Hogwarts: Past Life Exposed, I Am The Supreme Wizard

Chapter 88: Luna Takes The Initiative! The Passion Herbal Tea Is Given Away!

Outside the gate, Thames waited nervously.

Outside the door is an unknown and dangerous time-space turbulence.

He felt the pressure from the unknown, which seemed to swallow him up and make him unable to breathe.

When the pressure door slowly opened again, countless flickering turbulences of time rushed towards Thamus like a violent flood~.

They were like twisted snakes, dancing crazily around him, as if they were trying to twist him into strips of flesh.

Thames felt as if his body was being pulled by countless forces. He tried hard to maintain balance and not let himself get lost in this force.

The wizards watched this scene nervously, their eyes full of worry. However, seeing that Thamus was not cut into strips by the turbulent flow of time, their hearts relaxed a little.

They knew that Anton's first step had been successful.

Outside the gate, Anton was holding a device and patiently guiding Tams.

"Yes, that's it, take your time step by step."

He encouraged Thamus and told him not to rush for success.

The turbulence of time and space kept impacting Thamus, and he kept cheering himself up.

"Come on, come on, Thames, you can do it."

"Go outside slowly first."

Anton warned again.

He knew that Thames had to walk out of this door carefully, making no mistakes at every step.

This is a part that Thamus has not done in all previous time streams.

Tams took a deep breath, and then cautiously moved outside.

Every step he took was full of caution, as if he was crossing an invisible threshold. His heartbeat kept echoing and roaring in the room.

The sound of heartbeat filled the room, making the wizards fearful for him.

But Thames still walked towards the outside, step by step, he walked steadily. As his steps gradually stabilized, Thames gradually walked out of the door.

Countless flashing timelines outside the door are intertwined to form a complex and beautiful pattern.

Thames exclaimed softly.

"What a nice view."

The wizards breathed a sigh of relief. If nothing unexpected happened, Anton's experiment would finally be successful.

[ Harry: Poor guy, I really hope he doesn’t know that he has been made into meat sticks one hundred and three thousand six hundred and twenty-one times. 】

[Ronald: Wow, you have a good memory. Harry, I just watched him walk in, forgetting that he has failed so many times. 】

[ Harry: It seems that the source lies in the system. Anton has done a good job. 】

[ McGonagall: When he wins, I will hold a banquet at Hogwarts with champagne. Although this man has made mistakes, he is also a brave man. 】

[Flitwick: I couldn't agree more with this. He is truly brave. 】

[ Flitwick: Wait, did Anton do this kind of thing once when he dealt with that Dormammu? 】

[Sirius: Oh? Is there such a thing? 】

[ McGonagall: That's another heroic story. 】

The turbulence of time and space was like a wild and angry tide, mercilessly beating Thales's protective suit, making a deafening roar.

However, this brave explorer had no intention of backing down. His eyes were firm and his steps were steady.

Encouraged by the voices of wizards, he held the receiver carefully improved by Anton and moved forward resolutely.

In the room, the tense atmosphere almost solidified in the air.

Everyone nervously stared at the monitoring screen, clasped their hands, and silently prayed for Thales in their hearts.

Obi's voice echoed in the empty room, cheering for every step of Thales:

"Come on, come on!" This short but powerful cry seemed to give Thales endless strength.

As the sound of refueling grew louder, Thales finally walked to the launcher.

He took a deep breath, held the receiver tightly, and carefully placed it on the transmitter.

At this moment, the whole world seemed to have stopped.

Immediately afterwards, a dazzling light burst out from the receiver and resonated strongly with the transmitter.

Success! The first step, they succeeded! The joy and excitement of this moment cannot be expressed in words. A relieved smile appeared on Taylor's face.

In the live broadcast room, the wizards cheered and celebrated this historic moment.

You know, in order to accomplish this thing, Anton traveled through time a hundred thousand times, and Thales also became a piece of meat a hundred thousand times.

But now, watching the receiver emit a green light that was working well, they suddenly felt that everything was worth it.

In the boundless turbulence of time and space, the huge receiver is like a lonely ship, spinning helplessly.

Thames was among them, wearing heavy protective clothing, with sweat and nervousness intertwined on his forehead.

He stared at Anton with his eyes widened, looking forward to the next instruction.

"What to do next?"

