I teleported myself back into town and I could see that my clone had already done a wonderful job. The town was mostly deserted now, only Thor and his friends, as well as Jane and her friend, remained. I could see the confused looks on their individual faces. They were certainly wondering where the other people of the town went.

Suddenly I got the memories from one of my clones, the one who was responsible for teleporting the inhabitants of the town. It seems after teleported all of them, my clone decided to destroy itself so that I will know what happened.

All the townspeople were clueless about what happened. They were just minding their own business and in the next moment, they were already teleported a mile out of town.

Just thinking of the amounts of conspiracy theories this will generate is making me smile.

I appeared behind Thor's group and said, "Hey, you have a visitor".

Thor was shocked when he heard someone talking behind them, while the other Asgardians immediately unsheathe their blades and were prepared to fight if they classify me as an opponent.

"What happened to the people of this place?", Thor asked me.

"I took care of it", I responded as I look at the slowly approaching Destroyer.

"Can you help us?", Thor asked.

"No", I responded plainly.

"I saw you disappear in front of my eyes. There must be something that you can do? We can't just let that thing run amok", Jane said to me as she pointed at the incoming Destroyer.

"That's not my problem", I said to her. I look at Thor and said, "It's yours".

Thor immediately understood what I meant but he was reluctant to act. He was a mortal now, he could only fight multiple humans, not something in the caliber of the Destroyer.




The Destroyer was only a few dozen meters away from us and it was continually firing his laser beams at the surroundings to cause destruction.

"Will handle it", Lady Sif said as she pointed her sword in front of the Destroyer.

"Will defeat that stupid thing and bring you back to Asgard, Thor", Volstagg said as he readied his Ax for battle.

"HAHAHAHA, let us fight then", Fandral exclaim.

"My friends do---", Thor wanted to continue talking but Hogun placed his hand on his shoulder and said to him with earnest, "Don't stop us Thor. What are friends for?".

"Let's go", Volstagg said as he charges at the destroyer with his ax. Sif and the other members of the Warrior 3 also quickly followed after the bearded man and together they tried to destroy the Destroyer. Emphasize in the word, 'tried'.

"You know that they cannot win", I said, causing Thor and Jane's group to look at me.

Not long after I said that the figure of Volstagg was seen flying in the air due to a hit he received from the Destroyer. Poor man, he was easily defeated.

"Why won't you help them?", Jane foster said as she grabs my cloak with anger.

"I said it already, it is not my place to intervene", I said to her. I looked at Thor and said to him, "Will you let them die? You know that the only reason that the Destroyer is here in the first place is because of you. Loki wants to kill you. Now decide son of Odin, will you fight even if it means death or will you cower in the excuse of being a mortal".

Thor didn't even hesitate as he ran towards Sif and said to her, "Sif, you have done all you can".

"No! I will die a warrior's death. Stories will be told of this day--",

" Live and tell those stories yourself", Thor said as she cuts off Sif from continuing her sentence.

Sif reluctantly nodded. The two of them saw a laser beam going straight at them and at the last moment both of them were able to dodge it. Thor spots Volstagg lying unconscious, with Hogun and Fandral lying nearby. Thor makes his way towards them. Volstagg is barely breathing. Thor tries to pull him to safety, but it's no use. He won't budge. He rouses Hogun and Fandral and together the two men tried to carry Volstagg to safety.

"You need to go to Asgard and try to stop Loki", Thor said to the warrior 3.

"But what about you?", Fandral asked Thor.

"Don't worry my friends, I have a plan", Thor replied.

The Warrior 3 has complete trust in Thor and just nodded and left to go to Asgard, while Thor slowly approaches the Destroyer.

"Brother... for whatever I have done to wrong you, whatever I have done to lead you to do this, I am sorry. But these people have done nothing to you. They are innocents. So, take mine and end this" Thor said to the Destroyer. Thor knew that Loki would be able to hear his plea and he was betting that Loki will not kill his friends, both old and new.

He was hoping that with his death Loki will be please and leave Earth after killing him.

For a while, it seems that the Destroyer was hesitating and would walk away but in an instant, he swatted Thor with incredible force that the mortal Asgardian was thrown a few meters away.

"No!", Jane screams as she ran towards the dying Prince of Asgard.

"It's over. You're safe", Thor said. Even in death, the man was smiling.

"No, it's not over", Jane responded with tears forming in her eyes.

"It's over", Thor said for the last time as he closes his eyes.

"No. No. NO!", Jane Foster said as she saw the man who she barely knew but loved, die in front of her.

"He is worthy", I commented as I saw a hammer going straight towards Thor. The Warrior 3 and Sif immediately saw it and their sadness was replaced with joy. For like me, they knew what that meant.

Not long after, Thor regained consciousness and his body began to be engulfed with high amounts of electricity as his powers returned to him.

"Oh.my.god.", Jane said as she was shocked at what she was seeing, Darcy and Dr. Selvig were also wide-eyed at Thor's transformation.

Out in the lighting came A Mighty Thor, clad in his full battle armor, holding Mjolnir in his hand --the God of Thunder once more.

"Took you a while", I said as I saw the Destroyer firing its laser beams at Thor but it was for naught. In full power, Thor was a different beast something that the Destroyer could not hope to match.


With Thor wielding his mighty hammer in hand, he easily defeated the Destroyer. Jane Foster, Sif, and the Warrior 3 immediately went towards him to celebrate in defeating it but their celebration was cut short when S.H.I.E.L.D. arrived.

"You haven't been honest with me Donald", Coulson said to Thor as he uses the alias that Dr.Selvig had given Thor.

"Know this, Son of Coul. You and I, we fight for the same cause, the protection of this world. From this moment you can count me as your ally, if you return all of Jane's equipment", Thor responded

Because of this event, Coulson agreed in returning all the equipment that S.H.I.E.L.D. had taken a day prior.

Soon Jane, Sif, The Warrior 3, Dr. Selvig, and Darcy all went to the Bifrost site. Leaving me and the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents in town.

I walk towards the fallen Destroyer and the moment that I touch it, I saw S.H.I.E.L.D agents pointing their guns at me.

"Please don't tamper with the evidence. This is now under the investigation of the United States of America and of S.H.I.E.L.D.", Coulson said as he looks at me. He wanted to make an excuse to keep the Destroyer in S.H.I.E.L.D. property. Too bad for him, I don't follow that rule.

"hahahahahahah. You make me laugh, Agent Coulson", I said as I teleported the Destroyer out of town. I then stored it in a seal and made another clone of myself.

"I need you to check if the Bifrost will still be broken", I said to my clone.

If Thor doesn't return within the day it means that the Bifrost is broken just like in canon. My clone nodded and soon left.


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