"Who are you?", a woman said with fear in her eyes as she looks around her surroundings to try and escape but everything around her was like that of a mirror, she didn't know what the other man did, but in one second she and her husband were in the living room and in the next moment her husband was dead and she was alone in this mirror-like world.

Both she and her husband were scientists that were making something that would have revolutionized the scientific world. The two of them were about to make a device that would have made matter out of nothing, something that was thought to be impossible. If they were successful then their names will be forever be written in the history books, surpassing the likes of Einstein and Tony Stark themselves.

The initial testing showed promising results, this made the couple happy and they returned home early to celebrate but the moment they arrived at their home they found two people in their house. They threatened to call the cops but one of the two individuals killed her husband in front of her eyes.

What shocked her and even her husband before he died was the thing that the man used to kill him. Out in the man's hand came a transparent spear and he threw it at her husband's chest, killing him shortly afterward.

"Please, don't hurt me? I'll do anything", the woman said with tears in her eyes, she drops to her knees and begs the two individuals in front of her.

"tsk. Annoying", one of the men said as he took a bottle of wine from the couple's wine shelves and began drinking it.

"Come now, Conner. We're nearly done here", the other man said.

"Zhang, hurry it up. Stop showing off your powers", Conner said annoyed at both the woman that was begging on the floor and his colleague who was taking too long to get the information from her.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that Conner! You need me more than I need you", Zhang Wei said to Conner.

Zhang Wei is a Chinese man with a lanky build and average looks. The man was currently wearing an attire that most people in Kamar Taj would wear.

"Tsk." Conner replied with a glare.

Zhang Wei turned his attention back to the woman on the floor and he held her by the throat causing the woman to stand up and he said to her, "Where is the book?".

"I don't know what you are talking about", the woman said with tears in her eyes.

"Wrong answer", the man said as he punches her stomach.

"AH!", the woman cried in pain.

"Please...please..don't hurt me", the woman begged again.

"Where is the book?", Zhang Wei asked the woman once again.

The woman did not answer but just begs the man not to hurt her again and not to kill her. The woman's answered caused the man to have a crazed grin on his face as he threw the woman on the other side of the room. Zhang Wei began to make mirror-like balls in his hand and he was about to throw it when Conner spoke and said to him, "I'm fine with torture but that will take too long".

Conner went towards the woman and he touches her, after that he found himself a seat and continued drinking his wine.

"What did you do to her?", Zhang Wei asked Conner.

"I increased her sensitivity to pain. This will be a lot quicker", Conner replied.

Zhang Wei threw one mirror ball at the woman and she screamed so hard that they were lucky that they were in the mirror dimension due to her scream being so loud that they were both sure that people up to 3 blocks away would have been able to hear it.

"I'll tell you, I'll tell you", the woman finally said after she felt so much pain due to her senses being in overdrive. After telling them what they wanted to know, Zhang Wei killed her.

After 30 minutes, both Zhang Wei and Conner eventually found what they were searching for in one of the hidden compartments in the couple's home. The book of spells, the book of infinite knowledge, The Darkhold.

"Finally", Zhang Wei said as he took the book in his hand with unbridled joy on his face.

With this book, Zhang Wei can achieve the thing that he wanted most, he can finally fulfill the reason why he wanted to become a Master of the Mystics Arts in the first place.

Seeing Zhang Wei's reaction, Conner said to him, "Don't you forget about our deal".

"Of course, I always keep my word. You will see Kora once again", Zhang Wie replied.

Hearing this Conner nodded his head.

Zhang Wei went to the body of the dead couple and opened a portal and he placed their corpses in the mouth of an open and active volcano, this caused their bodies to burst into flames living nothing behind.

After that was done, Zhang Wie opened a portal so that Conner and him can escape without being seen.

Due to the couple being killed in the mirror dimension, no blood or signs of damage was found in their house when the cops checked it a few days later.  This perplex the cops cause they actually found CCTV footage of the couple returning home but no actual footage of them leaving their house. After a thorough investigation was done the cops eventually just place the two couples on the Missing Person list.

Due to the couple; Joseph Bauer and Lucy Bauer being missing, their research in Momentum Labs was eventually shot down.


"AIM FOR THE HEAD YOU STUPID ASGARDIAN", Zero said as he reprimanded the Prince of Asgard that was in front of him.

"Damn it MORTAL", Thor screamed as he charged at the man that was wearing a ripple pattern masked and cloak that had a red cloud design.

Throughout the entire encounter, Jane Foster was on the sidelines equally both perplex and shock by what she was seeing.


Zhang Wie - an OC  I made (outside character)

Conner- OC I made (outside character)



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