A few hours ago:

Coulson's sighed with disappointment. He thought that he was about to solve the mystery of the hammer, he then ordered the agents to capture the blonde man and have him detained in an isolated room. The moment that the blonde man was detained the rain and thunderstorm ceded and eventually ended.

Coulson was about to interrogate the blonde man when was he saw the figure of Zero, wearing his signature look.

"Zero", Coulson said with seriousness in his voice. Coulson looks at his surroundings and he realized something was odd. He was still in the hallway going to the isolation room which means Zero was in the view of multiple agents, as well as cameras pointing to the said room, but even with that fact, Zero was still not raising alarms in the base. It was like he was the only person that can see Zero.

"Why are you here?", Coulson asked.

"I told you we will see each other amidst thunder and rain, but I guess I was a little late cause it already stopped, my bad", Zero said with sarcasm in his voice.

Coulson didn't respond and remained quiet and just looks straight into the eyes of the masked man. He knows a person like him would not show himself for something insignificant, a person like Zero would only appear when it aligns to his agenda, an agenda that perhaps even Director Fury does not know about.

"How many times has the quiet treatment work for you?", Zero asked.

"Quite a few actually", Coulson said with a smile.

"Don't worry Agent Coulson, just like last time, I come bringing a gift", Zero said as he tosses Coulson a briefcase.

Coulson subconsciously caught the briefcase and had a look of bewilderment on his face and asked Zero, "What is in this?".

"Something I took from Fury a couple of years back. Tell him that he can have it, for a while", Zero said as he soon vanishes from where he was standing.

Coulson with the briefcase in hand just wondered how the man was doing that.

Not long after Zero's appearance and disappearance, Thor was released due to the involvement of Dr.Selvig, but Thor was mostly released due to Agent Coulson's permission, be it with S.H.I.E.L.D. agents following tailing them.


I had been shadowing Thor since the first time he arrived on earth, and the moment I was in close proximity to him, I felt a sort of hidden power from him. I automatically went to my sage mode to analyze the energy that was radiating from him, then I saw it, the primal energy that seems to channel through the void, it was constantly flashing like lighting and rumbling like thunder.

As a Cosmic Sage, I could see that the energy was channeled through him, and the energy did not originate from him. Perhaps this is what The Valkyrie meant when she said that Thor gets his power from Asgard, it was perhaps a constant link between the two. But as of right now I could see that the link was somewhat narrowed, this might be what Odin did to him to remove his powers.

Another ability I learned as a cosmic sage is an ability that allows me to manipulate space, this probably because I was absorbing energy from the Tesseract. Anyway, with this ability, I was able to show myself in front of Agent Coulson by isolating him in another dimension. Before I did that I had placed the guards on genjutsu and had Alfred screw with their cameras, just as a precaution.

Right now both Thor and Jane Foster were just finished talking and the two of them decided to sleep under the night sky.

I appeared near the two of them and with Thor's battle sense that was honed since he was a child, he immediately senses an intruder and he immediately stood up and subconsciously prepared a stance that was ingrained in him since he was young.

His battle instructor would have been proud, but I didn't even hide the fact that I appeared near him. If I did, then I bet he wouldn't be able to sense me at all.

"Who are you?", Thor asked as he slowly took a few steps back to wake up Jane Foster from her sleep. I let him do it, besides I was here to teach the man an important lesson. A lesson that perhaps may come in handy.

"Wake up Jane. Jane, wake up", Thor said to the sleeping Jane, but Thor's eyesight never left me even for one second.

"What--AH!", Jane woke up and she was immediately scared when she saw a man that was wearing a ripple pattern masked and a cloak that had a red cloud design on it.

"Who are you?!", Jane asked as she stood up from where she slept.

"I am Zero and I did not come here as an enemy, Prince Thor. In fact, I came here so that I will give you an extremely valuable lesson, a lesson that you will be thankful for in the future", I said to the Asgardian.

"What are you talking about?", Thor responded to the mysterious intruder.

I took a scroll out and I summoned what was stored inside of it, it was an ax and I threw it to the Asgardian in front of me. Thor subconsciously caught the ax that was thrown at him with a confused expression on his face.

"What the?", Thor said as he alternates his eyesight from me and the ax that he was holding.

"You will now learn a valuable lesson Prince Thor, and please, after this session, please for the sake of half the universe, please do not forget this lesson", I said sarcastically as I took out my blade from my cloak.

"What is going on?!", Jane said with both a confused and scared expression on her face.

Seeing me taking out my sword, Thor held the ax tightly in his hand and prepared himself for a fight.

"Here I go", I said as I charged at the Asgardian in front of me, I made sure to maintain my speed at the level that he could react on, this was a lesson, not a beatdown.

Thor with his years of battle experience was able to react to all my attacks but one thing was clear, he wasn't aiming for my head. True, in any close-quarters combat aiming for the head is not something you do, due to the fact that it's actually hard to hit it with your weapon, most warriors would rather aim for the body, which is a larger target, which is far easier to deal a serious injury to.

Thor swings his ax at me, something which I easily deflected, now with my free hand I place my palm in front of him and channeled a small amount of wind chakra and hit him with it.

"Ah!", Thor said as he was thrown a few meters away from me.

"Aim for the head, you stupid Asgardian. That is the lesson that I will give to you", Zero said as he reprimanded the Prince of Asgard that was in front of him.

"Damn it MORTAL", Thor screamed as he charged at Zero.

Throughout the entire encounter, Jane Foster was on the sidelines equally both perplex and shock by what she was seeing.

Throughout the fight Thor slowly changes the trajectory of his attack, instead of aiming for my body, he would occasionally swing the ax at my head to decapitate me. Mostly because I kept on mentioning that in our fight, he obviously got annoyed that he decided to oblige to my request and started aiming for my head. Once, he did that for nearly one hour straight I ended the short fight and kept a few meters from him. I stored my sword and said to him, "Nicely done".

"Why? Why go through all this trouble to teach me something like this", Thor asked with heavy breathing.

"Just a precaution. You'll never know if that knowledge will be handy in the future", I said as I disappeared in a puff of smoke.

I appeared in one of the top buildings in the town and I could see one of my clones having headphones on listening and dancing to music, and on the floor were 2 S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, both were currently knockout. These agents were the one's task to watch after Thor when Coulson ordered for him to be released.

I wanted to destroy the clone when I suddenly got a call from Ward, due to this the clone had a short while of relaxation.

"Hello, Grant any updates?", I said on the line.

"Nothing much, aside from Banner transforming into the Hulk and killing a few civilians as well as some American soldiers, aside from that everything is fine", Grant said sarcastically.

"Keep me posted", I said to him.

"Yes, sir", he said as he ended the call.

I once again look at my clone and wondered, 'where did he even get a headphone?", and then I destroyed him.


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