High School of the Dead: Zombie World with a Gacha

Spiteful; Ludomania

I told her good luck and planned to be on my way. Even then, this girl still blocked my way, can't you see I'm carrying a bunch of heavy grocery bags!?

"You know, Brand-kun... I broke up with Himuro-kun, not too long ago..." She said as if I care, move!

"And?" I asked coldly, she didn't seem to like it. I saw how her hands clenched and she looked at me aggrieved.

"Why?" Yuuki asked.

"Why what, Yuuki?"

"Why do you ignore me, Brand-kun, could it be... do you have another girlfriend?! didn't you break up with Rika-chan?!" She frowned, looking at me with a gaze that I didn't like, I turned around and when she saw my change in demeanour, her confident and threatening gaze switched to one of apprehension.

"I have a girlfriend, but why do you care?"


"Y-You have?!"

I don't... Rika-chan had been my previous girlfriend but we merely broke up because she left town after finishing primary school. Maybe if I say this; she will stop with her nonsense. I don't like her, if she had a good personality, we could have been friends, hell... I could have even had her as my girlfriend if I grew to like her. But her personality is spiteful and toxic as hell, I want nothing to do with her.

Regardless of back then, or even now after my 'awakening' I don't like Yuuki Miku.

"Yes, I have... so stop bothering me, I hope you won't try to get close to me in Fujimi Academy, otherwise..." I sent a threatening glare and began walking away.

"..." From behind me I only heard silence and eventual steps, she left, but she won't give up, I'm sure... we have known each other for more than five years and for that long she hasn't stopped bothering me.

I walked back home, I know whatever I say is not going to stop her anyway; that girl is the obsessive type like my first girlfriend back in my previous life... after a long time of blackmailing her we began a relationship; she was good at everything, a good pawn, she fucked me good too in and out of school. But she was just a high school girl in the end, while my second woman, Claudia Vasquez, was an opulent businesswoman, sadly addicted to drugs but more so, someone I could use and she too would give me the time of my life.

Those days are over, but in the end, this is what I am.

The me from back then would have chosen Yuuki in a heartbeat; she looks wonderful and she's also the type that once you have gotten inside her -in many ways- will be loyal to you. But she's also the obsessive type, the moment I showed the slightest intention of leaving her, that girl would cut my dick and leave it in the middle of the classroom. We're not even together and she's already behaving like this.

If I tell her I have a girlfriend at least she will be distracted looking for someone that doesn't exist.



I reached home and placed all the groceries in their place, I went only to look for some local gym and bought a cheap subscription, I have a year to prepare... it should be enough. I looked for a place that had some sort of dojo as well, in my past life I didn't learn any martial style, my fighting style was that of the streets, smash up anyone that fucks with you, that's all... but that wasn't enough to protect me at all times, let alone in that world. In this world where hostility shall reach its peak, I need more than just street fighting to protect myself.

'Will I try to protect Shizuka?'

I think it is better if I leave her at some safe place when things start... that girl, she is definitely not the fighting type... moreover with such a seductive body... I can't even begin to imagine how rabid those bastards will be when they see her, she's going to be like a hot potato.

Maybe I'm thinking ahead of myself... perhaps things won't get that bad.

"Hollow, I want to drag a Gacha" it is time for me to test this thing and see if my luck is still active.

[Specify the type and rank, Brand].

"I want to draw an Items Gacha, rarity common..." I stated confidently, expecting something useful, it is a test but I'd rather not waste a gacha in any case.

[Are you sure you want to spend a hundred points on this?]

"Yes, I'm sure..." I trust my luck more than anything else in this life, even my charm I don't trust this much.

[-100 Gacha points]

[Defining items...]


[1. Spoon]

[2. Lighter]

[3. Wheel]

[4. Bandage]

[5. Landmine]

I see so the system will first choose an assortment of items from which the Gacha will roll, Hollow told me that the items available are basically everything that exists, which means the possibilities are endless, I don't know if I like this... if something that I don't like ends up coming out-

'Oh?! A landmine? a landmine would be so useful!'

[Drawing Gacha...]

[Congratulations, you have received a spoon].




This is not possible, this is not possible!

"Hey, Hollow... draw another one!"

[Are you su-]


[-100 Gacha points]

[Defining items...]


[1. Lantern]

[2. Bear Trap]

[3. Pump]

[4. Dildo]

[5. Molotov]

"The moloto-!"

[Drawing Gacha...]

[Congratulations, you have received a Dildo].


The dildo appeared in my hands together with the spoon and I threw them away, disgusted!

I flipped the table in outrage too... two gachas, I just spent two hundred coins out of the nine hundred that I had. And in the two ends, I received something completely useless!

"Hollow... one last time, this time weapons." It would be foolish for me to try an item again.

[Are you su-]

"Don't ask me this again...!" I yelled at it like a proper Ludomaniac.

[Understood... play safely, Brand].

[-100 Gacha points]

[Defining items...]


[1. Combat Knife]

[2. Crossbow]

[3. Odachi Sword]

[4. Metallic Dildo]

[5. Glock 17]

"Why the fuck is the Dildo here as well?! I swear if I get that shit..." I was about to curse, everything else was useful except for the bloody dildo, if I got it again, I would lose it.

[Congratulations, you have received a Crossbow - Excalibur TwinStrike]


My eyes literally watered as I kicked the bloody dildo away and held this weapon in my arms, falling to my knees and embracing it, it is a crossbow! moreover such an advanced one too! it is not the best of weapons compared to a rifle but at least I can defend myself with it. There are two arrows in the magazine.

"Hollow, analyse it".



*10.000 Yen bill: Prize - 1 gacha point.

*Dildo: Prize - 12 gacha points.

*Spoon: Prize - 3 gacha points.

*Crossbow TwinStrike - 150 gacha points.

*Crossbow Arrow - 2 gacha points.

"Show me my stats".


[Name: Brand Mercer].

[Age: 17].

[Gacha Points: 699]

[Skills: None].

[Powers: None].


*Crossbow Excalibur TwinStrike.

*10.000 Yen Bill.





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