There was a trace of trembling in Tams's voice, and his voice echoed inside the empty receiver, making it particularly loud.

Anton calmly pointed to a green button on the receiver and ordered:

"Press the green button."

Tams took a deep breath, knowing that this decision was related to the fate of all of them.

He no longer hesitated, and slammed his clenched fist toward the green button.

At this moment, his heartbeat seemed to be in sync with the rhythm of the entire universe.

There was a "click".

The button was successfully pressed. A dazzling light burst out from the receiver, like an arrow of hope, cutting through the dark, intricate turbulence of time like a spider web.

The light is so bright that it lights up the entire universe.


Thames' voice was full of joy and pride. They succeeded, they successfully conquered the turbulence of time and space!

The wizards all burst into cheers. They had seen Anton's previous life so many times, but they had never felt happier than this time.

This time, their hanging hearts were immediately relieved!

Even Grindelwald, who has always been taciturn, is extremely talkative.

[Grindelwald: It’s great that Anton has a team, a group of friends, and a strong organization to accomplish such a thing. 】

[Grindelwald: I seem to understand why I failed at that time. 】

[Newt: It’s better not to understand this. 】

[Ronald: We won!!!! This cheer is for Anton!]

[Ronald: Long live!!!]

[ Harry: It’s not easy! It’s not easy for either Mr. Thames or Anton. 】

[ Harry: After struggling so many times and reversing so many times, I finally succeeded. 】

[McGonagall: I have asked the elves to prepare the food, and now a party is being held in the banquet hall! 】

【Dumbledore: To victory! 】

[Newt: Wait, what if Mr. Thames turns into a stick of meat on the way back?]

[Ronald: It’s okay, time has been saved anyway. 】

[twenty four:.......]

everything's ready.

The laboratory was silent, and Anton's eyes shone with anticipation.

He stared nervously at the space-time door in front of him, as if waiting for some important moment.

The transmitter was not damaged, and the light it emitted seemed to illuminate the entire night sky.

Anton urgently ordered:

"Now, come back quickly!"

Thames, a former rugby player, was like a cheetah at this moment, with his muscles all tense and ready to sprint.

He quickly adjusted his condition and flew towards the space-time gate with the speed that he once galloped on the court.

Although the turbulence of time is still impacting him, trying to pull him into endless chaos, Thamus is not afraid. He relied on his extraordinary perseverance and physical strength to push back the turbulent flow of time.

Every step he takes is like fighting against time, and every breath he takes is like fighting against time.

Finally, at the last moment, Thamus rushed into the space-time gate like lightning.

His figure appeared on the other side of the door, safely back in the laboratory.

At the door, Obi's eyes were full of surprise and excitement.

He first glanced at the readings, and then shouted in surprise:

"Wait, the receiver is working! We made it!"

When the detectives heard the news, they immediately gathered around.

They surrounded Dr. Thames tightly, cheering and applauding one after another.

Obi was so excited that tears filled his eyes, and he choked with sobs:

"We did it, Mr. Anton, we did it."

Dr. Thames stood among the crowd, with a proud and satisfied smile on his face.

But soon, his originally calm expression became serious.

He walked quickly to the precision instrument, his eyes full of doubts.

Thamus stared closely at the dial. The time displayed on it was still increasing, as if countless timelines were intertwining and colliding. The timeline that was already firmly controlled by the Lord is once again in danger.

Obi stood aside, a little confused.

He asked in confusion: "Wait a minute, sir, he has obviously improved the processing capacity, and he has enlarged the control of the timeline ten times! Why did something happen in such a short time?"

Tams shook his head and did not answer immediately.

He took a deep breath and glanced at the time network outside, as if he saw endless branches of time and the intricate structure of the universe. He covered his face in pain.

"I understand, I understand."

Thamus muttered.

His voice seemed a little weak, "This is really a terrible disaster."

Obi was even more confused. He didn't understand what Thames had seen and why he was so desperate.

He couldn't help but ask: "But, I don't understand, Mr. Thames. Can you explain what is going on?"

Tams raised his head and explained:

"Imagine that each time branch is actually like a world trunk, they are independent but intertwined.

"And every time branch will give birth to a branch line, and these branches will continue to derive more branch lines, endless and irresistible. Such a process will give birth to infinite time and infinite universe.

He paused, as if searching for the right words to express his thoughts.

