Hero System! Transported to Another World

Chapter 86: Toy?

Alex didn't want to be betrayed like before. Every time he thought of coming to this world, a small part of his mind would play back the scene of him losing his lower body and just bleeding out. Alex remembered the face of the heroes he once trusted and loved turn into demons who used those weaker than themselves for their benefit. Midnight turned around to see Alex's expression. She looked concerned, "What happened all of a sudden… Your face is all blue, are you hurt? Or is it something else?" She walked to Alex and put her hand on his shoulder. 

Alex nodded his head, He looked at Midnight and sighed, "I'm fine… It's just that such a powerful man wanting t help me makes no sense…" 

Midnight looked at Alex and smiled, She put her hand on his head, "You're still a kid. 20 years old is still young, it must have been tough trying to survive on your own even when you had nothing. But now look at you… You have everything, A home, a job, food, people who want to help you. All of this after being betrayed by the ones you actually trusted must have had a huge impact on your mind… Listen Alex, We might be externally powerful but our minds are like any one else, fragile… You can toughen your mind but that can only take you so far. So if you still have to talk about it, I'm willing to listen… You can rely on me as an older sister…" 

Midnight thought of something and quickly put her hand around Alex's shoulder, "Hell, I think there might be someone else who is more willing to listen to you… Just treat her right and you'll have someone to love as well…" Alex separated from Midnight's grip and smiled, "Thank you…" He was truly grateful. 

Midnight nodded and smiled again, "About Master Zhun… Buster and I have worked under him for years and I can say for sure that he is one of the most genuine people out there… He helps everyone… It might be because he was like you in the past…" Midnight sighed and pulled Alex closer, "Listen here, Master Zhun has been someone who we all rely on… But he started off as a beggar. He lived in the slums, ate whatever he could find to survive… It was a fateful day that the first gate appeared in the world, it was in the same city that he was in… Everything was destroyed, more than eighty percent of the city's population was eradicated. He was one of the survivors by running away through the sewage pipes… He was a poor beggar when he went into the sewage but the man who came out from the sewage pipes is the Master Zhun we know now. He was one of the first awakened in the world… When Master Zhun was at his peak, His powers were something that the other nations feared… But now, his age is catching up to him. That was 25 years ago… Not that long ago, right?" Midnight smiled. 

Alex nodded, he was surprised by the story. He never knew that Master Zhun had such a life. Midnight looked into Alex's eyes and said, "I'm pretty sure You remind him of himself. That man, At the age of 40 was one of the first awakened, He has seen many things happen over the years but never had a successor, you might be who he was looking for." 

She then turned around and continued walking in the hallway, "If you want to know more about his story, You should ask him. What I've known until now has been what I've heard from others. All I know is that man knows what it's like to be all alone, he knows the pain of being powerless in a world where the money used to be power. So I'm sure that he will share his story to someone who is worthy enough to hear it, someone who knows the same pain as he does…" 

Alex smiled when he heard Midnight, he shook his head and followed behind, 'Maybe I let the past catch up to me… I became too wary of someone who genuinely wanted to help me… I will get stronger, Master Zhun has hopes in me so I won't let him down!' Alex felt even more motivated. 

"Alright! Here we are…" Midnight said as she opened a large door. Inside, a few guards stood around with guns. "Ah, Is the training complete?" Imani spoke slowly. Midnight looked at the huge screen at the end of the room and smiled, "You already know what has happened so far so do you even need to ask?" Imani smiled and nodded, "I apologize, I do know… But it is rather interesting, the speed of learning new techniques from just observing them is scary. It's not perfect but even being able to do fifty percent of what you see is monstrous but from my observations, Alex was at least seventy percent. So observing a technique two to three times and then trying it on your own, you can learn it… Mastering it could take more time but in a span of one hour, you've learned all most everything you need to learn about basic movement in combat so it's extremely impressive." 

She then looked at midnight, "I've heard your plans. It would be good if you taught him more punches and maybe even kicks… But do remember to give Alex to me after two… I also have a few things to teach him…" Imani smiled when she looked at Alex. Alex felt a shiver in his spine, 'They're acting like I'm some sort of toy that they just split up times to play with on their own…' 

Midnight laughed and spoke, "Of course, of course. We're just here for food, I haven't had breakfast yet, and training too long with an empty stomach is bad for you… Plus it seems like I get to practice with an opponent today so I better fill up on energy."

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