Hero System! Transported to Another World

Chapter 87: Weakness

Imani smiled when she heard Midnight's words, She looked excited, "I also haven't had time to practice with others so It should be a good spar for me as well." Alex watched the two women from the back, 'The pressure in the room is intense…' He commented as he looked around at the guards who seemed to be excited looked at the two women. 

Imani then looked at Alex and spoke, "Your food is ready, It's at the table in the room next door." She then turned to Midnight, "Yours as well, eat well." She spoke with a nonchalant voice. 

Midnight laughed and went to the next room with Alex, as they walked, Midnight spoke, "really weird one she is… But looking at her, she also had potential… This will be a good battle between her and me." She then turned to Alex, "What do you think of Imani so far? It's only been a small while since you've met her but what are your impressions of her?" 

Alex thought for a while and spoke, "I don't know… She seems kind but also looked fierce when she was talking about having that practice match with you. I think she loves to battle and is just excited to battle you… Other than that, I really can't say anything." Midnight smiled when she heard Alex's words, "At least you have a good judge of character when it comes to women…" 

Alex looked a bit shocked and question, "Why do you say that?" 

Midnight replied, "I talked to Ryan about her yesterday night. I didn't trust someone who just came out of no where… But after speaking to Ryan, he just says that she is the type of woman who shuts herself inside to train all day. She is also very serious when it comes to her duties. She can be trusted so if have to, don't be scared to rely on her as well. Plus, she is your age, just a bit older but that doesn't matter does it?" Midnight said as she poked Alex's hand. 

Alex looked at midnight and quickly spoke, "Let's not go that direction… I'm good where I am now…" Midnight looked at Alex in a disappointed manner and spoke, "Tch. So boring. It's the time of your lives, You should enjoy when you can… Especially after everything you've been through, You deserve this… You said that you used to look ugly but looked at you now, You don't look half bad. Just add a cool guy charisma to that and women will be all over you… You saying that you looked ugly was probably you lacking that charisma…" 

Alex shook his head when he heard Midnight, " I really did look a bit different before… My face was filled with acne and blemishes, now it's all clear… I didn't look this mature as well, I was shorter but all of a sudden my appreciates changed when I got this power…"

Midnight shook her head as well when she heard Alex's words, She entered the room and sat down. After Alex sat down, Midnight spoke, "You need not worry about that. I've never seen it happen but I've heard a few people have changed their appreciates after awakening… One of them you know pretty well… But let's not go there, for now, You must be hungry right? Let's have our meals." Midnight looked around the room but didn't see any boxes which might have contained food. She looked at the guard standing by the room with scary eyes.

The guard looked scared and quickly ran into a door inside the room the two were in. He quickly brought food to the two. Midnight looked at the guard and smiled, "Thank you." The guard nodded and quickly ran back to his initial position.

As the two ate, Alex had a question pop into his mind, "Midnight, I did have a question about you though… I hope you don't mind." Midnight looked at Alex with a sly smile and answered, "Well, Just like I said before, I am taken… So you should give it up. I am flattered about you falling for me…"

Alex looked confused and quickly spoke, "That's not what I meant!" Midnight laughed in Alex's reaction and spoke, "I know Alex, I was just teasing you. You're really easy to fluster…" She continued as she laughed, "What did you want to ask about, I'm open to any questions." 

Alex spoke, "You've called me and Imani young… How old are you?" Midnight's face froze when she heard Alex's question, she looked Alex dead into his eyes, "That's not a question you should as a lady… But I guess no harm in answering… I'm 34. I know, I know. I don't look that old but a woman needs to keep herself looking the best." She then smiled, "If you're curious about the age of someone else, I guess no harm is saying it. Hana is around 25 years of age… So in the same range as you, You lucky dog." 

Alex looked at Midnight in shock, 'Midnight is still young but it was around the age that I thought but Hana… She is around my age but…' Alex spoke, "She's so strong yet so young… She might be older than me but even in my previous world, I've never heard of an S rank like her… Looking at everything, the power ranks here and at that world are very similar so to think she is so powerful…" 

Midnight looked serious when she saw Alex's reactions, "Now that I think about it, It's best for you to not talk about anything involving her age or anything in her past… You can probably relate Hana's age to something that happened in this world in the past… 25 being the clue…" 

Alex looked at Midnight and spoke, "She is one of the first awakened? But she must have just been born or a few months old when that happened? Such great power at her age doesn't seem so un reasonable any more…"

Midnight quickly clapped her hands and spoke, "Anyways, No more Hana talk. I took out the topic but it's better if we don't talk about her past… Only talk about it if she brings it up with you in the future. Like I said Alex, the biggest weakness that an awakened has is shared with everyone, their minds… Talking to others about your problems is the best way to protect yourself from that weakness."

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