CHAPTER 83: Medical Award


To be honest, I made this story wanting to make a crossover between MCU and some other TV show.

The reason for this was that the TV show will help me give an ending to his family members' story (OR SOMETHING ALONG THAT LINE).

I didn't have any plan to include his family in the happenings of the MCU, but I also didn't want them to be never mentioned again.

That's why on occasion I will be writing chapters for the happenings of his family, this one was focus on John.



"You need to finish signing these papers before you can leave, Ethan", Stella said as she handed me a pile of documents.

"Seriously, If you give me more documents to look into and sign, then I will be late for my brother's award ceremony, and it will be your fault Stella", Ethan said to Stella in a dejected manner.

"We are in your private jet. You can't go anywhere. Now continue looking at those documents and stop whining", Stella said as she reprimanded the C.E.O of the company and her boss for being lazy.

"Ouch, Stella you hurt my heart. I thought we were friends", Ethan replied sarcastically.

"ha.ha.ha.ha.ha.ha. Nice acting sir", Stella replied with a deadpan expression.

"Your no fun, you know that", Ethan said.

Stella replied with a smile on her face.

It has been a couple of weeks after the incident in New Mexico and just like the movie Thor didn't return to Earth due to the Bifrost being broken.

Right now, Ethan was headed to Seatle, his brother John had won a prestigious award in the field of medicine.

For the past couple of years, when John was just a Medical Intern, he had wanted to do research about cancer. Ethan obliged his brother and allowed him total access plus an unlimited budget for his research sponsored by The Umbrella Corporation. With the latest tech that the company could offer plus the near-endless supply of funds that were at his disposal, John began working on his research as well as being a doctor.

He did both his research and his requirements to become a doctor until one year before he would become an attending, John's research bear fruit, he was able to create the first monoclonal antibody that blocks nerve cell degradation.

His research paper was immediately published and not long after, he was going to be awarded the Harper Avery Award, a prestigious award that was only given to doctors that had made a great contribution to the field of medicine. An award that Ethan was sure that he had heard somewhere before but he just couldn't remember where exactly he had heard it from.

Anyway, in truth, Ethan could just teleport directly in Seatle but he needed to be seen in the airport where the rest of his family were to meet up with him. So, he decided to do it himself and not have a clone substitute for him.

Besides, because of their busy schedule, the members of the Carter Family only get to meet at Christmas, and Grandma Carter due to her old age has been very vocal at not being able to see her grandchildren often. She was also telling all three of her grandson her displeasure with them about not giving her great-grandkids, a displeasure that Ethan and his two brothers had just ignored.

"Please fasten your seatbelts. We will be landing soon", The pilot said through the speakers, and all the passengers obliged.

The moment Ethan arrived at the airport, he saw his family waiting for me near a limousine in the Runways of the airport. He told Stella that she could return home using the plane and the woman just smiled and practically pushed Ethan off the plane, Ethan just laughs at this.

Ethan greeted his family and asked them, "Where is John?".

"He said that he couldn't meet us at the airport. He will be meeting us in the venue of the awarding ceremony", Ethan's mother said.

"Let's go before we're late", Ethan's father said which prompted all of them to enter the limo.

"So, Ethan dear, any girl your seeing", Grandma Carter asked Ethan. On the side, Ethan's mother was also paying attention to the answer that his eldest son would give.

"Not in particular", Ethan responded but he really wanted to joke about the woman that he was dreaming about nearly every night.

How funny would it be to tell his parents that he was dreaming of a woman that calls herself the goddess of death and her kill count would make the most famous killers small-time in comparison to her. Ethan found this hilarious to be honest. He wonders if her grandmother would have a heart attack because of this, even if they would consider it just a joke, the thought just made Ethan smile.

"You are already nearly 40 years old dear. It's time to get babies out into the world", Grandma Carter said as she reprimanded her grandson.

"Come on grandma, look at William he still isn't married. Why is it always me?", Ethan stated as he threw his younger brother under the bus.

"Damn it, Ethan", William said to his brother.

"Yes, young man. You should stop sleeping around and get us grandkids, and in the case of your grandmother, great-grandkids", This time it was their mother that started reprimanded the two brothers. While their father just drank some champagne and watch the show that was happening in front of him. He found it incredibly entertaining to watch.

"Come on mon, grandma, can we not have this conversation and just celebrate John's achievement tonight. I don't want to talk about my love life or lack thereof of it", Ethan stated to the two females in the limo.

"I don't want to die like Bernard and not see my great-grandchildren", Grandma said which cause the mood to sour inside the limo.

Bernard died 5 years ago, Ethan had been able to prolong his life for a while but he decided to let the man pass to the next life cause Bernard said that he was ready to die, it was just something Bernard commented on, in a casual conversation in fact. And he also said that he had lived a long and wonderful life, and he wondered why he was still alive.

Bernard said that in a humorous tone but the man was clearly being honest.

Up to the point, Ethan had been giving Bernard some life force without him noticing, that was basically the reason why the man could live pass 90 years old.

"Mom, let's not talk about that and let just be happy for John", Ethan's father said as he tried to salvage the mood. Grandma nodded and acknowledge her mistake but the damage was done. No one was in the mood to continue talking and we just spent the entire time traveling in relative silence.

We soon arrived at the venue where the ceremony was going to be held and we immediately saw John coming towards us. We all tried to get rid of the sour mood and just tried to be there for John. It is his big day after all.

"Congratulations brother", Ethan said as he hugs his younger brother.

"I could not have done it without you brother", John replied.

"Don't mention it, John", Ethan responded. But before they entered the venue John introduced a woman to them, someone that Ethan finds to be incredibly familiar but he could not remember where he saw the woman from.

"Guys, this is my girlfriend, Dr. April Kepner. We work in the same hospital here in Seatle" John said as he introduced a beautiful woman with red hair.

The family welcomed her but there were two people that were in deep thought. One was Grandma Carter, she hopes that this girl will make her have great-grandkids to spoil. The second was Ethan, Ethan now remembered who the woman was. It was Dr. April Kepner, she was part of the TV show Grey's Anatomy and he now also remembered where he heard the award named, 'Harper Avery Award. It was also part of the show.

'The fuck is this shit', Ethan thought but he still greeted Dr. Kepner warmly, and together all of them entered the venue.

They watch as Dr. John Carter accepts his award and listened as he gave his speech, aside from Ethan that is.

Ethan remembers all the near-death events of the hospital that the main cast in Grey's Anatomy was subjected to and he was already planning to try and prevent them from happening.

'I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE THIS', Ethan thought as he watches his brother on stage.


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