Inside the Lighthouse, Ethan could be seen intently looking at one of the screens in the command center. On the screen were the images of the various doctors that he could remember that were seen in the TV show, 'Grey's Anatomy'.

After the award ceremony that his entire family had attended on behalf of John, Ethan decided that the best way to help his brother survive working in Seatle Grace Hospital is to buy the entire thing. His lawyers were already getting the papers ready and he was hellbent on securing the ownership of the hospital. Ethan doesn't even care if he will pay a premium for that hospital, he only cares about helping his younger brother.

'I'm pretty sure he's gonna be mad', Ethan thought to himself. By buying the hospital that his brother was working at, this would make John his employee. This would eventually make John angry at him, thinking about this made Ethan sigh.

"I'll handle that mess when I get there, I guess", Ethan said out loud as he saved the file that was on his screen.

"Sir, Agent Sitwell is on the line", Alfred said through the speakers.

"Okay, put him in", Ethan responded. The image of his screen was then replaced with the face of Agent Sitwell.

"Back from Greenland, I see", Ethan said to Agent Sitwell.

"Yes sir, besides I like the warm weather better. That place was freezing", Sitwell responded.

"How's Captain America"

"His fine sir. All his vitals are normal. S.H.I.E.L.D. expect him to wake up any time now"

"Why did you call me? I didn't recall any schedule for debriefing", Ethan asked.

"It's about Blonsky, sir. I'm about to have a meeting with Agent Coulson today. Hydra with the use of The World Security Council is pushing for his participation in the Avenger's Initiative. I figured that you might be interested in this news sir "

Ethan didn't change anything in the event between Blonsky and Banner, but he did assign Grant and Bucky to keep a close watch on the man. There battle at Harlem for example, due to the involvement of both individuals this resulted in a lesser number of civilian casualties. 

"I'm guessing that Fury doesn't want him?"

"Yes, sir", Sitwell responded.

"....Any idea where Blonsky will be detained for the time being?"

"A S.H.I.E.L.D. based in Alaska is currently being made for that purpose"

"Get me the layout of that based, and whatever the outcome of that meeting it won't matter. I'll send Bucky to get the Abomination off of S.H.I.E.L.D. hands anyway", Ethan said to Sitwell.

"Okay sir", Sitwell responded to Ethan.

Ethan soon ended the call caused he needed to go to Kamar Taj and check on 'The Destroyer'.


"Good Morning Kaecilius", Ethan said as he saw Kaecilius supervising the day's training for the apprentices.

"Likewise to you too, Ethan", Kaecilius responded.

"A new batch?", Ethan said as he wasn't able to recognize most of the apprentices that Kaecilius was supervising.

"Yes actually. Anyway, I would like to ask if it would be okay to bring one of my best students to see 'The Destroyer'", Kaecilius said.

Ethan thought for a while and he said, "I don't mind really, go get him. I'll wait here".

After taking the Destroyer from New Mexico, Ethan decided to bring the Destroyer inside of Kamar Taj. He wanted to study it along with the Ancient One. Ethan knew that 'The Destroyer' was using the Odin Force to power itself but aside from that he had no idea. Ethan was hoping that perhaps the Ancient One has some idea in utilizing the armor.

Ethan stayed in the training ground and waited for Kaecilius to return. After a few minutes of waiting, Kaecilius returned with a young Chinese man with him.

"Ethan, I would like to introduce you to one of my best students, Zhang Wei", Kaecilius said as he introduced the man that was with him. "If things don't change, then he will graduate next year and he will become an official Master of the Mystic Arts", Kaecilius added.

"Nice to meet you, Zhang Wie, I'm Ethan Carter", Ethan said as he shook the young man's hand.

"Nice to finally meet you, Ethan. I have seen you here in Kamar Taj but this is the first time that the two of us talk", Zhang Wei responded.

"So, you want to see the Destroyer, huh?", Ethan asked Zhang Wei.

"My focus as an apprentice are runes and enchantment. I would really like to see up close what Asgardians runes and enchantment looks like", Zhang Wei said with enthusiasm.

"Of course, I see no problem in that", Ethan said as he ushered them into one of the rooms of Kamar Taj. Inside the room was the Ancient One who had a magical tome on one of her hands and she was intently looking at the Destroyer that was placed in the corner of the room. It seems that she was in deep thought and she hadn't realized that people already entered the room.

"Hey, Ancient One. You have been busy", Ethan said as he greeted the sorcerer supreme.

While both Kaecilius and Zhang Wei just slightly bowed their heads as a sign of greeting.

"Yes, actually. Most of my time has been spent studying the Destroyer. I have been fascinated at how Odin was able to use such an artifact", Ancient One said as she looks at the Destroyer once again.

"Anyways in using it?", Ethan asked.

"Odin was using his own magic to power the Destroyer thus making it more powerful than if he had used ordinary dimensional energy."

Ethan nodded in agreement at what the Ancient One was saying. The Destroyer wasn't powered with ordinary energy, no, the Destroyer was powered by the Odinforce itself. A mystical source of energy that only the Kings of Asgard could wield. This energy was so powerful that Odin was said to use this when he battled Surtur in the past, someone who easily defeated Hela and caused Ragnarok in canon.

"So that would mean that if I used dimensional energy, it won't be as powerful as it used to be?", Ethan asked.

"Yes, indeed that will happen", the Ancient One responded.

Ethan already kind of knew this, but he just wanted to see if the Ancient One has any more idea in utilizing the Destroyer. The thought of having a weaker Destroyer was just something Ethan did not want.

While the Ancient One, Ethan, and Kaecilius continued their conversation about the Destroyer,  Zhang Wei had never left his eyesight on the artifact. If only any of the three people paid close attention to him, then they would have realized the greedy glimmer in the young man's eyes.


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