Chapter 141: Too Delay

The temperature began to increase in the vicinity due to the steam being release by the pool where the Ghost Rider landed. Ward narrowed his eyes and carefully watches the boiling water. They never actually thought that them placing surveillance in the house of Conner would lead to them finding the person they were looking for. A few days ago, Alfred gave them valuable information about the drugs that Fitz and Simmons were studying. He also admitted that he hacked into the Bus computer system and removed a piece of information about the results pertaining to the composition of the drugs.

Both Fitz and Simmons were incredibly pissed at that and since they can't physically blame Alfred and Zero, their anger was aimed at Ward. Ward could do nothing but apologized to the two of them. Luckily for him, Fitz and Simmons quickly got over the fact that someone hacked into their computer system. In fact, Fitz became quite enthusiastic about the idea of him making a firewall that Alfred couldn't breach.

Alfred also added more information about who the drugs could originate from. It was then they read of the person named Conner. Jemma was immediately fascinated by the individual's ability to manipulate the hormones of the body. While Skye was more interested in the man's history that stated that he has been to Afterlife before. Ward took noticed of this immediately but he decided to keep this information to himself only reminding himself to keep watch of Skye in fear that she might do something stupid in the future.

Alfred then showed them a few individuals that would match the appearance of Conner. It didn't take them long for them to find the said man. In the last two days, they had placed his house in surveillance and was getting all the necessary evidence to place him on one of the cells in the F.R.I.D.G.E. Since he was already using his ability in illegal activities.

The moment that they saw movement outside the new house of Conner, the team immediately kept a close eye on it. They all became surprised when the person they saw lingering outside the said house match the same attire of the video of the Ghost Rider that was caught on tape. Ward was immediately ordered by Coulson to keep an eye on him but do nothing for a while. Based on the information that the team got, the Ghost Rider had not done any harm to anyone so far but Coulson was skeptical about that particular piece of information. Coulson wanted to see what the man would do and not long after, Ward saw the Ghost Rider trying to kill Conner.

S.H.I.E.L.D. may know that Conner is a drug dealer but they couldn't just allow the man to be murdered while they were in surveillance. So, Ward reacted and immediately intercepted the chain that was headed straight to Conner. Right now, his job was to give them time to escape while May and Skye get Conner on the Bus.

While Ward was watching out for the next movement of the Ghost Rider, he was also thinking about what the Ghost Rider meant when he called the woman that was with Conner, not human. Ward is very much interested in why he used such a term. Was the woman alien? Or was she just like him? A person that has an incorporeal being living inside her. If it was the latter then she would be as dangerous as the Ghost Rider himself. But why did she not defend herself? So many questions began to appear out of Ward's mind.

He then decided to disregard them for while, the person in front of him is not someone he could shrug off. One wrong move could lead to his death.

Suddenly a chain began to appear out of the pool and it was headed straight at Ward, he immediately dodged the attack by jumping out of the way.

"Who are you?", an eerie voice asked. The monstrous form of the Ghost Rider slowly walks out of the pool. "That was one quick attack you threw at me. Quite powerful too but I have to tell you something". His eyes began to glow with a bright fiery flame and he looks directly at Ward, "You can't stop me from killing those two".

Ward narrowed his eyes and said, "Why do you wanna kill them? Based on the info we have on you, you haven't killed anyone. You send your intel to Sergeant Burns, why kill someone now?".

"You suck at doing your job then"

Ward raised one of his eyebrows and asked, "Are you implying that you have killed someone before? Why?".

"They deserved to die", The Ghost Rider said as he suddenly opens his skeletal mouth and releases an incredibly powerful blast of fire.

Ward briefly glance behind him and he could see that if he dodges the attack then the house neighboring Conner's house would most likely get caught on fire. So, he made multiple hand signs and made a solid wall of earth to block the attack.


Suddenly from out of nowhere, another Ward appeared behind the Ghost Rider and he did multiple hand signs and without further delay, the Ghost Rider found himself being in the middle of a large water ball.

"You need to cool off", Ward said as he looks at the Ghost Rider that he had trapped in his jutsu.

"Do you actually think that you could stop me? If I want someone dead, then I will do anything I can to make sure that person is dead", the Ghost Rider said as he produces a powerful burst of fire while inside of the water ball.


The steam that was released was so potent that if it made contact with Ward's skin there was no doubt that he would suffer from 3rd-degree burns. He immediately jumps out of the way while also manipulating his bones to make himself a solid bone armor for defense against the steam.

"Damn, this guy dangerous", Ward stated to himself. Before the steam could quickly spread to the neighboring houses, Ward made multiple hand signs and aimed a wind style justu into the sky.


Ward looks at the Ghost Rider and said, "This is not a good place for the two of us to fight. As of right now, I am certain that Conner's neighbors had already called the cops to check what is happening here. You and I know that you don't want the people to know of your existence. I suggest you consider this a loss and move on".


The Ghost Rider just became quiet, no doubt he was thinking of his options. The best course of action to take right now is to make sure that no fight would occur. The Ghost Rider wasn't an opponent that Ward could take out, and their fighting would lead to many problems that S.H.I.E.L.D. would have to deal with post-fight.

"I'll remember you for this", The Ghost Rider said as he uses his chain to summon a circular portal. He then stared at Ward one more time before he left the premises.

Ward then removed his bone armor and activated his communication device and said to Coulson who was on the other line, "The Ghost Rider has left. Moving back to the Bus".

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