Hero System! Transported to Another World

Chapter 56: Shin's Story

"Why would you say that I need to be at least a B rank awakened?" Alex was curious, he didn't know much about the case but Sir Fire knew a lot about it. 'I don't think that Sir Fire is a person who would underestimate me so I'm sure him saying that has a proper reason.' Alex thought as he waited for Sir Fire to Answer his question. 

Sir Fire looked at Alex and smiled, "It's so you don't die. From what I know, the scientist isn't really that powerful, but he is an awakened. And well, we know nothing about his powers so being the same strength as him would be better. That and when investigating clues, one has to go to shady places. People up to B rank in terms of strength aren't as common but A rank criminals are almost non existent. So that just means that you'll be strong enough to fend for yourself if you ever get jumped. That is if you're sure about helping Hana." 

Sir Fire took a deep breath, "You could investigate and find leads but it's more of a wait and watches, maybe sneak around and find information so for the most part, you'll be safe. But that's the job for someone who has the experience, if you want to help Hana, I recommend joining her when she goes to confront the man himself. I don't think she will ever let me close to her and she'll throw a fit if anyone wants to join her. But you however seem to be special… You could join her that day. And well, having a B ranked awakened at your side so you focus on the main target and don't need to worry about the small fries… That's important. So that's why I'm telling you to train and control your powers until you can be qualified as a proper B rank awakened." 

Alex nodded as he listened to Sir Fire. He understood everything and made a note to himself that he would try his best to get more powerful. Sir fire then looked towards Shin, her hand's clenched.

As he saw her hand's clinch, Sir Fire ran quickly to Shin. "Are you okay?" He seemed to be worried about her. Buster and Midnight also ran towards Sir Fire. The doctor quickly yelled, "Give her some breathing space!" It was the only time when he seemed to have confidence in his voice. 

Everyone slowly backed away from Shin. Alex was confused as one second, everyone was in front of him, and in the blink of an eye, everyone seemed to have disappeared from his sight. Alex got up and rank towards where the three were standing. He looked towards Shin, waiting for her to wake up. 

The doctor slowly helped Shin sit up. As her eyes opened, he said, "You're in a hospital bed right now…" He waited for her to respond to his words. When Shin heard the Doctor, she looked very confused and distressed. 

The doctor quickly tried to calm her down, "It's okay, you're fine now. I'm here to help you, not harm you. So just calm down. Take deep breaths, breath in… and breathe out…" The doctor said slowly.

Shin, still a bit shook up followed the doctor's instructions. After taking a few breaths, she looked around and saw the rest, looking at her with a bit saddened gazes. 

The doctor brought her attention back to him and asked, "Do you know your name?" Shin nodded when she heard the Doctor and replied, "Shin…" 

The doctor smiled when he heard Shin's reply. He looked towards Buster and said, "She seems to be fine… A bit shook up but everything else is fine. I'll stick near but just don't spook her as she still needs some rest." 

Buster and Sir Fire nodded when they heard the Doctor. Sir Fire walked up to Shin and said, "Shin…" 

Shin looked at Sir fire and tears well up in her eyes, "teacher?" She seemed to be confused to see Sir Fire. 

"Who did this to you? Can you tell me everything that happened after you left the hospital?" Sir Fire quickly asked, He wanted answers. Buster looked at Sir Fire, wanting to say something but he didn't comment. He waited for Shin's reply.

Shin looked at everyone around her and said, "I just remember that someone approached me as soon as I exited the hospital. I wanted to go home but they said that It was an important mission that I had to do… The next thing that I remember is that I was assigned a mission to infiltrate a certain facility to extract its files. It's not something that I've ever done but I don't know what came over me and I just did it. Then everything was black. Next thing I know, I'm here, standing in front of you…"

Sir Fire looked angry when he heard Shin's words, He looked like he would burn the people who took Shin the instant they come in front of him. He looked at buster and said, " We need to find them, Already from her words we can deduce that they could control her mind as soon as they met her. So it could mean that the mind controller was among them..."

Buster nodded his head when he heard Sir FIre. he was in deep thought about what to do next.

Alex looked at Shin and smiled, 'It seems like her scar will stick but It's good to know that she is healthy. At least she doesn't seem to be in control right now so that's a good sign.' Shin noticed Alex's smile and awkwardly smiled back, She seemed to remember who Alex was and quickly said, 

"Thank you for saving my friend... I might have lost my eyes but at least he didn't get hurt in any way because you stepped in and saved him..."

Alex shook his head and said, "I was doing it to help you, no need to thank me. at least You're okay." Alex smiled. Shin wanted to say something but before she could, Buster walked up to her and asked a few questions.

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