CHAPTER 146: The Invasion of Chronyca-2

The ruler of the Chitauri known simply as 'The Other', approaches Thanos' floating Throne. The Other wore a dark cloak with an open-space and gold lines mask that covers the top of his face, only revealing his mouth.

"My liege, I come to report the statuses of the members of the Black Order", The Other said as he kneeled and bowed in front of Thanos.

Thanos who had his throne looking at the stars resulting in The Other bowing to his back, made his throne turn around. He eyed 'The Other' for a brief moment and said, "Speak".

"Corvus Glaive has reported that Eitri is nearly done in finishing the gauntlet. Proxima has reported that she has found a lead about the individual that made the Kree Empire admit defeat and is pursuing it as of this moment. About an hour ago, Cull Obsidian has reported that he has Gamora in his custody. While Ebony Maw will begin his invasion of Chronyca-2 soon", The Other said.

"I see", Thanos stated. At first, Thanos wanted to be the one to capture Gamora but due to him wanting to spectate the invasion of Chronyca-2, he decided to send one of his sons instead.

Thanos wasn't afraid of a challenge. He has been through many battles. Numerous individuals who see themselves as powerful beings were killed by his own hands. In the beginning, there were a lot of these fools who wishes to end his life, but none succeeded. After that, no one no longer had the courage to challenge him both out in the open and in the shadows. Until now, that is.

Knowing that the Chronicoms had been collecting information on him had made him quite interested. There was no way they would have the courage to fight him alone, they had to be working for someone else.

The Other then activated multiple holograms that gave him and Thanos a view of what is happening in the orbit of Chronyca-2.


In the bridge of his Q-ship, Ebony Maw could see the planet of Chronyca-2 in front of him. With him were multitudes of ships composed of Marauders, Outriders, Chitauri, Kree, Sakaarans, and Easik. Some of the captains with him were paid handsomely, others just wanted to curry favor from the Mad Titan. If it means getting a connection to Thanos, these captains would gladly attack a planet. Especially if the planet is not known for its weapons technology. He had a total of 42 ships with him. Each carrying troops of their own.

In most cases, to attack a single planet with this number of ships is way beyond than necessary. But Ebony was skeptical about that. The Chronicoms had stayed hidden in the shadows while collecting information about Thanos. He is certain that they would have prepared for Thanos to find out what they were doing. Ebony gathered these forces for one purpose, to figure out how powerful the enemy force truly is.

There is no doubt in his mind that the Chronicoms would not fight Thanos alone. With these numbers, Ebony wanted to find out if he could make the real leader of the enemy force reveal himself. If he won't then he would gladly destroy Chronyca-2 to the ground.

A high-ranking Chitauri soldier approaches Ebony Maw and asked, "Your orders, my lord?".

"Release the ballistic warheads. Let's see how powerful the defense system of this planet truly is", Ebony Maw replied.

Not long after the order was given, the Krees released the Balistic warheads they had in their possession, which has a combined total of 90 warheads. The warheads then quickly descended to the planet in front of them. Without any defense system, this total number of warheads would cause catastrophic damage to the planet and its inhabitants.


Suddenly multiple concentrated blue-color beams quickly intercepted the incoming warheads resulting in a fiery explosion to occur.


Every single warhead was destroyed the moment they entered the planet's atmosphere due to a chain reaction of explosions occurring in close proximity to one another.

"Hmmm...It seems the Chronicoms are more powerful than we give them credit for. But they would be a fool to think those beams could stop us", Ebony said to himself.

He looks at the Chitauri near him and said, "Order all the ships to descend into the planet. Tell them to release all the troops they have and make them scatter. There is no way that their defense system is fast enough to take us all-out. Once the Chronicoms defend system are busy handling the scattered ships, put 80% of the ship's power into the frontal shields and immediately descend".

Once the order was given, all the captains of their respected ships immediately did what they were told.

Chronyca-2's orbit soon began to be filled with multitudes of swarms of ships being released in the open. The smaller ships then quickly scattered and descended to the planet in front of them. And just as Ebony predicted, the numbers they had were just too much for the Chronicoms defense system to handle. Every single one of the captains that Ebony recruited did not care if they would have to sacrifice a few lives. Once their troops acted as a living shield for them, the larger ships immediately descended towards Chronyca-2.

Meanwhile, in the tallest building in the capital of Chronyca-2, Atarah could be seen watching the live feed of the enemy invading forces attacking her planet. The moment that their radars detected a large movement in their star system, she had ordered the entire planet to be in a battle-ready state. As of this moment, there were no Chronicoms that were scholars or anthropologists. The moment they had agreed to help Zero in stopping Thanos from his plan, she had ordered all the Chronicoms to be implanted with the knowledge to fight. Basically making all of them into hunters.

She knew that there was a possibility that Thanos would attack their planet in the future. In fact, during the first day of the alliance between Zero and the Chronicoms becoming official, she had used the time stream to predict the possibility of an invasion happening in her home planet.

In the past, the Chronicoms had never taken part in a large-scale war. If a battle were to happen, the Chronicoms would always send out a squad of hunters to deal with the mess. But that approach would mean nothing if you are fighting a horde of enemy forces.

That was why Atarah immediately began to manufacture weapons and increase the defense system of Chronyca-2. With the help of Zero, they were able to create weapons and warships that use the power of the Tesseract.

In fact, the laser beams that are currently in use to help thin out the numbers of enemy forces were given to them by Howard Stark.

"They are headed to where the laser beams are coming from", Enoch stated.

The enemy troops that survive descending on the planet immediately went to where the laser beams were coming from. They wanted to get rid of it so that more of their troops would enter the planet safely. Unbeknownst to them, the Chronicoms had seen this outcome.

With the energy coming from the tesseract, they were able to create ships that had better cloaking than any civilization in the galaxy. Once the enemy ships were in firing distance, the Chronicom pilots that were under cloak immediately revealed themselves and started killing the invaders.

The first wave of enemy forces was shocked, to say the least.

Suddenly a person appeared beside Atarah, she glances towards him and said, "I'm glad you are here, Zero".

Even though the Chronicoms had more weapons now than ever before, Atarah knew that they were still not that powerful. It hasn't been long since they had started developing and manufacturing weapons while the enemy in front of them had been doing it for who knows how long. Atarah knew that there was a chance of defeat that was the reason why she called Zero to help them.

"Don't worry it isn't just me. As of right now a fleet of Xandarian troops are headed this way to offer assistance. But they are too far away. It would take them a couple of hours to reach Chronyca-2", Zero replied.


The moment Ethan left the lighthouse, Zhang Wei knew of it. As of right now, he is in his astral form and he is floating at least 5 miles away from the lighthouse. From this distance, he could see an invisible barrier surrounding the said building. No doubt Ethan had made sure that his main base was kept in heavy security even without his presence. But Zhang Wei was undeterred by this. There was something inside the lighthouse that he needed and he would not be stopped easily.

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