Hogwarts: Era of Darkness

Chapter 66 – End of the Second Year (End of Volume II)

"Was this a wise decision?" Slughorn asked, sitting in the office of Snape while the Headmaster was looking out of the window, watching the full moon high up in the sky.

Their meeting happened right after Conrad had returned, unconscious, and they brought him into the Hospital Wing. Everything was sealed at once because Slughorn used a potion to force down his throat, making him drink it in his delirious state and retell everything that happened to him. Because Conrad's defenses were virtually null at that point, his mind recalled everything he went through, down to the most minute detail. Thanks to his improved bloodline and memory, he painted a much more vivid image than any of the two expected. When they no longer could learn anything new, they made sure he was healed to the best of their abilities and finally left, letting Quincy come in and leave the two to their own.

"It was. We already learned something we didn't know."

Of course, Snape wasn't talking about the Triwizard Tournament. That was already known to the participating countries' leaders since a year ago when it was decided to be brought back. It shook up the wizarding community's elite as since Voldemort took over Britain, his rule was viewed with mixed emotions. Some parts of other wizarding nations supported him, feeling their community needed someone like him. Someone with power, a vivid goal, and someone who isn't afraid to say what so many wizards and witches thought: They are special.

His greatest supporters rose up in the north and eastern parts of the European Continent, while his most significant opposition formed around the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, encompassing most of Central Europe's wizarding communities. Then there were those who remained watchful, refusing to state their stance, still feeling the scars from the era of Gellert Grindelwald. Many of those who openly oppose Voldemort's rule call him the second Grindelwald and accuse the fence-sitters of letting him do whatever he wants in Britain, something that would surely spread further away if not stopped… While others call the opposing voices the ones who want to instigate another bloody conflict.

"If we are not careful, this could turn into a second Global Wizarding War," Slughorn spoke up, breaking the silence, and Snape simply turned away from the window, walking back to his chair.

"Maybe it will. Maybe it is already happened. In the past 40 years, HE has been raising an army that HE used to take control of our world. Now, HE is looking out towards the continent and beyond, building an army from the younger generations. HIS plans are not made for a year… or five years. Or ten. They are made for generations. Sooner or later, HE will focus on expanding his rule over every facet of a wizard's life!"

"Well… I will not see that come to fruition… I am already old!" Slughorn chuckled, sighing a little afterward.

"It is best if nobody sees that, and we end it before it has a chance to bloom. That is why HE is so adamant in getting to Dumbledore!" Snape groaned, rubbing his forehead, "HE may have puppets, spies, and followers in other areas of the continent, but HE doesn't have allies."

"What about Karkaroff? Isn't that what we learned?"

"No, we knew about it for a long time by now. We have plans if he finally starts to act to ensure Karkaroff can't leave Durmstrang and its influence or risk losing it. Not everyone is on their side in their countries, either! The new thing we learned is that HE knows that Dumbledore IS in France."

"He is?" Slughorn asked, surprised as he was never told that.

"Nicolas Flamel, the Headmaster of Beauxbatons, is a good friend of his… maybe someone who Dumbledore would call a mentor. He helped him against Grindelwald, and when he was ousted from here, he helped him again. Even became the Headmaster of the Beauxbatons to be able to give all of his support to Dumbledore under the table."

"Then…!" Slughorn went stiff, realizing something.

"Voldemort's real goal is not really to draw out Dumbledore." Snape nodded.

"That is very much a possibility."

The new voice, appearing out of nowhere, almost scared Slughorn to death. He knew that voice… it was Dumbledore's! But… that can't be, he can't be here, that would be foolish beyond belief.

"You heard everything?" Snape asked, placing a chocolate-frog card on the table with Albus Dumbledore's image coming into the frame.

"Yes. I also received your message. I already had the idea of this being the case. When the talks about revitalizing the tournament came up, it was either a trap set up for me or for Nicolas. Or for both of us. It is customary for Headmasters to attend, and Nicolas being the head of Beauxbatons… you can guess the rest."

"But Albus!" Slughorn leaned forward, whispering, afraid of being overheard, "He can't think that Nicolas Flamel would be so trusting that he brings the stone with him!"

"No, I don't think so either." Dumbledore agreed with a placid smile, "I think he will try to either kidnap him, force him to tell how to make one or ask for it in exchange for Flamel's life. Or maybe simply dig into his mind and find it for himself."

"Then why attend?"

"Because we are confident in walking into the snake's nest." Dumbledore chuckled again, his image on the small card turning towards Snape.

"Are the preparations ready, Severus?"

"Ready as they can be." He nodded firmly, "If he acts, we can respond… but that will also trigger the other communities and probably ignite what Horace is worried about."

