CHAPTER 77: 0-8-4




"I need you to go to Albuquerque New Mexico", Fury said to one of his most trusted agents, Agent Coulson.

"What's there sir?", Coulson asked, based on the information that he can get on his clearance level, there was nothing important there.

"A possible 0-8-4", Fury said with seriousness in his voice.

With a shocked expression on his face, Coulson said, "Is that confirmed sir?".

"No, I want you to study and confirm it. You will be sent out first to find the exact location of the object", Fury stated.

"Who will be my assistant in the mission, Agent Sitwell?", Coulson asked.

"No, Sitwell is currently in Greenland, it is uncertain if the mission that he will have there will be long or not. Instead, I will be sending in Agent Felix Blake as your right-hand man, he will gather all the necessary personnel for you and you will meet up in New Mexico", Fury said.

"Ok, sir", Coulson said as he left Fury's office in the Triskelion.

The moment Coulson left, Fury was in deep thought. An 0-8-4 is a term used by S.H.I.E.L.D. to denote an object of unknown origin. Depending on the situation, either a small or large group of agents are sent to determine what the 0-8-4 is, and how it could be used.

Agents need to be extremely careful when dealing with a possible 0-8-4, cause they won't know if its dangerous or harmless.

Eventually, Fury sighed and called Agent Felix to discuss his mission.


"Sir, General Ross had canceled most of his meetings for the month and he has scheduled a flight to Fort Johnson-Everglades. He has also tasked the commanding officer of the base to gather a specialized team. The commanding officer also called in a favor from the Special Operations Command of the British Royal Marines. Based on their call logs the British plan to send in Emil Blonsky", Alfred said through the speakers.

Ethan who was busy absorbing extremely small amounts of power from the Tesseract due to his previous mistake of taking in too much all at once opened his eyes. He stood up and left the room and went to the command center of the base.

"Alfred, call Grant Ward and Bucky Barnes. Tell him I have a mission for them", Ethan said to Alfred.

"Of course, sir"

After a while, the image of three people appeared on screen, Grant who had a black suit on, and Bucky who happens to be in bed with Natasha Romanoff resting on his bare chest.

"Wrong timing  Ethan, can't you see me and Romanoff are having our time together", Bucky said as he gentle stoke Romanoff's hair.

"Hello, Ethan", Romanoff said as she looks at the screen.

"Why did you call us sir?", Grant asked.

"General Ross has found the location of Dr. Banner in Brazil. I want you to shadow the doctor but make sure you are not seen. You can use the phantoms if the situation is necessary for it", Ethan said.

"Roger that", Grant said as he turned off his screen. Both Romanoff and Bucky soon followed.

"I felt a fluctuation in space a while ago, did something happened in New Mexico?", Ethan asked Alfred.

"Yes sir, there was a massive energy reading due to 50 miles northwest in a small town of Albuquerque in New Mexico. It didn't last long, sir", Alfred said.

"I see", Ethan said. He took a specially made briefcase and went to the room where he kept the Tesseract. He held the Tesseract in his hand and he said," Will see each other in a  year or two".Ethan then places the Tesseract on the briefcase.


Agent Coulson is on his way to New Mexico, he stops in a refueling station to get gas and some snacks for the road. He entered the store beside the gas station and went to the back to find some donuts. In front of him were two different kinds of donuts; powdered donuts and frosted donuts. He was unsure of what to choose when suddenly he heard the sound of a loaded shotgun.


Due to him being in the back and being covered by rows of merchandise the robbers did not see him. The two robbers pointed their guns at the only worker in the store.

Coulson was able to see the two robbers due to the reflection of a mirror that was on the back of the store.

"Don't move or I'll blow your head off!", one of the robbers said to the scared female clerk.

"Who else is here? Who owns that car outside!?". The robbers were referring to the car of Agent Coulson.

"I do", Coulson said as he showed himself to the two robbers. One of the two robbers immediately pointed his shotgun at him.

"But it's really more like a lease", Coulson explained.

"Toss the keys over here. Come on!", one of the thieves said to Coulson.

"Okay, okay", Coulson said as he gave his key. After they took his key, the two robbers pointed their gun at the store clerk once again, they thought that Coulson was not a threat to them, so they let him be.

"Empty the cash register. Start filling this bag with cigarettes--", one of the robbers said to the clerk.

"Excuse me, I also have this gun. You'll probably be needing that", Coulson said as he held his gun with the intention to give it to the two robbers.

The two robbers were shocked, to say the least. They immediately pointed both of their guns at Agent Coulson.



The two robbers had sweat dripping from their forehead as they did not consider that someone in the store would have a gun with them.

"Okay, I don't want any trouble". Throughout this entire thing, Agent Coulson had been nonchalant about everything.

"Toss the piece over here then", the robber demanded.

"I prefer not to throw it and risk the gun accidentally going off. Maybe I could slide it over?", Coulson said.

"Yes. Slide it over to my feet. Don't try anything funny", the robber replied.

"Okay. I'm just gonna move over to this aisle", Coulson said as he moves to another aisle of merchandise, the robber never letting him out of his sight.

"I'm gonna slide it over to you. Okay", Coulson said as he slid the gun on the floor. The moment the gun was near the foot of the robber, the robber's eyesight was not on Coulson. Coulson used this chance to get a bag of flour in one of the aisles and throw it at the other robber's face, causing him to temporarily lose his eyesight.

With quick movements, Coulson ran and jumps towards one of the robbers who was on his knees to get the gun that was on the floor. Coulson steps on the shotgun and this changed the trajectory of the gun causing it to aim at the robber's foot. The robber who was shocked at what happened accidentally fired his gun on his own foot.  Coulson took one of the robber's shotgun and used it as a literal bat to beat the daylights out of the two unsuccessful robbers, the two of them eventually lost their consciousness and fell on the floor.

He then placed the gun on the clerk's counter, as well as one pack of powdered donuts and one pack of frosted donuts.

"Sorry for the mess", Coulson said as he paid for his donuts.

The clerk was still in a state of shock that Coulson eventually just told her to keep the change and left the store. He finishes filling his car with gas and continued to travel to New Mexico.

Early in the next morning, he found a gigantic crater in the deserts of New Mexico. Near the crater were multiple people who wanted to look at what was in the middle of it, eventually, crowds began to form.

Coulson took out his phone and said, "Sir, I found it".


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