Hogwarts: Era of Darkness

Chapter 65 – The Return


I couldn't help but let out a sigh. I was sitting in the old Divination Classroom, which was so empty without him… Looking out the window, I was hoping to catch a glimpse of him, but nothing… In the past months, I expected to see him appear in the Common Room one day, but no… nothing. We were already getting ready to end the year; it was getting hot, and I was starting to really worry.


While I was thinking about what to do, I could swear I noticed something… It was a dot on the horizon, coming toward the castle… At first, I thought it to be a bird, but watching it bobbing up and down, it should have been a very drunk one then. No, that wasn't a bird! That was a broom… Nobody would dare to come in on a broom just like that, and it was only allowed for others to ride one around the quidditch field! I don't know why, but my heart lept to my throat, and before another thought, I opened the window, turning into an owl, flying out in a hurry.

Since being able to transform, my eyes were just as sharp as in my animagi-form, and I wasn't mistaken; it WAS Conrad! But he looked horrible! When I arrived, I almost crashed into him, and he didn't notice me at all! Circling around him, I quickly realized that he was unconscious... His eyes were... blank. Dull. He was in a horrible state! His gaze was empty and expressionless, murmuring something while steering the broom in his subconscious state, following the wind like a bird would. I was afraid to disturb him; what if he fell? Damn it! What did they do to you?! Was this the effect of the Imperius Curse? Then why does he look like he was beaten to death?! He even lost a lot of weight! What did they do to him!? I will kill all of them!


I couldn't help but curse myself as my angry exclamations came out as loud hooting noises, and I could see two brooms lifting up from the castle's grounds… I had to go before they discovered me… I had no other choice but to leave after I made sure that the two who were coming were the Headmaster and Professor Slughorn. Zooming back towards the North Tower, I hurriedly transformed back, running down the stairs and corridors, heading straight towards the Hospital wing just to be stopped by Professor Lockhart.

"Wait there, Missy!" He smiled jovially, pulling me back by the shoulders. "He is being cared for! You will wait here with me, okay? I was told to not let anyone, especially you, in!"

"But he… he is my husband!"

"Ahaha, yes, yes, yes, we all heard, but both of you are kids, so no, he is not yet your husband! Anyway! For now, be patient and come with me! We are going to have tea, eat some biscuits, and I tell you about one of my adventures!"

"Nobody cares about your fake stories, you big phony! Let me in, or I will curse you and all your future children!"

"Oh boy… Conrad's work will be cut out for him, won't it? Tsk, tsk, tsk!" He wiggled his stupid head like a pigeon. "It is the Headmaster's orders! If you waited for a few months, this should be nothing, right?"


"Okay, you don't need to come with me, but at least sit?" And with that, he conjured two chairs out of nowhere… "Thank you!" He exclaimed when I stopped struggling.

I sat down not because I wanted to but because I realized the door was magically sealed. Whatever was happening in there was to be kept between those who were inside. Well… I won't move from here! The moment someone comes out, I'm going in!


When I returned to consciousness, I wasn't sure if what I had gone through was real or not. Did I die? Well… the fact that I felt tired and hurting all over told me, no, I did not die. Then that could only mean I arrived back and in time nonetheless. Finally… Even though I don't know how I managed it… I blanked out some time ago...


I tried to sit up, but my body was heavy, and when I lifted the covers, I knew why… Quincy was lying on me, sleeping on my chest and hugging my body with her hands and legs. She looked more cute than I remembered. Gently stroking her head, she managed to wake up, and with a sharp cry, she hurriedly climbed off me, helping me up into a sitting position.

"Sorry, Sorry! Did it hurt? I didn't realize I was sleeping on you; I-" I silenced her with a gentle kiss on the lips, something that I did dream about while stranded in that unholy place.

"It's alright… You could have stayed on me; you are not heavy."

"Were you… tortured?" She asked, her voice going low and worried, climbing back to bed with me, hugging me close.

"Not really," I answered, tilting my head. It was torturous, but it was not really torture. Well… it depends on how you look at it.

"But your body!" She argued immediately.

True. Looking down, I could see into my loosely buttoned-up shirt, watching my body, knowing that my chest, sides, and probably my back were filled with different cuts or scratches, none healed up fully. Not that they would be, I assume, as many were caused by magic or magical beings.

"I was lost in a literally unplottable place." I started explaining, describing to her how it looked, what I had to do, and why. At least, going by Lord Voldemort's explanation. It was good to see her eyes moving, almost making me hear how the gears were turning in her head… it was good to be back.

"So the road back was… hard?" She asked while I skipped through some of the embarrassing parts. Like eating whatever I found on the way… trying to collect rainwater, or fighting against some overgrown, lizard-like beasts. With how low I was on magic, it was a chore, and their claws or sharp tails injured me more than once. If not for the fact that because of my blood and its scent kept most beasts away, I think I would be sleeping in the stomach of something way bigger than me.

"The hardest part was getting out from that place!" I shrugged, taking a deep breath, "Even though I could point out where North was, traveling was confusing! I think I was flying in a circle for a month before I finally realized I was going around! When I say it was unplottable, I mean it! I will be honest with you… I gave up finding my way out; I just sat on the broom and decided to go straight forward and think about nothing. Then… I woke up here."

"I don't care how you got out, I only care about you being back!" She exclaimed, hugging me close... And I never before felt so relieved and happy… it was good to be back.

"I think he is using you…"

"I gathered that much," I replied, stroking her hair and enjoying the sweet scent I missed all these months.

"What he told you is the basics and nothing more. Think about the trials he put you through! First, the Imperius curse! This means it will be used in the tournament!"

"It will be a potent weapon to interfere with the others, for sure. To resist it will be a great boon; I am not denying that!"

"Then there was the platform puzzle…"

"Puzzle?" I chuckled, "If that is a puzzle, I don't want to know what a deathtrap is!"

"Y-you know what I meant!" She pouted before continuing, "It helped you master your spells and practice wordless casting! You were trained to be quick and efficient, to use spells by reflex, summon the right ones on instinct, and react to incoming dangers! In a duel to the death, the fastest wizard wins!"

"So… there will be fighting? I guess?"

"More likely, there will be chaos and… free-for-all! Chaotic action, or something even worse and more dangerous! You can't give up practicing throughout the summer!"

"Woah, woah, my dear wife! At least… let me rest a little, okay? I had enough practice!"

"Y-yes, of course… but it will be dangerous!" She answered with a deep blush, kissing my face before getting out of bed. "I will bring you something to eat!"

"Thank you…"


I had never seen her giggle so happily before, skipping away and leaving the door wide open. She arrived only fifteen minutes later, bringing in multiple trays floating behind her, and it looked like she brought food to feed a whole quidditch team! But… seeing how loudly my stomach rumbled the moment I caught a whiff of the food… I wasn't complaining. She only grinned while seeing me gorge on the mouth-watering meal, and I think both of us knew everything was back in order.

"I also thought about your last trial." She spoke up while I was munching on a chicken drumstick. "There ought to be something that will take place in… somewhere where you won't be able to navigate or… something like that..."

"We can look that up later, but right now… let me rest!" I smiled, enjoying my meal and the fact that I was in a soft bed.

"Yes! While you rest, I will look up more about the previous Triwziward Tournaments!" She smiled like an angel, sitting on the edge of my bed, and if this is what it feels like to be married… I pity my Father; he had to marry someone like my Mother… No. I should pity my Mother as I know that if anyone asked if I would die for Quincy, I would say yes… and I knew that Father would not say the same about her.

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