Chapter 145: Sacrifice

"Ah! These creatures just keep coming", Peter said as he took cover behind a destroyed building. He then positioned himself and began firing his blasters to attack the creatures who seem to be the foot soldiers of the invasion force. With him were both Rocket and Drax. Rocket opted to use his jetpack and gun to engage the enemy but Drax was using his trusted daggers as he attacks the enemy head-on.

The creatures had leathery black and yellow skin. Most of them have four, clawed arms, although Peter had been able to kill some that have 6 arms. They had unique pair of pointed protrusions that spread out from their heads. They ran using both the legs and numerous arms. Their faces lack any visible eyes, and their mouths are equipped with two rows of razor-sharp teeth.

Suddenly one of these creatures was able to dodge all of Peter's attacks. It immediately jumps towards him to take a bite out of him. The creature did not carry any weapons with them. They were like wild animals that opted to used their body to kill their targets. Add that to the fact that they possess incredible strength, allowing one of these creatures near you would mean your death.

"BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG!", Luckily for Peter, Rocket was able to fire at the creature before it could maul him to death. But due to Peter being so close to the said creatures, blue-colored blood spattered all over him.

"Seriously! I just got this washed!", Peter stated.

As of right now, a massive invasion force had attacked the planet of Kitson and started slaughtering its inhabitants. After repairing the Milano, Peter, Rocket, and Drax remained on the ship while both Groot and Gamora got some supplies for their trip into space. It was during this moment when a huge ship descended from the sky.

At first, Peter thought nothing of it. Kitson was a unique planet. It is known throughout the whole galaxy as a planet where your perversion could be sated. It was where wanted criminals, outlaws, and even warlords travel to spend their time. It was because of this that an unspoken rule was established. Anyone could spend time in Kitson, just don't cause trouble.

Mr.Kitson the ruler of planet Kitson was known to be just a figurehead. Behind the scenes, he is subservient to a group of criminal organizations that team up together to protect their interest. The criminal organization was said to function similarly to that of The Confederacy. They made a group together in order to survive from the authorities wanting to capture them. Individually they were weak, together even Xandar would find it annoying to deal with them. One bug is easy to handle, but a swarm would be problematic.

"Come at me, you creatures! I will prove to you my might!", Drax said as he inserted one of his daggers towards the throat of one of the creatures.

Behind the group was the Milano, since the invasion started they had defended the ship and waited for Gamora and Groot to return.

"Why have I been a part of two invasions in less than one year! I'm telling you guys, someone in this group is bad luck. I vote that as Quill!", Rocket said as he took some grenades from his pocket and threw them at the incoming creatures.

"Real funny Rocket!", Quill replied as he activated his jet boots and took flight in the air.

"BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG!", he then began supporting Drax from above.

"Damn it! Their numbers keep increasing. We need to leave this planet now!", Rocket said as he maneuvered himself from incoming enemy attacks." How long till Gamura and Groot returns?!?", Rocket asked Quill.

"The heck would I know!", Quill replied as he went towards Drax's side and said, "Come on dude, don't charge the enemy alone. They're too many for you to handle".

"Ah!", Drax didn't register what Quill said, instead he did what Quill told him not to do. He began running towards the horde of enemy creatures and Quill had to reluctantly follow him so that he can prevent him from dying due to him being stupid.

As the three of them fought the horde of enemy forces, they became surprised when the creatures suddenly stop moving. They then fall back and formed a large circle with the Milano, Peter, Rocket, and Drax in the middle.

Quill scanned the surroundings and said, "I feel like something bad is going to happen".

"No shit!", Rocket added.

Suddenly the creatures began to make way for a huge figure to enter the circle, "Where is Gamora?", the tall creature said in a rough voice.

"How would I know?", Rocket stated as he made sure to aim his blaster at the alien in front of him.

Peter narrowed his eyes and said, "What do you want with Gamora?".

"Who are you?", Drax asked as he held his dagger tightly.

The huge figure did not reply, instead, he became annoyed at his question not being answered. A son of Thanos is not someone you disrespect. With a swing of his arm, his ax began to quickly extend and target Drax.


Drax was able to cross his daggers and use them to block the axe but the force was powerful enough that he was suddenly propelled a few feet away and the only reason why he wasn't propelled farther is because of him hitting the Milano.

Both Rocket and Peter immediately began firing at Cull Obsidian but their attacks became powerless when his ax transformed into a shield.


Seeing that the shield was too durable for it to be destroyed, Peter immediately controlled the blaster of his boots and flew behind Cull. Peter thought that attacking two sides would hurt the man in front of him. He only had one shield, so he is incapable of defending himself from attacks coming from two directions.


