Help?! My Harem is Trying to Kill Me!

The hunt for Jennifer 4


I was currently sitting in class watching Jason. He was interacting with the women in the class as usual. As usual… 

That look in his eyes… Where have I seen it? 

A chill ran up my spine just from thinking about it. 

He.. he didn’t.. trip her.. right? And why is everyone acting normal? Some random girl tried to attack Jason, and no one is saying anything about it. And why was she? She said something about Rebecca… What did Jason do? He told me that he couldn’t confront any girl, but once they approached me it was like a switch got flipped. Should I bring him with me?

A glance from Sarah broke my train of thought. She’s glanced my way multiple times already. Each time, she makes a face that can’t be easily painted. A mix of worry and fear that I can only assume comes from her concern for Jennifer, and giving out her address to two students.

Only Jason’s world defying power could make something like this possible. 

I returned Sarah’s look with a smile. She returned my smile with one of her own, albeit a weak one filled with uncertainty. 

I’m going to save her, don't worry. 

The rest of the day went by relatively normal. That was until.. 

I wasn’t interested in eating lunch, so I decided to skip and headed to the roof instead. Right before I opened the door, I heard voices talking. 

I was curious so I cracked the door to see who it was. 

On the roof, I spotted two girls absorbed in a conversation. 

The first girl had long golden hair that was a bit unruly and possesed bright gold eyes, reminiscent of a lion. She was tall and had a muscular athletic build, and of course, everything on her was larger as a result. She had on a maroon tracksuit, a white shirt, and maroon gym shoes.   

The girl with gold hair was currently talking to another girl who was also tall herself, but not as tall as her. She was dressed in a tracksuit of her own but her's all blue. She had long slender legs and a slim athletic build. She had beautiful dark ebony skin and long flowing curly white hair that reached her lower back. And one of the more striking features that she possessed was her bright purple eyes. 

Storm! Is that you?! 

This is a h game for real! There are so many 10/10 knockouts here! 

My excited mood quickly came down once I realized I haven’t got one. 

Well, I do have Saya. She’s extremely attractive. In fact, it seems like she’s gotten prettier lately?

“I’m glad that bitch tried to kill herself.” My ears perked up once I heard that. “I’m just upset that she wasn’t able to do it.”

“Vanessa!” The girl with white hair smacked the other girl's arm. 

“I don’t give a fuck!” Vanessa announced as she pulled out a vape from her pocket and took a big hit. “I hate that bitch! 

“What did you just say?” I interrupted as I swung the door open. 

She better not be talking about who I think she is. 

My fist balled up as I started approaching her. 

“What the fuck?!” Vanessa started coughing violently as she stared at me intently. “Who the fuck are you?!” 

My heart was pounding, and it was almost loud enough to drown out everything else around me. 

“What did you just say?” I repeated as I got right in front of her. “Who were you talking about?”

“Wait! Wait!” The girl with white hair interrupted. She squeezed in between Vanessa and I, frantically waving her hands. “She didn’t mean it!”

Vanessa squinted her eyes with a scoff to her voice. She pushed her friend aside, stepping in my face. “You like that redhead bitch?”

“Yeah I do.” I leaned forward until our faces were mere centimeters apart. “So what?”

Vanessa’s eyes turned sharp, and she spoke with unbridled malice in her tone. “Move.” 

“Or wha-” 

I was unable to finish that sentence due to the world flipping upside down. 


I found myself lying on my back and staring up at the sky. Pain flared up all over my body and the air was knocked out of my lungs.

“Oh my god!” I heard the girl with white hair yelling and frantically pacing around. 

“Chelsea stop!” Vanessa growled. 

While I was lying on the ground, Vanessa stepped over me. Her face was twisted up in a mocking glee. “Idiot fucker!” 

Fucking bitch! 

As Vanessa and Chelsea turned around to leave, I rolled over and grabbed a hold of their pants. “Get back here!” 

In another To Love Ru moment, I somehow managed to pull both of their pants down. 

Right in front of my face, I was greeted by two beautiful asses right in front of me. One, dark chocolate brown, perky with a voluptuous shape, snuggly wrapped in blue striped panties. 

The other, bountiful, tan, muscular, voluptuous, and firm, wrapped in red and white striped panties.

“Striped…” The word exited from my mouth before I could even comprehend what I was saying.

Vanessa slowly turned around with wide eyes and a death stare, while Chelsea looked absolutely mortified with teary eyes. 

Oh shit. 

Suddenly, the door opened revealing a girl with long glittery silver hair that dropped down to her back. Her eyes were a myriad of colors and sparkled like diamonds. She was petite and had a cute doll-like face with a little button nose. She was wearing a navy blue blazer with various animal characters lining her jacket, and a plaid green and black skirt with white stockings and black strap dress shoes. 

The newly arrived student’s eyes examined the scene in front of her before her eyes met with mine. There was a momentary flash of surprise that appeared on her face. And for some reason she felt…. Familiar? 

Her eyes wandered back to the girls in front of me, and her mouth just barely opened. “Am I… interrupting something?” 

Yes you are! And now is my chance!

I jumped to my feet and took off running for the door. 

“Get back here you fucking pussy!” I heard Vanessa yelling, but completely ignored it. 

“Ow!” My back! My back! My back!

I keeled over in pain, but continued running nonetheless. 

“I-I’m sorry!” The girl went wide eyed and she turned around and ran through the door. 

As soon as I reached the stairs, the pain attacked me once again and I tripped and plummeted down the stairs towards the girl. 

Why is my luck so fucking bad?!?!?!?!

The girl turned my way and her eyes widened in fear before I crashed into her. 

I grabbed her and did my best to shield her as I hit step after step. 

It felt like an eternity before we hit the floor, after who knows how many stairs. 