"Oh Merlin's beard… I am too old for this…" Slughorn shrugged, wiping his sweaty forehead with a napkin.

"I thought you yearned to be free from your Hogwarts prison, old friend?" Dumbledore whispered, looking at the slightly panicking potion master.

“I am, I am but… haah… Life is not that hard here… Not counting… you know what….”

"Always the ever so conformist! Well… This kid, Conrad, yes? Support him and try to steer him well."

"Should we invite him in?" Snape asked, and Dumbledore fell silent for a long time before answering.

"No. A child's mind is easier to probe. HE suspects Angus, which is why HE tries to get to him through his kid. HE always chooses the paths that have the least resistance in them. But this can also used to advantage… we just need to turn the kid to our side... more naturally."

"Ablus, you can't mean…" Slughorn asked, his hands a bit shaky.

"Start the transport and get Neville out of the country!" Dumbledore continued, ignoring Slughorn. "Use our connections and underground forces to do so, then tell Angus Anguine to get ready to act!"

"Yes." Snape nodded, and the image of Dumbledore walked out of the card, waiting for no questions to be asked.

"Are you… Are we going to sacrifice the Anguine family? Just like that? Weren't they loyal to the core of our cause?!" Slughorn asked, going white, and he couldn't help but think of the two youngsters that he really started to fancy… even like them. Since his imprisonment here, most of her students were more like Draco, and their pride overshadowed their talent. Quincy was a rare gift, and he really liked her talent and attitude… While Conrad was not as shining of a genius as Quincy, at least in his eyes, he still appreciated the boy and his apparent backbone and loyalty.

"Angus has just as a deep grudge against Voldemort as I do," Snape answered with closed eyes, leaning back in his chair. "Death Eaters killed his only love when they were teens because she was a mudblood. Because his family erred, the same sentence was carried out on his parents, and only Angus was spared because he renounced everything."

"He did?" Slughorn gaped, hearing this for the first time.

"It wasn't publicized because Angus showed ample proof of relinquishing everything; HE decided that the problem was dealt with and all is well."

"What did he do…? I mean… Angus… What did he do to convince HIM of his loyalty?"

"Something bad," Snape whispered, and his voice was filled with pain and sympathy. "But he did it because their death was inevitable… and if he also died, who would take revenge for all of their unjust fate? He has been preparing for this in the past 25 years! Nobody, not even him, expected that his protective charm would fail and gift him with a son. That was the only slipup he made since being an agent for us."

"The kid… was a mistake?"

"Yes." Snape smiled more because of how weirdly fate plays its cards and not because he found the situation funny. "But we talked enough; there are things not for you to know about!"

"Yes… yes… haahh… I hate this part..." Slughorn slowly raised his wand, taking out his memories of the past day, all related to Conrad's 'interrogation' and the previous talk they just had, placing it into a bottle, doing it automatically and with a blank look. The Headmaster simply took it away, storing it safely as it was only returned to the Professor when they needed him to remember it.

"Time has flown away!" Snape spoke up, jolting Slughorn back, not letting him ask questions about why there were holes in his memory now. "It is time to go to sleep!"

"Y-yes… yes."

"Horace," He called after him when he reached the door, "Don't grow too attached to the students. Or they will be your weaknesses that HE will use against you."


Horace Slughorn opened his mouth to say something but remained silent in the end, leaving the Headmaster's office, slowly waddling down the spiral staircase, finding it strange that he felt his stomach so contracted… so nervous. What were they talking about, and why wasn't he remembering any of it?


Sitting on the train, heading back home, was a feeling that brought calm to my mind. It was already hot, and after getting out of the school uniform, I folded up my shirt sleeves before pulling down the window in our compartment.

"Did it hurt?" Quincy asked, looking at my tattoo, the pitch-black mark of being a Death Eater.

"Yeah. I don't really know what its use is. I only know that he can call upon us with this… and that I would be glared upon by any muggles because of it. Does it disturb you?"

"Hmph! No!" She replied as if I asked something really nasty, "Why would it? I don't care about your scars nor about that thing!"

"Glad to hear~!"

"Conrad… did you think about doing it again?"


"Idiot!" She blushed, playfully kicking my shin while sitting opposite of me. "I am talking about the Animagi Ritual! I have everything ready!"

"Oh! Yeah, I was thinking about it! Hopefully, it will go well!"

"Good, because we should start now!" And with that, she gave me a leaf that I promptly put under my tongue. "We will do it this time! I will make sure of it!"

"I missed you…" I whispered, which, once again, turned her face even redder than before, but seeing the joy in her eyes made me just as happy.

There is nothing more I could wish for, and now that Quincy was part of our family, officially… I wasn't even afraid of next year's tournament!

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