Chapter 142: Death of Conner

"How is our prisoner?", Agent Coulson asked Agent May.

Agent May was looking at the camera footage of the Cage, the Bus' main cell for prisoners and she could see that Conner was becoming anxious. After quickly retrieving him and his companion, Agent May immediately placed the two of them in the cage. But not long after Ward retreated from the short exchange he had with the Ghost Rider, he informed them of the possibility of the woman even being more dangerous than Conner.

With this new information at hand, Agent Coulson immediately ordered the separation of the two individuals. Conner would remain in the Cage while the woman would be placed in one of the containment pods. Since they were already in the air, Agent Coulson sent Ward a location where they would rendezvous and pick him up.

"Conner is still agitated but this could be because he is separated from that woman", Agent May responded.

Coulson sighed and said, "Damn, this would not be the report Fury wants to hear. He wanted to at least form a relationship with our target not make an enemy out of him".

Agent Fitz then appears in the room holding a tablet and said, "It's not your fault sir. We didn't think that the Ghost Rider had actually killed people". Fitz quickly skims through the files that were on his tablet and said, "Right now I am cross-examining all the arrests that Sergeant Burns had recently done and I'm trying to find if the convicts ever revealed that one of their members went missing prior to their arrest. With this, I believe we would be able to figure out who the Ghost Rider actually killed".

"I'll start making my report", Coulson stated but before he could go to his office, he heard Agent May saying something in both anger and panic, "What is she doing there?!".

Coulson looks at the monitor and he could see that Skye was already inside the Cage and he lock it from the inside.

"Shit!", Coulson said as he began running towards the Cage.


"Tell me where Afterlife is", Skye said as she looks at Conner.

But instead of Conner answering her, he disregarded her question and immediately run towards her and grabs her by the neck, "Where did you take Kora! I thought you were here to protect us from that thing that was trying to kill us in the first place! Not lock me up in here!!!".

"A..a.....S..he....was.....pla.ce...d..inside....a....contain...ment...pod.....she...is...sa..fe", Skye said as she struggles to breath from the chokehold that Conner has her on.

"Release me from this place or I will kill you!", Conner said with anger in his eyes.

"I'm an inhuman just like you", Skye stated as she tries to force Conner to release her. But it seems Skye's statement made Conner shock for a brief moment.  He looks at the woman she was choking to her death and slowly removed some of the force he was using and said, "How do you know that you are an inhuman?".

While Skye was still at the mercy of Conner, she was thankful that she could now breathe and she responded, "My mother is Jiaying".

Hearing Jiaying's name was a shock to Conner. He had spent most of his time in a cell back in Afterlife so it was understandable that he didn't know much information during that time. Conner looks at Skye and he could see the resemblance she had with Jiaying.


Suddenly Conner was removed from his own thoughts when he heard loud banging sounds coming from the door. It seems that the woman's teammates were franticly trying to open the door.

Conner narrowed his eyes and he looks at Skye, "Sorry to tell you this, but I hate Jiaying guts". Conner then uses his ability and control the hormones of Skye's body to kill herself.

"AH!", Skye screams in pain due to her own hormones attacking the brain.

"I hate your mother. She was the reason that I lost so much time from the love of my life", Conner said as he looks at Skye who was barely able to remain conscious. "I'll find Kora and I'll kill everyone here. I won't allow you people to separate the two of u-"

The door of the Cage was suddenly opened and Agent Coulson immediately fired all the bullets of his I.C.E.R. towards Conner.


Conner staggered a couple of feet backwards. He could feel his body being attacked by something, he was slowly having the urge to go to sleep He immediately realized that the gun that was used on him had tranquilizer-like bullets in them. To counteract the effects of the tranquilizers, he immediately controls his body to pump out as much adrenaline as it can. This is something he didn't like doing due to how tired he would become afterwards. He would require a long sleep just to allow his body to recover. One time he needed to sleep for at least 4 days straight just to recover from the aftereffects. But Conner knew that he couldn't pull his punches right now. If he wanted to escape he needs to use every trick he has.

While Conner was busy fighting off the effects of the drugs, May and Fitz immediately went inside the cage and got Skye out.

May could see the pained look she was having and said, "She needs medical attention!".

Fitz then contacted Jemma and filled her in on what happened. The two of them then carried Skye to get help. The two of them were hopeful she would survive.

"It's too late. You can't save her now", Conner said as he ran towards the exit of the cage that Coulson was guarding.

"BANG!", Coulson realized the dangerous situation they were in. He immediately strengthens his resolved and used a real gun and fired it at Conner who was running towards him.

Conner was wide-eyed when he took a step back and saw blood dripping on the floor. He checks his chest and he could his blood squirting out of his body. Aside from being push back because of the force of real ammunition hitting him, Conner felt no pain due to the adrenaline coursing through his body. But Conner wasn't stupid, he knew that even with his powers he couldn't save himself from a gunshot wound. He needed to patch it up as soon as possible if he wishes to remain alive.

Conner was then filled with anger at Coulson and immediately charges towards him to try and kill him with his ability.

"BANG!BANG!BANG!BANG!BANG!", Coulson didn't hold back and emptied the entire magazine of real bullets at the man. He even shot him in his forehead, which promptly led to Conner's death.

Coulson looks at the dead Conner for a brief moment before running towards the lab where May and Fitz brought Skye to be healed. As he was running he heard something that will be forever etched in his memory. A shriek of pain so loud echoed throughout the entire Bus. It was like the final sound of someone who didn't want to die. Coulson became shocked at this, he subconsciously scanned his surroundings and he saw no one was there.

After barely saving Skye from death, the team later found out where the shriek came from. It came from the woman that the team locked up in one of the containment pods. They were able to see in one of the video recordings of what happened inside. They saw the woman scream in pain as she instantly combusts into flames.

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