Chapter 143: The Age of Zhang Wei

Zhang Wei saw the death of Conner in his astral form and he was quite pleased with it. At least, as of right now, he no longer has to worry about his identity being leak. Not long after that, he could also hear the painful shriek of Kora as she combusts into flames. The Kora that Zhang Wei had summoned was nothing more than a figure of Conner's imagination made into reality by the power of the Darkhold. The real Kora was already dead so reviving her back to life was extremely hard to do and time-consuming. Zhang Wei decided to make a substitute and Conner was all too pleased to have the woman of his dreams back to life to even consider that it was a fake. That was the reason why the moment Conner died Kora soon followed.

With a smile on his face, he opens a portal to return back to his room in Kamar Taj. He looks out his window and he could see the sun appearing on the horizon welcoming the new day. As the rays of the sun hit his face, he said to himself with determination and resolved, "Soon, everything will be sent to place and I will be ready to take my place into this world and rule it". He could suddenly feel the dimensional powers of the Darkhold acting up due to his excitement. He closes his eyes for a brief moment and calmed the power down.

Not long after that, he closed his window and decided not to sleep. He was too energetic to think about laying down in bed. He saw the tomes that he borrowed from the Library of Kamar Taj and he decided to return them and borrow a tome that deals with Alchemy. A topic that he has become fascinated with for a while now.

Zhang Wei soon entered the library and made small talk with the Master in-charge and got the Alchemy tome he wanted. But the moment he exited the library, Zhang Wei saw Master Kaecilius looking at him with a pained look in his eyes. Zhang Wei immediately became shocked at this. For Zhang Wei, Kaecilius is a man that always showed his resolve and near perfectionist personality. No matter how hard the problem in front of him, Kaecilius would always accept the challenge without backing down. For him, Kaecilius is like a solid wall that people could rely on. But somehow the Kaecilius in front of him was different. As the two of them locked eyes for a brief moment, Zhang Wei felt that something was awfully wrong.

They say that the eyes are the windows to the soul and right now he could see multiple emotions from his master, Kaecilius. Pain, anger, determination, betrayal, Zhang Wei could see them all. He immediately began asking himself why. Why would Master Kaecilous be in an emotional state? Why would it be directed at him?

Then a thought began to appear in his mind. He wonders if his master knows what he has been doing. He wonders if the Ancient One knows all the things he has done. He even starts wondering if his fellow Masters knows what he was planning.

He immediately drops the tome he is currently holding and with a determined look in his eyes, he begins running inside the library all the way to the location where the 'Eye of Agamotto' was stored. He stretched out his hand and before he could grab hold of the relic in front of him, he was suddenly bound by multiple energy whips coming from multiple directions.

"When did you know?", Zhang Wei asked the Ancient One who suddenly appeared.

All the conjured whips came from the spell that the Ancient One had used. She first made multiple clones and then had those clones conjure the whips that are used to prevent Zhang Wei from moving.

The Ancient One did not reply right away. She first went towards the "Eye of Agamotto" and held it in her hands. She looks directly at Zhang Wei and she made the Eye of Agamotto disappear from her hands.

"It doesn't matter when I found out", the Ancient One replied.

Suddenly multiple portals began to appear in the room and coming out of them were the masters with weapons in their hands. They were told that someone wanted to steal the Eye of Agamotto and they immediately readied themselves to defend the most precious artifact the order had in its possession. But the moment they arrived, they were shocked. The person they saw being bound is a member of the Master of the Mystic Arts. The Masters looks at the Ancient One to clarify what is going on but before she could answer Kaecilius spoke first.

"Today is a day that is the first in the history of the order of the Master of the Mystic Arts. We have a fellow master who has succumbed to the greed of power and wishes to steal the Eye of Agamotto to use its ability for himself. And I am ashamed to say that it is my most talented student, Zhang Wei", Kaecilius said as he looks at his protege.

The room was then engulfed by a hush silence due to Kaecilius' statement. None of them ever thought that someone would dare betray that order and put it in jeopardy.


The silence was then broken due to Zhang Wei laughing hysterically. Master Mordo who was annoyed at this spoke and said, "Why are you laughing?! Do you not know the gravity of your actions?!".

"Oh, I know full well what I am doing", Zhang Wei replied. He then scanned all the people in the room and said, "All of you that are gathered here today had spent years in Kamar Taj just so you can achieve the coveted title of being a Master of the Mystics Arts. But not me! Being a master is nothing more than a stepping stone! I trained to achieve something far greater than being a skilled sorcerer"

Suddenly from out of nowhere, the Masters were attacked by multiple pieces of metal. Most of them were too late to react due to the metal coming from behind them. Some were lucky enough to survive due to quickly conjuring shields but they were already heavily wounded making them useless in battle. Kaecilius was fortunate enough to have been able to conjure a shield while only having a thigh injury.

"What the!?!"



After hitting the Masters the metals began to attack the Ancient One and her clones. The Ancient One could do nothing but to fall back while conjuring multiple shields to block the incoming attacks. It was because of this that Zhang Wei was able to be free himself from his current predicament.

"Unlike you people that are simply willing to train in the arts that are written here in Kamar Taj, I aspire to be something greater. I aspire to be a god!", Zhang Wei said as his body began to glow in a red form of dimensional energy that no one not even the Ancient One knew about. Everyone in the entirety of Kamar Taj immediately felt the burst of energy and their skin began to crawl, some even vomited on the spot because of it. The energy was dark, nauseating, cruel, and plainly sinister, it was something that no one should ever feel in their entire lives.

The Masters who were the direct receiver of the energy began to lose consciousness because of it. Only Kaecilius and the Ancient One remained conscious. Kaecilious had to use universal energy and his own life force just to remain conscious. But it was clear that he could not fight any longer, he was barely trying to open his eyes.

Zhang Wei then controls the metals to hover near him and he looks at the Ancient One and Kaecilius and says, "Very impressive. Too think that the two of you could remain conscious in my presence".

"..I..s...t...ha..t...th..e...me..tal...fr...om...the....Des...t..r.oy...er?....", Kaecilius asked in great struggle.

Zhang Wei just smiled and said, "You are in the presence of a god!!!". Zhang Wei then stretched out his arms and all the metal in the air began to latch onto him forming a unique armor matching his body type.

The ancient one narrowed her eyes and went towards Kaecilius and said, "I will take him in another dimension. If he continues to release this energy in the surroundings the barriers of Kamar Taj will likely break".

Kaecilius became shocked at this, he wanted to protest but found himself incapable of talking. The energy that Zhang Wie was releasing had continuously increased and he struggled just to keep his eyes open.

The Ancient One just smiled and said, "Take care of the order while I'm gone".

The Ancient One then attacks Zhang Wei by conjuring multiple battle fans and throwing them at him. Zhang Wei did not intend to dodge the attack. He wanted to make the Ancient One see that she is powerless compared to him. But then something happened that made him shocked. Before the battle fans could hit him, they expanded and opened a portal in front of his eyes. He could do nothing but be swallowed by it.

Before the Ancient One could make a portal to follow Zhang Wei, Kaecilius tried to grab her by her leg but he soon found himself losing consciousness and dropping to the floor.

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