
hmmmm...I'm not sure if you guys will like this chapter...but ENJOY!


"Last night during the Stark Expo of the Stark Industries, an extremely unfortunate event took place. Justin Hammer's drones went on a rampage causing the destruction of properties as well as the injuries and death of multiple individuals. Right now our team is still trying to get a hold of the total number of injured and fatalities. Because of this incident, the authorities had found out that Justin Hammer had been working with the felon Ivan Vanko, who was thought to be dead. Now, Justin Hammer is being detained---" Romanoff turned the television off and she looks at both Tony and Pepper Potts.

After the event that happened the previous night, the two individuals finally acknowledge the sexual tension that they had and officially started seeing each other.

"Natalie, glad to see that you're okay", Pepper said as she hugs Romanoff.

"Pepper, that not her real name", Tony said.

Romanoff smiled and introduced herself to Pepper, "My real name is Natasha Romanoff. I was tasked by SHIELD to shadow Tony when we knew that he was ill and possibly dying".

"Your dying?!", Pepper asked Tony with a concerned look on her face.

"Oh, that's yesterday's news. I--"

"Why didn't you tell me?", Pepper said with anger in her voice as she cuts Tony from explaining herself.

"I was going to but you were too pissed at me", Tony said defending himself.

"We have been together since last night but you haven't told me?!", Pepper said with anger in her voice.

"Great, look what you did. Not even 24 hours since we became official and we already have our first fight", Tony said to Romanoff.

With a smile on her face,  Romanoff said, "Miss Potts, as of today I will no longer be your assistant, and Tony, the Director will contact you soon". Romanoff soon left the room leaving behind an angry Pepper as she berates Tony for his actions.


In an expensive hotel room, a beautiful redhead can be seen stirring in her sleep due to the rays of the sun passing through the curtains and hitting her face. Eventually, she woke up and took a shower. With the sounds of water hitting the floor and her washing her body, a man went inside the room. With quiet steps like that of an assassin, the man reaches out and grabs the woman's waist, and turns her so that he could see the face of the beautiful woman.

With water flowing down her face, her beauty became even more alluring. Instead of the woman being afraid of the man, the woman was showing a loving expression with her eyes.

The woman is the beautiful redhead spy, Natasha Romanoff, while the man was the former Winter Soldier, Bucky Barnes.

"Where were you? I missed you in the night", Romanoff said as she gave a passionate kiss to Bucky.

"Ethan wanted me to do something in the Lighthouse. It took longer than expected", Bucky said as he caresses the face of Natasha.

"Well, you better make it up for me", Natasha said as she bit her lower lip.

"I intend to", Bucky replied. The two of their lips interlock with one another. As Bucky passionately grab the back of Romanoff's neck and with his other hand he squeezes Romanoff ass.

None of them wanted to shower anymore. They each wanted the other person there and now.

After Romanoff's first meeting with Ethan. She returned to Russia to try and investigate the backstory of her target basically to figure out why she was sent to kill them. After much digging, she realized that none of them had any connection to any organization that t would want to ruin her country. Instead, she learned that after each target died, someone would gain something.

For example, she had a target in the past who had a business partner. Upon the death of her target the business partner gain millions. This pattern continued throughout each of her kill list. A person would somehow profit from the death of her target. This made her suspicious, so she kidnapped one of the people who profited from her kills and she learned the ugly truth.

Her supervisor was selling her services to the highest bidder. Anyone willing to fork out the cash will gain her service, a fact she did not know. This made her angry, not even 24 hours after she learned of the truth, she killed her supervisor.

She was devasted, she had killed so many people all because she was too naive to see the truth. On the puddle of the blood of her supervisor, tears began to flow out of her eyes. She was broken, confused, she no longer knew what to do with her life. After crying her eyes out, she went to the tallest building that was near her and she looks from the edge of the building.

The building was probably more than 180 meters tall, a height that would surely kill her. She only thought that killing herself would solve the crimes she had committed, she thought that it would wash away her sins. So she gathered her courage and jump, or at least that was what she wanted but her feet would not move, they remained in place.

Her feet did not jump caused she didn't want to die, just like all the people she killed...just like them, she wanted to live. Once again she cried, stronger than ever before.

For the past few days, she remained in her safe house in Russia. She was engrossed in the memory of her training in the Red Room. How she was taught at a young age to become a killer. How she excelled at it, how she became number 1.  How she on the months before graduation learned that she was to be sterilized, just like every girl who ever went through the program. She remembered how she hated that idea, so she planned to slow her progress and eventually fail some of the exams on graduation.

Madame B, one of her supervisors, and her trainer saw through it all. So she captured her and force her to be sterilized against her will. She remembered a time of just feeling hollow back then. She remembered Ethan's offer, the man said he could give her what she wanted. She did not know if she could be a mother, someone like her who had blood dripping from her hands. But somehow everything was just like a blur and she packed her bags and went to the mysterious man, Ethan Carter.

She gained Ethan's trust and she eventually learned of something far greater than she could ever imagine. Ethan was preparing for war, not a war between countries and their borders but a war between planets and civilizations. She thought that if she helped him, her blood dripping hands would be clean. So she began working for him.

He tasked her to infiltrate SHIELD and she eventually became one of its best operatives. With the help of Agent Sitwell, she climbed to the ranks and became a trusted operative of the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nicholas J. Fury.

Along the way, she met one man, a man that just like her suffered through a lot.

Just like her, blood was dripping from his hands.

He understood her pain, she understood his.


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