“Ughh..” I groaned as I lay on my back, pain flaring up all over my body. 

I glanced down to see the girl knocked out on top of me. She looked to be relatively unharmed, unlike me, but she seemed to have been knocked unconscious. 

The sound of footsteps rushing down the stairs caught my attention and I rushed to get back to my feet. The pain attacked my entire body, but I pushed through it. 

I picked her up in a princess carry and started running. I ran through the hallways with many onlookers, but  ignored them all. There was one specific place that I had in mind.

In no time I arrived at the nurses office and burst through the door. “SHE’S HURT!” 

Ms.Munez was sitting at her desk drinking coffee, but once I burst through the door she spat it out and it got all over her. 

Normally I would apologize, but I was far more concerned with the girl in my hands. 


“I’m fine!” A voice interrupted. 

I jumped in response and accidentally dropped the girl in my arms. 

“Kya!” She hit the floor with a thud. 

“Oh shit! I’m so sorry!” 

I apologized profusely as Ms.Munez came over to intervene. 

After the situation calmed down, we received treatment from Ms.Munez. I found myself sitting on a bed in the nurse's office. While Lilia, who’s name I discovered, was sitting on another bed. 

Surprisingly, Lilia wasn’t hurt at all from the stairs. But, she unfortunately got hurt when I dropped her. The end result led to a bump on the back of her head. While I on the other hand had a few bruises and knots from the stairs and being flipped on my back.

“You worry me sometimes.” Ms.Munez was drying herself off and sighing with a deep frown on her face. 

I laughed awkwardly as I shifted around on one of the beds in the nurse's office. 

“I’m leaving.” Lilia suddenly interjected as she stood up. 

As Lilia was getting ready to leave, I felt the need to at least apologize. “Sorry.” 

Lilia turned to me and gave me the stank eye. “I don’t accept your apology.” She then turned towards Ms.Munez. “Thank you.”  

Damn that stung. Not that I don’t deserve it. 

She closed the door after she left. Leaving me and Ms.Munez all alone. 

The door opened and Lilia promptly exited through it before closing the door behind her. 

There was an awkward silence that lingered in the room with Ms.Munez and I. Until she finally decided to break it. “Are you leaving as well?” 

“Yeah.. I-“ A sudden thought came to me as I stood up. Vanessa’s speech on the roof was still very fresh in my mind. “What happened to Jennifer?” 

“Ms. Levingston.” Ms.Munez corrected. “And it’s not something I can discuss with a student. Especially a student that tackles girls down flights of stairs.” 

“That’s..”I was going to argue, but then I realized that I was already pushing my luck. “Fair.” 

The rest of the day went by far less uneventfully. And I was limping out of the building to meet up with Jason. 

As I approached the front gate to the school, Jason was there waiting for me. He was looking up at the sky and his hair was fluttering in the wind like some kind of anime protagonist. 

I noticed all the girls carefully walking around Jason with flushed cheeks and misty eyes. And I unintentionally found myself captivated by his sheer beauty as well. 

“Pretty bastard.” I grumbled as I got closer. 

Once I got close enough for Jason to notice me, his eyes lit up as soon as he looked my way. Very reminiscent of a puppy happy to see its owner. “Hey!! I- What happened?! 

Before I could respond, Jason had already run over and grabbed me by the arms. 


Jason’s face twisted into a snarl. “Who did this to you?!” 

“Ahh!! Dammit! The stairs! Let go of me!” Why is this fucker so strong?!

Jason quickly realized his mistake and promptly released me with red tinged cheeks. “Sorry…” 

“You know.. Not everyone is out to get me.” I announced as I dusted myself off.

“Oh..” Jason tried to awkwardly laugh it off.

“Why are you so intense when it comes to things like this?” I know we’re… friends? I think? But, he acts like a psycho sometimes. What the fuck?! I’m not that important.

“Well…” Jason's eyes momentarily widened before he averted his eyes and he started glowing red. “You’re really important to me…” 

I would love to hear this from a woman and not a dude. 

I sighed exasperatedly. “Thanks… You’re important to me as well.” 

Jason looked shocked, and for a few uncomfortable seconds he stood completely still staring at me. 

“Uh..Jason?” I tapped his shoulder and he didn’t budge a centimeter. 

Suddenly, without any warning whatsoever, Jason picked me up and placed me in a very.. Intimate hug. He buried his face into my chest and.. hummed, or rather.. Purred enthusiastically. 

My skin crawled and I was shocked into silence for a few seconds. “Okay.. you can.. Uh.. let me go.” 

Jason didn’t reply, he just whined like a small animal. “..a little longer.” 

“Man, what the fuck?!” 

I had to wait until Jason finished his hug, much to my shame and dismay. As usual, Jason doesn’t seem to possess a sense of shame. Did I mention everything that took place was in front of hordes of girls? 

Many of our classmates whispered things as they walked by us. And most of them had looks of envy and or gazes of hatred. 

“Anyways..” I dusted myself off, but Jason’s scent still lingered on me, which caused me to frown. “I heard a girl talking about how much she hated Jennifer. Would there be any reason why?” 

“Oh.. well she was the coach for the swim team and the wrestling team. And she’s known for..” Jason looked as if he didn’t want to say it.

“Being mean?” Once I asked Jason this question, he nodded his head slowly. “Wait. Did you just say was?” 

“Yeah.” Jason raised an eyebrow, as if he was surprised I didn’t know. “Last year the wrestling team quit, and then this year the swim team quit.” 

“What?!” I exploded. “How is that possible?!” 

Jason shrugged as he shook his head. 

Holy shit. That has to be a skill. Is she really that bad? 

“Who was the girl you heard this from?” Jason suddenly asked. 

“Oh.” That fucking cunt. “It was-“ 



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