In truth, this strategy would have work. But Cull was tough enough to tank attacks coming from a blaster. He would use his shield to defend himself but it wasn't a necessary piece of equipment. Cull Obsidian has a body that was gifted with superhuman durability and heightened healing factor. So, ordinary weapons would mean nothing to him.

He purposefully allowed Peter to attack his opening. Once Peter began firing at him, he immediately controlled his weapon and change it back to an ax. With a speed that is unnatural for a figure of his size, Cull Obsidian immediately made a 180° turn and attacks Peter with his extended ax. But instead of it propelling Peter, Cull Obsidian made his ax latch onto Peter. And without losing any momentum, he quickly swings his arm and attacks Rocket with his extended ax while Peter was still latched into it, only releasing when the two hit each other.



Both Peter and Rocket landed not too far away but both of them were in real pain. Peter tried to stand up and this was the moment he saw Drax running towards Cull Obsidian to fight him in close combat.

"AH!", Drax shouted as he charges towards Cull.

Cull looks unamused at this. The moment Drax is in the range of his ax, he gave it a strong swing and aimed for Drax's midsection.

"AH!", the attack immediately paused Drax in his tracks. He rubs his stomach due to the pain but before he could fully recover, Cull swings his ax and deliver a chopping attack with it. Luckily for Drax, Cull's ax is a blunted weapon or he would have been beheaded. The attack did manage to knockout Drax completely out of the fight.

"Well...fuck", Peter stated.



Suddenly the creatures that were encircling them began to be attacked from their rear, Rocket looks in the direction where the skirmishes is happening and said, "It's Gamora and Groot!".

"They're finally here", Peter added. He looks at Rocket and said, "Get in the Milano. Get the ship ready. We need to hightail and run from this planet".

Rocket immediately did what he was told. He didn't want to die after all.

While the outriders were easily killed, Cull did nothing, he just watched as his troops died one by one. The outriders were creatures that would obey any order given to them even if it will lead to their deaths. Since he hasn't given them an order to retaliate, the outriders just stood there as they were slaughtered with great ease.

It didn't take long for the person he was sent to retrieved to appear in front of him.

"Gamora", Cull Obsidian said in a rough manner as he looks at his sister.

"Cull Obsidian", Gamora stated as she held her sword bloodied by the blood of the outriders she just killed. "What are you doing here?".

"Who is this guy?", Peter asked as he looks at Gamora.

Gamora glances at Peter and said, "He is a member of Thanos' Black Order".

"Father wants to see you", Cull stated.

Gamora narrowed his eyes and said, "He is not my father! I would rather die than return back to him!".

Peter then went towards Gamora's side and said, "We won't let Thanos have her!".

Cull looks at Gamora for a brief moment and said, "Fine then".

The team readied themselves to fight but then suddenly they saw something descending from the sky. After a few moments, it became visible to the group. Now they knew that the enemy in front of them was still holding back. Descending from the sky were 5 more ships containing enemy troops.

"I could still capture you while killing every single person in this lousy excuse of a planet or you will leave with me immediately and I will spare their puny lives", Cull stated as he looks at Gamora.

Gamora's resolve to fight began to quickly weaken when the ships began to open and she could hear the roars of the outriders that would continue slaughtering the people of the planet. It wasn't just the outriders that would be the problem. Out of the ship came numerous battle jets that took to the air and would block the Milano's path of escape. She realizes how grim the situation that they were in.

Gamora thought of all of her options and she knew what she had to do. Even if the inhabitants of the planet of Kitson weren't morality just people, she still didn't want their deaths to be because of her. She knew that even if she killed herself now, Cull would still slaughter everyone on the planet. She looks at Peter that was beside her and the thought of Peter and her new friends dying was something she didn't like.

No matter how much she hated it, she knew that surrendering to Cull now would stop this invasion. This prompted Gamora to slowly lower her sword and said to Cull, "Fine, you win".

"What!", Quill looks at Gamora. He immediately noticed the pained emotion her voice had when she agreed to Cull's proposal. Gamora is a strong-willed woman, a trait that she had to develop when she was still under Thanos' whims. Because of this, she would act tough on the outside but on the inside, she is in pain. He knew that Gamora hated the choice that Cull presented her with.

"No Gamora! We can---"

But before Peter could continue his sentence, Gamora sucker punches him in the head. The punch was strong enough that Peter was immediately knockout.

Before Quill could fall, Gamora catches him and gently place him on the ground. She looks at Cull and said, "As a member of the Black Order, you should stick to your word. Call back your troops".

Without even saying a word, the outsiders and the jets began to return to the ship they came from. Cull then walks towards Gamora and he punches her, causing her to lose consciousness.

Groot wanted to attack Cull but he was stopped when Rocket shouted through the Milano and said, "No Groot, don't!"

"I am Groot!"

With a pained look on Rocket's face, he said, "I know Groot, but we can't save her...She has decided this...."


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