High School of the Dead: Zombie World with a Gacha

Brand Mercer & Hollow II

Coming out to the streets, everything is just as I recall, a blue sky with white clouds. A different world, with the same parameters, this city is called Tokonotsu City and I live in an apartment in a prestigious area, not far from me is the Fujimi Academy where I'm supposed to attend and also, the Sarashiki Primary School where I had originally attended until a year ago.

The sakura trees indicated the spring as I walked around, attracting gazes. My looks were foreign. I was dressed in a simple white shirt with dark blue trousers and white trainers. With no objective in particular; I kept walking and asking Hollow some questions.

[The Gacha has three categories: Item, Weapon & Summon. the cost to pull a common gacha is 100 points, the cost to pull a rare one is 1.000 points and lastly, the cost to pull a godly one is 10.000 points]

"Summon?" It directly called my attention.

[It allows you to forcefully summon an individual from the flows of Causality... fate shall do its job and insert that individual in this world to assist you in your quest]

"I assume weapons and items... yeah, sounds logical. Then what is the difference in rank, could you give me an example between common and rare?"

[I'm afraid the options are nigh-infinite, every weapon in existence, every item in existence, every individual that has ever lived. It will depend on your luck what lot ends up being chosen, at first the lots will be displayed for you, and then... the Gacha shall pick up a random one based on your luck. The difference between common and rare would be like the difference between a common sword, a weapon capable of destroying a small building or a weapon capable of destroying a small town.]


"W-What?" I couldn't even believe it, does that mean I can get a nuke from this thing? wouldn't that kill me too!?

[I'm afraid the op-]

"You don't need to repeat the whole thing, I understand... just... destroy a whole building" I rubbed my temples, is this system sentient or not? Anyway, If such is the power of the 'rare' what is the power of the 'godly'?

I only have a thousand points.

"How can I obtain points?" This is my most important target, I need to amass as many as possible before everything starts.

[You can obtain them by eliminating the infected, simple alpha infected will give you two points each].

Tch! that's a problem... it means that I can't get any points until everything starts, I'm stuck with a thousand points, "What is an Alpha infected?"

[Then the time comes, you will know...]

Acting all cryptic now, I sighed and kept walking around, standing in front of a shop.

Should I draw a lot now? the common one costs a hundred points, which means right now I can pull ten times... or I could pull the rare one a single time.

If I choose a rare summon, wouldn't I get a person that can assist me and is powerful at the same time? but then... how could that person's behaviour be with me? I don't know... what would I do if I was suddenly summoned to assist someone with some unknown mission, would I assist them?

I'm also quite curious about what a 'rare' item could be... is it like some invaluable treasure? or something very dangerous that I won't be able to contain?

It is better if I don't summon anyone until I'm sure I can at least defend myself against that person.

'Should I enter a gym?' I know how to fight but this limb body is not going to help. I'm handsome but weak, that doesn't work.

Moving along the shops I reached a restaurant, Shizuka's sandwich wasn't near enough to fill my belly. My parents give me a monthly allowance of about two hundred thousand yen, which is about two thousand dollars, that's a lot of money to give to a scholar, but considering I have to cover Shizuka's expenses, then that somehow fair, she does work as well and we pay the expenses together.

The previous 'me' was also quite smart... he saved money and I have more than ten thousand dollars equivalent in savings, that was the only thing he was smart about because I can't believe he didn't fondle Shizuka's boobs even once. How can you sleep in the same bed with that woman and don't do at least that?

Discarding my perverted thoughts; I focused on an idea. "Hollow, scan this" I took out a ten thousand yen note from my wallet.

[Analizing paper...]

[Item: 10.000 Yen Bill, has been added to the shop, do you wish to inspect it?]

I nodded and the shop appeared before me.


*10.000 Yen - Prize: 1 gacha points.

So it is one point... I wonder if the cost is one point, or merely one point is the lowest anything can cost in the shop. If I scan any other bill regardless of value, material-wise they should cost the same. What should I do? there is something I want to test... but if I use one point, that is one gacha less, which would mean that I have 99 points available for shopping and 9 for Gacha. I believe the test is worth it.

[-1 Gacha points].

I bought one while walking down the streets and the bill materialised in my hand, much to my surprise... it materialised out of nowhere!

I inspected the two notes the original one and the 'fake' and it was just as I expected, the two of them have exactly the same identification number. If I were to go to the bank with this, it would be recognised as a fraudulent bill -if I were to hand them both together. However, individually they're still legit.

'What an interesting system~' If only I had such a thing back in my previous life how much easier everything would have been.

Sighing, I entered a supermarket to buy the groceries for the whole week, Shizuka's job but whatever... I will make sure to hug her tightly and fondle her a bit next time we sleep together.

Walking back home I thought about what I would do this time at school... my last life I was a hooligan, forming a gang and gaining the disgust of everyone at school, failing all my grades until eventually, I dropped out after selling enough drugs... I never consumed them myself, I thought it was not only a waste but seeing the condition of the people that I sold it to... those crackheads, I never thought of consuming it myself.

What a piece of shit, right? selling poison that I don't consume myself... but I needed money. This time I have more experience; I won't need to do it this time.

"Brand-kun..." I heard a voice behind me, turning around I saw a girl walking alongside several others, they all looked at me with a mild blush, I recognise them, they were from primary school, as for the girl in the middle.

"Yuuki-san... I thought you'd move out from Tokonotsu City?" I addressed her, looking her up and down, she had mild orange short hair, a light top that showcased her prominent cleavage and a skirt. Out of all the girls she was the one showing the most flesh, she also seemed to be the leader of the group.

Yuuki Miku smiled and approached me; when she tried to touch me, however, I moved aside... making her frown.

"What's wrong?" she asked me as if feeling insulted.

"Nothing... what do you need?" I answered her coldly, this girl... she's the sort that goes around jumping from boy to boy. She confessed to me once during primary school and I rejected her because she wasn't up to my liking. Back then she looked more like a 'nerd' than her current 'gyaru' persona. Not gonna lie, I liked her more as a nerd. I offered to become friends but this girl... she changed completely and kept jumping from boy to boy as if to spite me as if she thought I actually cared about her love life.

Directly on indirectly, she made me break up with several of my girlfriends, not all of them, but several. And she still has the gals to come and greet me as if we're friends?

"Why are you acting cold towards me? you're going to Fujimi Academy, right? I applied for it as well~" She ceased her insistence on trying to touch me and instead indicated to her friends to keep moving forward while she kept talking to me.

For god's sake... this type of girl is the one I hate the worst, she thinks she's up there, getting on with losers and believing she has the upper hand because she can manipulate them. That won't work with me.

"I see, then good luck and see you tomorrow..." I dismissed her immediately, but Yuuki pouted and stood up in front of me, stopping me from leaving.

"Let's talk, Brand-kun... I thought we were friends?"

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