Then he continued: "This is like an uncontrollable explosion. The branches of time are constantly increasing, and they are intertwined to form a complex network. And we tried to control this network, but found that no matter how hard we tried, we could not Completely grasp its complexity.”

…………Please give me flowers………………

Obi couldn't help but feel shocked as he listened to Temus' explanation.

He realized the problem was far more serious than they imagined.

Tams covered his face in pain. He knew that the number of time branches had become uncontrollable, and it would continue to grow.

"There is no other way, there are too many time branches."

Tams's voice was filled with helplessness and despair.

Obi stood aside, silent.


For a moment, the wizards were confused.

I originally thought that there would be no reversal, but in the end, the reversal came anyway.

But now, the wizards in the live broadcast room are quite calm, not because they feel numb because they have seen many such accidents.

It's because they know that as long as Anton, the God of Story, is around, they can lock the timeline within a certain range.

As long as Anton doesn't have any problems, they don't have to worry about time.

On the screen, Anton sighed.

Suddenly, he walked to the side, concentrated his attention, and began to rewrite time.

His expression was extremely relaxed, as if he had found a way to break the flow of time.

The wizards were just concentrating.

At this point, the system is suspended again.

[Q&A begins]

[The ontology is an open question and there is no fixed answer.

【Excuse me, what would Anton do?】

In the gorgeous lounge of Gryffindor, the wizards were sighing like dark clouds.

They thought the plan was flawless, but reality cruelly gave them a loud slap in the face again.

This time, the situation is so serious that it is almost irreversible.

Ronald patted Harry's shoulder, intending to comfort his brother-in-law friend.

However, Harry didn't say anything. He stared at the place where Anton had been. There was no one there at the moment.

"Where's Anton?"

Harry asked confused.

Ronald shrugged and guessed:

"Probably going to have dinner. Didn't Professor McGonagall just say there was food?"

Harry shook his head, his brows full of worry:

"I also want to ask how he is doing."

"Unless it's God, there's no way to solve that situation."

They both sighed at the same time.

The two of them knew very well that the existence of this time and space was entirely dependent on Anton's support. They can only maintain the status quo, and if Anton is slightly negligent, they will turn into


This helplessness made Ronald feel so bad that he wrote a line on the screen:

"Anton will protect them from death, but that's all." After finishing writing, he couldn't help but sigh.

"Well, Harry, sometimes I really envy the brains of Anton and Mr. Dumbledore."

Ronald sighed,

"You know, I don't envy them for their new wands and nice robes."

"But, they always have a way to face this kind of thing."

"It would be great if I could think of a good way.

Ronald's voice was full of helplessness.

"At least you can help your friends, or become a real hero.

Harry sighed:

"We are brothers, Harry."

Suddenly, Ronald remembered his Potions homework, and he jumped up:

"By the way, have you done your homework for Potions class? If you haven't done it, Professor Snepp will probably deduct negative points from our college!"

After being reminded by Ronald, Harry immediately started to move.

While the two were writing their homework, they were thinking seriously about whether anyone could really solve this crisis.

In the corridor, Luna stirred the herbal tea in her hand and carefully put the "drug for making friends" in it.

She didn't see much of what was on the screen.

From the corridor to outside the Gryffindor's lounge, she kept cheering herself up.

"Be brave, be brave."

"Be brave like Sylvie."

As soon as she went out, she and Anton pretended to be in love.

Luna's face suddenly turned red, but not because of shyness, but because of excitement.

What luck!

"Mr. Anton!"

"This is."

She didn't speak, and handed her herbal tea with both hands.

Anton moved his fingers, and the herbal tea automatically floated from mid-air to Anton.

The love potion has a light red color and an alluring fragrant taste.

Anton calmly drank the herbal tea in one gulp.



Putting aside the effect, it is indeed not unpleasant to drink.

Seeing Anton drink, Lu's expression suddenly lit up.

"Mr. Anton, I, I want to be friends with you!"


Seeing Anton answering so simply, I was stunned.

"Ah? That's it?"

"You don't need us to go through life and death together, deal with a troll or a dragon or something?"

Anton smiled slightly. Obviously, Zhan Na was influenced by Sylvie a lot.

He said softly in Luna's ear:


"As long as you don't give me any more love potions."

Luna was stunned. .

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