“Huh?!” Vanessa laughed as she took a step forward, pointing to me. “For this piece of shit!” 

“Yes.” Jason answered as he took a step forward. 

You didn’t have to agree with her statement. 

Vanessa raised her hand and pounded her fist on her palm with an, ‘oh,’ face. “You must not know what he did!” 

“I do.” Jason replied. “He said it was an accident. So back off.” 

Vanessa looked shocked, and shook her head as she held her forehead. “Men.. even the pretty ones..” She sighed before she turned her attention back to Jason. “Alright. Let’s do this.” 

Jason took off his jacket and neatly folded it before placing it on the ground beside him. “Can we go to the movies?”

“..what?” I chirped.

“Once this is over.. Can we go to the movies together?” Jason turned to me with puppy dog eyes. “I’ll pay.” 

I didn’t really know how to respond, so I just agreed. “Uhh.. sure?” 

Jason flashed me a glowing boyish smile that almost took up the entirety of his face. “It’s a promise!” 

Vanessa started briskly walking towards Jason. She cracked her neck and popped her knuckles. “I got this.” 

Jason confidently walked into the middle of the circle of women as he lightly stretched. 

Vanessa and Jason met in the middle. Sparks flying between them. A silent staring contest for the ages. 

Are they really about to fight over me? This is…

“Huh?” While I was distracted by them, I found myself being sntached up by multiple girls. 

I looked at the girls holding me, and they were tanks! 

“Let go of me!” I tried to break free, but I was promptly held against the wall. 

Even if I wasn’t so tired and beat up, I doubt I could stop them. 

Why is my luck so shit?!?! And now it’s even affected Jason! Fuck! I fucking suck! 

“Hey!” Jason growled when he noticed what happened. 

“It’s fine.” Vanessa replied with a smirk. “Or it will be if you win.” 

Jason got into a loose karate stance. “I will.” 

Vanessa started laughing maniacally as she took a southpaw stance. “This is going to be fun.” 


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