Hero System! Transported to Another World

Chapter 55: God's Blood

Alex nodded as he continued to listen to Sir Fire's words. He looked towards Buster and Midnight and was confused to see that they were also in a bit of shock from Sir Fire's words. 

Sir Fire looked at the two and scuffed, "I have my own personal vendetta against the experiments so it's obvious that I would research on this. I've solved many cases for similar happenings but none of them pointed to the man I was looking for, except this one."

Buster looked at Sir Fire and said, "We still have some time, could you brief us on the results of the research that you conducted on your own time?" 

Sir Fire looked lenient to answer but he slowly said, "I had researched as much as I could in my own time, I even looked into energy which I will begin with, I've come to find that our understanding of awakened energy itself is very very lacking. I wouldn't call them energy at all, it seems to enter the human body almost like magic and only happens to a select few. We never see it happen and almost never feel it happen until the powers show. But once it's in our body, the so called 'energy' somehow transforms and starts to act more like a fluid in our body. The Fluid seems to mix with the blood and essentially just act like blood. But that's all that I have been able to look into, the entire thing is very confusing and our current science just can't explain it. Due to it's special and mysterious nature, I coined a better term for the 'Awakened energy' as…" 

Sir Fire looked around and took a deep breath, "God's Fluid." Silence fell into the room when everyone listened to Sir Fire's words.

"Heh" A small sound came from the doctor's room. Sir fire looked at the doctor with a confused expression. Buster also looked at Sir Fire, his face red, hands on his mouth. Sir Fire looked at the others and saw that Alex and midnight also were covering their mouths with their hand. 

Buster took a deep breath and said, "You… You really have to work on naming things, Buhahahaha." Buster could no longer hold in his laughter and burst out, laughing until his stomach hurt. Midnight also burst out laughing but she was a lot more subtle about it. Alex also was subtle, trying to hide himself as he laughed. 

Sir Fire looked around and took a deep breath, "You're all children." His face turned red and a small fire started to once again burn on his head. He was back to being angry. 

Buster controlled his laughter and stood up. He walked towards Sir Fire and put his arm on his shoulder and said in a serious tone, "I don't think any awakened would say that they have God's Liquid inside of them which gives them powers. I think we could probably think of a better way of putting that. " 

Midnight and Alex nodded when they heard buster. Sir Fire shook his head and said, "As you said, I'm bad with names." He didn't want to talk anymore. Within his anger, a small hint of embarrassment showed itself but Sir fire quickly hid it. 

Buster, Alex, and Midnight all thought about an appropriate name as Sir fire watched them. After a few seconds, Midnight looked up and smiled, "How about God's Blood? It acts like blood within our systems so we could just call it god's blood, right?" 

Alex and Buster nodded in agreement with Midnight's words. Sir Fire didn't answer properly and just replied, "Sure." He didn't seem to want to speak anymore. 

Alex looked at Sir Fire and tried to change topics, "You said that you are investigating the same scientist that Hana is as well?" He was curious about the scientist as he also wanted to help in the investigation when he could. 

Sir Fire didn't look like he wanted to answer but he noded, "We're investigating the same person. Although Hana is investigating him for a different reason than I am. My reasons are more for finding his possible superior, The one who controls minds. While She is investigating the man himself and finally putting an end to his sick ways. If you were with Hana in the briefing about him, you must have seen some of his logs, right?" 

When Alex remembered the Logs, his face turned. He looked sick. "I wish I never read it… It just brings anger within you when you read how he wanted to do those things with young children and making their bodies more mature… I don't want such a man walking around freely so I want to help Hana in the investigation." 

Sir Fire nodded and looked at Alex, "I get what you feel but I wouldn't recommend that… I'd say stay away from those people until you are at least a B rank awakened. From what I've seen, you're only at the Mid C rank in terms of powers so you need a lot of training."

Alex Looked at Sir Fire with confusion. He wanted to ask something but Sir Fire continued to speak, "I planned a few things to do with you once I am free but I guess they will be delayed because of this certain predicament. But I'm sure that I'll have free time in the future. When that time comes, you'll have to visit me so I can train you and your control over your powers. It's ironic to say that as I can't control my emotions but I can control my powers, that's why my powers are based on my emotions. Until then, I'll have you train with Midnight once The test results come."

Alex nodded when he heard Sir Fire, "I understand, thank you for looking out for me." He looked at Sir FIre and asked, "Why would you say that I need to be a lot more powerful?" 

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